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Chapter 6 part 3

Renal failure

Acute renal failure Is sudden and severe reduction in renal function resulting in a collection of metabolic waste in the body
Chronic kidney disease Unlike acute renal failure is a progressive Irreversible loss of renal function and onset of uremia
End stage renal disease Is what chronic renal failure is called when kidney function is too poor to sustain life
Cystectomy Excision of the bladder
Cystolithotomy Incision into the bladder to remove stone (s)
Cystorrhaphy Suturing the bladder
Cystostomy Creation of an artificial opening into the bladder
Cystotomy or vesicotomy Incision of the bladder
Lithotripsy Surgical crushing of stone (s)
Meatotomy Incision of the meatus
Nephrectomy Excision of the kidney
Nephrolithotomy Incision of the kidney to remove stone (s)
Nephrolysis Separating the kidney (from other body structures)
Nephropexy Surgical fixation of the kidney
Neprostomy Creation of an artificial opening into the kidney
Pyelolithotomy Incision into the renal pelvis to remove stone (s)
Pyeloplasty Surgical repair of the renal pelvis
Ureterctomy Excision of the ureter
Ureterostomy Creation of an artificial opening into the urter
Urethroplasty Surgical repair of the urethra
Vesiccourethral suspension Suspension pertaining to the bladder and urethra
Extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy Noninvasive surgical procedure to crush stone (s) in the kidney or ureter by admistration of repeated shockwaves
Fulguration Destruction of living tissue with electric spark (a method commonly used to destroy bladder growths)
Renal transplant Surgical implantation of a donor kidney into patient with inadequate renal function
Cystogram Radiographic image of the bladder
Cystography Radiographic imaging of the bladder
Intavenous urogram Radio graphic image of the urinary tract Also called intravenous pyelogram
Nephrography Radiographic image of the kidney
Nephrosonography Process of recording the kidney using sound
Nephrotomogram Sectional radiographic image of the kidney
Renogram Radiographic record of the kidney (a nuclear medication test used to evaluate kidney function)
Ruetograde urogram Radiographic images of the urinary tract
Voiding cytourthrography Radiographic imaging of the bladder and the urethra
Cystoscope Instrument used for visual examination of the bladder
Cystsocopy Visual examination of the bladder
Nephroscopy Visual examination of a kidney
Ureteroscopy Visual examining of the ureter
Urethroscope Instrument used for visual examination of the urethra
K U B kidney ureter and bladder Simple radiographic image of the abdomen to see size shape and location of the kidney bladder or ureter also called flat plate of the abdomen
Blood urea nitrogen Blood test that measures the amount of urea in the blood
Creatinine Blood test that measures the amount of creatinine in the blood
Specific gravity Test performed on urine staple to measure the concrentration or diluting ability of the kidneys
Urinalysis Multiple routine tests performed on a urine stample
albuminuria albumin in the urine (important protein in the blood however when found in urine it indicates a kidney problem
anuria absence of urine unable to urinate
diuresis condition of urine passing through excretion of urine
dysuria difficult or painful urination
glycosuria sugar in the urine
hematuria blood in the urine
meatal pertaining to the meatus
nephrology study of the kidney
nephrologist physician who studies and treats diseases of the kidney
catheter flexible tubelike device such as a urinary catheter for withdrawing or instilling fluids
distended stretched out filled with urine
enuresis involuntary urination
hemodialysis procedure for removing impurities from the blood because of an inablity of the kidneys to do so
incontinence inability to control the bladder and or bowels
micturate to urinate or void
Created by: Jenfaith
Popular Medical sets




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