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Chap 6

Constructive processing Memory retrieval process or built
misinformation effect The tendency of misleading information
Hindsight bias The tendency to falsely believe through revision of old memories
False memory syndrome The creation of an accurate or false memory
Recall Memory retrieval in which the information to be retrieve must be pulled from the memory
Serial position effect Information at the beginning and at the end of a body of information
Retrieval failure Recall has failed
Primacy effect The tendency to remember information at the beginning of the body
Recency effect The tendency to remember information at the end of the body
Recognition The ability to match a piece of information or stimulus to a stored image or fact
False positive In error of recognition in which people think that they recognize a stimulus
Automatic encoding Tendency of certain kinds of information to enter long-term memory
Flashbulb memories Automatic encoding that occurs because an Unexpected event has strong emotional associations
Semantic memory Declaritive memory containing general knowledge
Episodic memory Declarative memory containing personal information not readily available to others
Encoding specificity To remember information to be improved of retrieval conditions
Two kinds of retrieval memories Recall and recognition
Retro grade amnesia Backwards
Anterograde amnesia Loss of memory from the point of injury or trauma forward
Memory trace Physical change in the brain that occurs when a memory is formed
Proactive interference Older information prevents interferes
Retroactive interference Newer information
STM Lasts for 12-30 seconds/ susceptible to interference
LTM information that is placed to be kept more or less permanently
Chunking Bits of information
Procedural memory Often called nine decorative or implicit memory all things people can do
Nondecorative implicit memory Long term memory including skills procedures habits and conditioned responses
Declaritive explicit memory All things that people know
Sensory memory The very first stage of memory
Iconic memory Visual sensory memory last only a fraction of a second
Echoic memory Brief memory of something a person has just heard
Digit span test The series of numbers is read to people to recall the numbers in order
Storage Holding onto information for some period of time
Retrieval Getting information out of storage
3 processes of memory Encoding storage and retrieval
Memory In active system that receives information from the senses
Created by: handzon38
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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