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N113 Test 2 Meds

N113 - Medications on Test 2

Why is Betamethasone (Celestone) given during pregnancy? To stimulate fetal lung maturation by promoting release of enzymes that induce production or release of surfactant. (Off label usage)
When would Betamethasone not be given? If mother has infection. May also increase symptoms associated with diabetes & hypertension.
What are some drug interactions of Betamethasone? May decrease effects of hypoglycemics, insulin, diuretics & K supplements. May increase digoxin toxicity.
What is Cervidil or Prepidil used for? It works by direct softening and dilation of the cervix. The only FDA approved drug for cervical ripening.
What are common side effects of Cervidil or Prepidil? Side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, headache, chills/shivering. May increase uterine pain and cause fetal passage of meconium.
What interactions are associated with Cervidil or Prepidil? Oxytocics may cause uterine hypertonus, possibly causing uterine rupture or cervical laceration.
When would Cervidil or Prepidil not be given? Maternal fever, infection, vaginal bleeding. Use with caution if woman has a history of asthma, glaucoma, renal, hepatic or cardiovascular disease.
What restrictions are used with Cervidil or Prepidil? Woman should remain lying down for 30-60 minutes after Prepidil gel or 2 hours after Cervidil insert.
Why is Erythromycin opthalmic ointment administered after birth? To prevent opthalmia neonatorum in newborns of mothers with gonorrhea and conjunctivitis with mothers infected with chlamydia.
How is Procardia (Nifedipine) used? It is used to suppress preterm labor. May also be used to control hypertension in pregnancy.
What drug interactions are common with Procardia? May increase digoxin concentration. Grapefruit/grapefruit juice may increase serum concentration. Avoid using with Mag sulfate, can result in severe HTN.
Created by: jrb265
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