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Chapter 4


Most organs contain all 4 tissue types, their arrangement determines the ___ organs structures and capabilities
Epethelial tissue: covers
Epithetial tissues are __ and ___ avascualar and innervated
Avascular means no blood vessels
Vascular means has blood vessels
Innervated means has nerves
What are the functions of the epithelial tissue? protection, absorption, secretion, filtration, excretion, and sensory reception
Ability to regenerate, polarity, specialized contacts, supported by connected tissues and avascular but innervated are all characteristics of the ___ tissue epithelial
What are the 2 types of epithelial tissues? simple & stratified
Simple epithelia is: a single cell layer
Stratified epithelia means the cell: has 2 or more layers
Squamous cells are: flattened
Cubodial cells are: boxlike, same length as width
Columnar cells are: tall & column shaped
The nucleus does the same thing as ___ its tissue
Capillaries are small blood vessels
Goblet cells cells that secrete mucous
Simple cubodial function: secretion & absorption
Simple cubodial location: kidneys
Simple columnar location: lines digestive tract -- from stomach to the rectum
Simple columnar function: absorption, secretion of mucous, enzymes and other substances
Simple squamous location: blood vessels, lungs, lymphatic vessels, lining of heart and ventral body cavity
Simple squamous function: allow material to pass through by diffusion, and filtration
Pseudostratified columnar location: lines trachea, nasal passages
Pseudostratified columnar function: cilia moves things across surface of the cell
Transitional epithelium forms lining of hollow organs
Stratified squamous function: protects underlying tissues in areas subjected to abrasion
Stratified squamous location: exterior part of skin
Stratified cubodial location: sweat & mammary glands
Secretion product produced by cells used in body
Excretion getting rid of waste
Stratified columnar location: pharynx, male urethra, & lining some glandular ducts
All epithelial tissues are supported by ___ tissue connective
Connective tissues are __ and __ vascular and innervated
Connective tissues: support
The most abundant and widely distributed of the primary tissues are the___ tissue connective
4 main classes of connective tissues: connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone tissue and blood
Connective tissue proper has 2 subclasses: Dense connective tissue and loose connective tissue
3 types of loose connective tissue: areolar, reticular & adipose
Areolar tissue: wraps & functions organs, holds and convey tissue fluid
Adipose tissue: insulates against heat loss, supports and protects organs
The adipose tissue is under skin in the ___ layer subcatanenous
Adipose tissue is found : around kidneys, eyeballs and in breast
What tissue stores nutrients as fats and defends against infection via macrophages? areolar
3 types of dense connective tissues: elastic, dense regular & dense irregular
Dense irregular tissue: provides structural strength - withstands tension
Which dense connective tissue is located in the joints, fibrous capsules and dermis of skin? dense irregular
____ ____ tissue attaches muscles to bones or muscles dense regular
Dense regular tissue is located in: tendons & ligaments
Retcular tissue is located in: lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen and liver
Which loose connective tissue forms a soft internal skeleton that supports other cell types including white blood cells & macrophges Reticular
Macrophages are ___ cells that eat bacteria, pathogens, etc
Phagocytosis is the actual process of ___ macrophages
Elastic tissue is located in the walls of large arteries
3 main components of connective tissue: extracellular matrix, fibers and cells
What are the 3 types of fibers that provide support in connective tissue? collagen, reticular, and elastic fibers
short fine fibers are ___ fibers reticular
Chondrocytes cartilage cells
Osteocytes bone cells
Fibroblastasts dense regular and irregular cells
Major functions of connective tissue: binding and support, insulating, protecting, transporting blood and storing reserve fuel
fat cells store nutrients
white blood cells (lymphocytes) tissue response to injury
mast cells initiate local response against pathogens
Muscle tissues produce __ movement
3 forms of muscle tissues: skeletal, cardiac and smooth
Skeletal and cardiac are both: striated
cardiac and smooth are: involuntary
skeletal muscle is only muscle with ___ movement voluntary
cardiac muscles are found in walls of the heart
skeletal muscles are found in the skeletal sysem
smooth muscles are found in hollow organs (blood vessels, urinary tract, organs and uterus)
smooth muscles have ___ striations no visible
we use the __ muscle to make facial expressions skeletal
which muscle is spindle shaped? smooth
which muscle has 1 nucleus? cardiac
branching cells that fit together tightly at unique junctions are called: intercalated discs
nervous tissue function regulates and control body functions
3 main components of nervous tissue: brain, spinal cord and nerves
neurons are nerve cells that ___ generate and conduct nerve impulses
neuroglia are the: supporting cells that support, insulate and protect neurons
what responds to stimuli in nervous tissue? dendrites
what transmits electrical impulses in nervous tissue? axons
neurons transmit electrical signals from sensory receptors & effectors which ___, while ___ supports and protect neurons control their activity , neuroglia
3 types of covering and lining membranes cutaneous, mucous and serous membrane
cutaneous membrane covers the body surface - skin
which membrane is a dry membrane, exposed to air? cutaneous membrane
which membrane lines all body cavities open to the exterior? mucous membrane
mucosa indicates ___ not cell composition location
serous membrane is found in __ closed ventral body cavity
endocrine glands secretes internally
exocrine glands excrete externally
3 steps in tissue repair: inflammation, organization and regeneration
which step is the blood clot replaced w/ granulation tissue? organization
hephrin causes blood to: thin
histamine causes capillary walls to: become permeable
in inflammation: inflammatory chemicals are released, blood vessels dilate, blood clots then isolates injuired area
what happens when blood clots? stops loss of blood, holds wounds together
in regeneration the scab detaches, then: fibrous tissue matures and epithelium thickens
cartilage is __ avascular
all cartilage is made up of: chondrocytes
cartilage receives nutrients from the membrane surrounding it called the ___ perichondrium
which tissue has a prominent blood supply? bone
function of hyaline cartilage: supports & reinforces
hyaline cartilage is located in the: nose, ribs, trachea, larnyx and ends of long bones
elastic cartilage is located in: ear and epilottis
fibrocartilage is located in: pubic symphysis, menisci and vertebral discs
___ cartilage maintains shape of structure while flexible elastic
___ provides us with tensile strength and allows it to absorb compressive shock fibrocartilage
bone tissue is also known as: osseous tissue
bone tissue has more ___ than ___ collagen, cartilage
___ tissue synthesizrs blood cells bone
blood is made in the ___ bone marrow
platelets are needed for help w/: blood clotting
blood is considered a connective tissue b/c: it develops from mesenchyme and consists of blood cells
blood is located in the: blood vessels
___ functions in transporting respiratory gases, nutrients, waste,etc blood
what is the most atypical connective tissue and why? blood - it does not connect or give things support
Created by: Mariahj25
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