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Kyle Vocab

High School Test Prep

accentuate to stress, single out as important
alliteration use of the same consonant at the beginning of each word
analogy drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity
antibody a protein that produces an immune response
aspire have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
bamboozle conceal one's true motives from
bizarre conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
boisterous full of rough and exuberant animal spirits
boycott refusal to have commercial dealings with some organization
root: agri field
root: anthropo man
agriculture farming
agronomy field-crop production and soil management
anthropology the study of man
root: astro star
astronaut one who travels in interplanetary space
root: bio life
biology the study of life
root: cardio heart
cardiac pertaining to the heart
root: cede go
precede to go before
root: chromo color
chromatology the science of colors
root: demos people
democracy government by the people
root: derma skin
epidermis the outer layer of skin
dermatologist skin doctor
root: dyna power
dynamic characterized by power and energy
root: geo earth
geology the study of earth
root: helio sun
heliotrope any plant that turns toward the sun
root: hydro water
hydroponics growing of plants in water reinforced with nutrients
root: hypno sleep
hypnosis a state of sleeping induced by suggestion
root: ject throw
eject to throw out
root: magni great, big
magnify to enlarge, to make bigger
root: man(u) hand
manuscript written by hand
root: mono one
monoplane airplane with one wing
root: ortho straight
orthodox right, true, straight opinion
root: pod foot
pseudopod false foot
root: pyscho mind
pyschology study of the mind in any of its aspects
root: pyro fire
pyrometer an instrument for measuring temperatures
root: script write
manuscript hand written
root: terra earth
terrace a raised platform of earth
root: thermo heat
thermometer an instrument for measuring heat
root: zoo animal
zoology the study of animals
prefix: ante before
antebellum before the war
prefix: auto self
automatic self-acting or self-regulating
prefix: bene good
benefit an act of kindness; a gift
prefix: circum around
circumscribe to draw a line around; to encircle
prefix: contra against
contradict to speak against
prefix: de reverse; remove
defoliate remove the leaves from a tree
prefix: dis apart
dislocate to unlodge
prefix: dys bad
dysfunctional not functioning
prefix: ecto outside
ectoparasite parasite living on the exterior of animals
prefix: endo within
endogamy marriage within the tribe
prefix: ex out
excavate to dig out
prefix: equi equal
equidistant equal distance
prefix: extra beyond
extraterrestrial beyond the earth
prefix: hyper over
hypertension high blood pressure
prefix: hypo under
hypotension low blood pressure
Created by: tbrogs5
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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