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Water and Sediment

earth science

What is the water portion of the earth? Hydrosphere
70% of the Earth is covered in water. How much of it is usable freshwater? 1%
Process where water loses energy to turn from a gas to a liquid. Condensation
Process where plants lose water through tiny pores in their leaves. Transpiration
Process where water gains energy to turn from a liquid into a gas. Evaporation
Process where water that falls from the atmosphere. Precipitation
Process where water that is not absorbed by the soil flows downhill over the land. Runoff
Clouds form as a result of the water cycle process? Condensation
Why do the pores in plant leaves open? To take in in C02.
These are large ares of land that catch and collect water, then funnels the water into a major river? Watersheds
These are large underground areas of stored water made of porous rock and soil? Aquaiferes.
The water that falls on Oklahoma is part of which watershed? Arkansas-White Red Watershed
What is the largest aquifer in North America called? Ogallala High Plains Aquaifer
Weathering is the process of___________rock. Breaking down
The difference between mechanical & chemical weathering is _______. That only one changes the chemistry of the rock.
In which of the following environment conditions would mechanical weathering most likely occur. Cold & Wet
Which type of weathering would Acid Rain be? Chemical
Which type of weathering would Burrowing Animals be? Mechanical
Which type of weathering would Ice Wedging be? Mechanical
Which type of weathering would Oxidation be? Chemical
Which type of weathering would Abrasion be? Mechanical
What type of rock is affected the MOST by weathering? Sedimentary
Erosion is the process of _________rock. Moving
What four factors cause erosion to occur? Wind, gravity, and water, and ice.
Which of the following is NOT a type of mass wasting? Mudflows, SLumping, [Clumping], Rockfalls, Landslides.
Valleys eroded by glaciers have what basic shape? U
Topsoil is important because_________. Plants require it to grow
The organic material in topsoil is called_______. Humus
What was the main cause of the Dust Bowl? Removal of the topsoil
As glaciers melt, the ocean levels increase while the total land area decreases. When glaciers melt, it creates more water, therefore increasing the amount of water in the oceans, causing them to slowly cover more and more land because there is no where else to put the water in the ocean.
What shape does rivers flowing through mountains cutting downward into the channel create? V- shaped valleys
What is groundwater? Groundwater is the freshwater that infiltrates (absorbs into) the soil and collects underground.
What is a upper boundary of the groundwater source in an area? The water table
What is it called when water enters cracks and then freezes. When water freezes it expands causing the crack to get bigger. If it happens over and over again the rock will eventually break apart. This is called Frost Wedging.
What is it called when water in salty solutions will evaporate quickly in dry hot environments. When water evaporates, it leaves behind salts in the rock pores. Salt expands when heated, causing the rock to slowly break apart. This is called Salt crystal Weathering
Created by: julia wasson
Popular Earth Science sets




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