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Chapter 11

Nervous System & Nervous Tissue

an action potential is just an: electrical impulse
the ___ is always the same regardless of stimulus impulse
the nervous system is ___ the master controlling & communicating system of the body
3 functions of the nervous system: sensory input, integration & motor output
sensory input monitor changes in & outside body
integration processes & interprets sensory inpt
motor output activates effector organs
the muscles & glands cause a response in the __ __ motor output
cells communicate via ___ electrical & chemical signals
central nervous system (CNS) consists of: brain & spinal cord
what is the integrating & control center system of the nervous system? CNS
the peripheal nervous system (PNS) consists of: nerves (bundle of axons)
the 2 type of nerves found in the PNS are: spinal & cranial nerves
spinal nerves carry impulses to & from spinal cord
cranial nerves carry impulses to & from brain
these peripheal nerves serve as communication lines that link all parts of the body to the ___ CNS
2 functional subdivisions of the PNS are: sensory & motor division
sensory (afferent) division carries impulses toward CNS
motor (efferent) division transmits impulses away from CNS
the 2 motor divisions are: somatic & autonomic nervous system
somatic nervous system is also known as the __ voluntary nervous system
somatic nervous system conducts impulses away from CNS to skeletal muscle
autonomic nervous system regulates smooth & cardiac muscles, glands
the hypothalamus is in control of this nervous system. autonomic nervous system
this is known as the involuntary nervous system. autonomic nervous system
2 divisions of the autonomic nervous system? sympathetic & parasympathetic
nervous tissue is made up of 2 principal cells __ and __ neurons & neuroglia
this is known as the resting & digestion system. parasympathetic
neurons transmit electrical signals
neuroglia surround & wrap neurons
neuroglia is also called __ cells glial
axons rely on cell body to renew ___ proteins & membranes
long axons are called: nerve fibers
dendrites collect info with ___ dendritic spines
___ generate nerve impulses axons
what does the IPSP do? drives neuron away from threshold
what does the EPSP do? brings neuron closer to the threshold
postsynaptic synapse receives the info - neuron transmits electrical signal away from synapse
presynaptic synapse sends the info - neuron conducting impulses toward synapse
___ neurons are unipolar sensory
___ neurons are multipolar motor
___ lies between the sensory & motor neurons interneurons
action potential electrical impulse that goes down axon
graded potential short-lived, incoming signals operating over short distances
___ is the principal means of long distance neural communication action potential
___ is the principal way neurons send signals action potential
neurons are classified by 3 processes. what are they? multipolar, unipolar, and bipolar
multipolar 3 or more porcesses - 1 axon, others dendrites
unipolar 1 short process
bipolar 2 processes - 1 axon, 1 dendrite
nonmyelinated fibers conduct impulses ___ slowly more
myelin sheath function: protects & insulates axon - increases speed of nerve impulse transmission
what does the neuron cell body do? synthesizes proteins, membranes & other chemicals
groups of cell body in CNS Are called: nuceli
groups of cell body in PNS are called: ganglia
most abundant and versatile glial cell are: astrocytes
astrocytes cling to ___ neurons, synaptic endings & capillaries
microglial cells helps when neurons get injured
ependumal cells line central cavities of brain & spinal column - ciliated
which glial cell participate in infortmation processing in the brain? astrocytes
satellite cells surround cell body of neuron
schwann cells surrounds axons of a neuron to form muelin sheaths
this glial cell is vital to regeneration of damaged axons. schwanna cells
oligodendrocytes branched cells that wraps around axons
Created by: Mariahj25
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