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Science Final Review

vocabulary words, concepts, and relationships from the past 3 weeks of STC

Homologous Structures structures that are similar but have different functions
Natural Selection an organisms develops specific traits or behaviors which allow them to survive and reproduce
Mutation a spontaneous change to an organisms DNA
Charles Darwin The "Father of Evolution"
Survival of the fittest used to describe natural selection. Only the organisms with the best traits will survive and reproduce
Evolution gradual change over long periods of time
Adaptation when an organism or species becomes better suited for their environment
Variation differences in living organisms
Over reproduction when a organisms produces more offspring than can survive in hopes to increase the survival rate
Plate tectonics circulating heat currents in the Earth's mantel that causes the plates to move
Sea floor spreading the process that slowly adds new rock to the ocean floor. Caused by a divergent boundary
Boundary where two plates meet
Analogous structures structures that are different but have the same function
Common ancestor all living things are descendant from a universal ancestor
Pangaea The Supper Continent. Once all the continents where connected to each other
Continental drift what broke up Pangaea. Continents slowly drifted and continue to drift due to plate tectonics
Divergent Boundaary when two plates pull apart from each
Transform Boundary when two plates slide pass each other
Convergent Boundary when two plates come together and collide
Crust the outer most layer of the Earth. Where we live
Inner Core last layer, highest temperature, solid ball of iron, doesn't melt due to high pressure
Outer Core 3rd layer of the Earth, liquid lava, creates Earth's magnetic field
Mantle 2nd layer of the Earth, thick, has 3 section, makes up 85% of Earth's mass
When this happens mountains form..... Convergent Boundary
Fish lay thousands of eggs every year....This is..... Over reproduction
Camouflage, is an example of...... adaptation
When this happens fault lines and earthquakes form.... Transform Boundary
Snakes and whales have hip and leg bones.....this is an example of..... Vestigial Structures
When this happens valley and sea floor spreading form..... Divergent Boundary
Which is more dense?.... a continental plate or an oceanic plate oceanic plate
subduction a convergent boundary, with 2 plates with different densities
A cat and a whale both have the same bone structure in their limbs but do different functions........this is...... Homologous structures
Birds, bats, and mosquitoes can all fly, but their wings are made differently.....this is...... Analogous Structures
Created by: bellerm
Popular Earth Science sets




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