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Unit 1 Vocab APUSH

Ap US History Vocab Unit 1

Great Basin area between Rocky Mountains in east and Sierra Nevada in west (present-day area around Utah and Nevada)
Pueblo Indian tribe of southwest; focused on maize (corn cultivation)
Chinook Indian tribe of northwest; sedentary; hunting, fishing, foraging
Sioux Indian confederation of Great Basin and Great Plains; migratory due to lack of resources; chased buffalo
iroquois indian tribe of north east; cultivated crops and migratory
mestizo mix of indian and european
zambo mix of indian and african
columbian exchange exchange of animals, plants, cultures, populations, diseases, etc. between Europe and the americas after 1492
joint stock company company in which different amounts ( stakes) can be bought of a company; you receive profits in relation to your stake
sextant instrument used to measure latitude
Juan de Sepulveda Spanish humanist that claimed Indians were natural slaves in Valladolid debate; Indians were "as children to parents, as women to men" as thus inferior
Bartolome de las casas spanish humanist that claimed indians were created in God's image, and thus should not be enslaved; he said "All the people's of the world are men and thus possess natural rights, including the right to liberty."
valladolid debate debate over treatment of indians between sepulveda and las casas in early 1500s
pueblo revolt example of how indians strove to maintain independence in face of european subjugation; led by Pope, it was revolt against Spanish and the catholicism
Pope leader of the pueblo revolt in the american southwest in 1680
Created by: hannahsheltonn
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