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N113 Development

N113 - Embryo-Fetal Development

What is a zygote? The single cell, fertilized egg. The zygote reproduces itself through mitosis and enters the uterus in about 3 days.
What is the blastocyst? The inner mass of cells that will develop into the embryo and amnion.
What is the trophoblast? The outer mass of cells that will develop into the chorion or placenta.
When does implantation occur? 7-9 days after fertilization the blastocyst implants itself in the uterine lining. Usually in the upper posterior wall.
What are the germ layers? Ectoderm, mesoderm & endoderm - differentiate into different body parts.
What is the yolk sac? Forms 8-9 days after conception, forms RBCs until liver takes over at 5-6 weeks gestation.
What is the chorion? It is the 1st membrane to develop. It encloses the embryo, amnion & yolk sac.
What are chorionic villi? These are finger like projections that form the fetal portion of the placenta. By the 8th week, chorionic villi sampling is possible.
What is the amnion? A thin protective membrane that contains amniotic fluid.
What are fraternal twins? Twins that develop from two separate eggs & sperms.
What are identical twins? Develop from one fertilized egg. May be one or two placentas, amnions and chorions. Always the same sex!
What is the function of the amniotic fluid? To cushion against injury, control temperature, permits symmetric growth, allows freedom of movement, plays a role in lung development.
Does the amniotic fluid volume change? Yes, it moves back and forth across placental membranes. The fetus swallows up to 400 ml per day. 600-800 ml flows in and out of the fetal lungs. Fetus adds to volume by excreting urine.
What is oligohydramnios? Less than normal amount of fluid - less than 1000 mls
What is polyhydramnios or hydramnios? More than normal fluid - greater than 2000 mls of fluid.
When does the placenta begin functioning? Metabolic exchange occurs by the 4th gestational week. Most women aren't aware they're pregnant.
What are the metabolic functions of the placenta? Provides glycogen, cholesterol and fatty acids to fetus. Produces enzymes needed for fetoplacental transfer. Breaks down epinephrine and histamine.
What are the transport functions of the placenta? Simple diffusion - high to low concentration. Facilitated transport - carrier molecules. Active transport - from low to high concentration. Pinocytosis - transfer large molecules by being engulfed. Hydrostatic & osmotic pressure - water & solutes.
How does the placenta effect drug transfer? Substances with a higher molecular weight can't cross. Heparin can't but Coumadin does.
What is HCG's purpose in pregnancy? It is present 8-10 days after fertilization. Maintains corpus luteum so progesterone levels are adequate to maintain pregnancy. If progesterone level falls prior to 11th week, a spontaneous abortion will occur.
What is estrogens purpose in pregnancy? Enlarges the breasts and uterus. Increases vascularity and vasodilatation.
What is progesterones purpose in pregnancy? Maintains the pregnancy. Secreted by the placenta after 11th week. Decreases contractility of smooth muscle.
Describe the umbilical cord. Circulatory pathway from chorionic villi to embryo. Contains one vein and two arteries. These are surrounded by Wharton's jelly to prevent compression of cord.
What is the ductus venosus? Shunt that bypasses the liver, closes when cord is clamped.
What is the foramen ovale? It provides a one way opening between R & L atria so blood can avoid non-functioning lungs. Closes when pressure in LA becomes higher than RA.
What is the ductus arteriosis? Shunt that bypasses the lungs, opening between the pulmonary artery & aorta. Changes occur within minutes of birth with complete closure in 10-15 hours.
What is a funic suffle? Purring sound heard over the uterus and having the same rate as the fetal heart beat.
What is the pre-embryonic stage? 1st 14 days after fertilization - placental exchange begins at 14 days.
What is the embryonic phase? 15 days to 8th week.
What is the fetal phase? From end of 8th week to delivery.
What occurs during the embryonic phase? Differentiation of tissues into organs, heart begins to beat at 3 to 4 weeks, sexual differences established, but not visible, most vulnerable to teratogens. At the end of 8 weeks, all body organs formed and clearly resembles human being.
What occurs during 9-12 weeks? Fetal heart tones can be heard with doppler. Sexual differentiation is complete, but still not detectable by ultrasound. Palmer grasp is present.
What occurs during 13-16 weeks? Lanugo begins do develop. Sex is detectable by ultrasound.
What occurs around 20 weeks? Quickening first felt by mother. Heartbeat audible with fetoscope, not a stethoscope. Entire body covered with lanugo.
What occurs around 24 weeks? Eyes are structurally complete, alveoli in lungs begin to form - important for preterm infant.
What occurs during 25-28 weeks? Rapid brain development, most fetuses are viable at 27 weeks with immediate and prolonged intensive care. Surfactant forms at 28 weeks.
What occurs during 29-32 weeks? Gaining weight - subcutaneous fat
What occurs during 36 weeks? Lanugo begins to disappear, fetus has a good chance at survival - still considered preterm.
Created by: jrb265
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