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2nd Sem, 1st 9 wks

Exam review - 2nd semester, 1st 9 weeks

Ancient Times Believed that illness was caused by demons and spirits
Ancient Romans Began public health and sanitation systems
Dark Ages Emphasis was places on saving the soul and the study of medicine was prohibited
Middle Ages The "black death" pandemic occurred
Renaissance Artists Michelangelo and DaVinci studied human dissection to help with their art
Hippocrates Father of Medicine
Ambrose Pare Father of Modern Surgery
Joseph Lister 1st doctor to use antiseptic during surgery
Sir Alexander Fleming Discovered penicillin
Inez Semmelweis Encouraged hand-washing after autopsies and before delivering babies
Complementary and Alternative Methods (CAM) Using therapies such as acupuncture or chiropractic treatments instead of/ in addition to traditional medicine
Geriatric Care Specialized care for the elderly
Preventing Illnesses Providing patient education for lifestyle modifications before any disease can occur
Health Literacy Ability to access, understand, and use health information to make health decisions
Outpatient Services Providing care to a patient without being admitted to a health care facility
World Health Organization (WHO) Complies statistics on disease; investigates serious heath problems of the world
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulates food and drug products sold to the public
Occupational Safety and Heath Administration (OSHA) A federal agency that establishes and enforces standards that protect workers from job-related injuries and illnesses
National Institutes of Heath (NIH) National organization that is involved in the research of disease
Centers of Disease Control (CDC) National organization that researches causes, spread and control of diseases in populations
Medicaid State-administered medical assistance program for low-income individuals/ families
Medicare Nationally-administered medical assistance program for citizens age 65 or over
Medigap Health insurance policy that helps pay for expenses not covered by Medicare
State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Low cost health insurance to uninsured children of families who do not qualify for Medicaid
Worker's Compensation Provides treatment for workers injured on the job with payments made by employers and the state for health care costs and lost wages
Therapeutic Maintain or change a patient's status over time.
Diagnostic Determine what is wrong with the patient - creating a picture of that patient's health
Health Informatics Provide functions that support and document patient care
Support Services Provide a therapeutic environment for the delivery of health care
Biotech, Research and Develop Use scientific advancements to enhance health.
Associate's Degree Awarded by vocation school/community college and requires completion of a 2 year course study
Bachelor's Degree Awarded by college/university and requires completion of a 4 year course of study
Master's Degree Awarded by college/university and requires completion of 2 or more years beyond a Bachelor's Degree
Doctorate Awarded by college/university and requires completion of 1 or more years beyond a Master's Degree
Professional The highest level of training that at least requires a Bachelor's Degree
Certification Required of some careers; professional agencies administer an exam and maintain a list of qualified individuals
Registration Issued by the state government; authorizes an individual to work in a health care occupation
Licensure Issued by a professional organization when a person fulfills requirements of education and performance
Empathy Identifying with another person's feelings and situation
Dependability Being reliable in a work performance
Tact Saying or doing the right thing in a situation
Competence Being qualified and capable to perform a task
Responsibility Being accountable for actions and behavior
Discretion Observing the patient's rights to confidential care and watching what you say and do
Autocratic Maintains total rule; makes all the decisions
Democratic Encourages the participation of individual's in decisions
Laissez-Faire Hands-off leader; the group has minimal rules and functions with little direction
Slander False and malicious information that is damaging to a person's reputation
Negligence Failure of a professional to use the skills normally expected of in a particular profession resulting in injury to another person
Malpractice Failure to give care that is normally expected of a person
Abuse Any act that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish
Assault Any threat or attempt to injure another person
Battery Unlawful touching of another person without permission
Invasion of Privacy Unnecessary exposure of an individual or revealing personal information about another individual without their permission
False Imprisonment Restraining or restricting an individual's freedom
Dys- Difficult or painful (bad)
Brady- Slow
Endo- Inside
A-, An- Without, negative
Peri- Surrounding
Inter- Between or among
Cardi/o Heart
My/o Muscle
Oste/o Bone
Cost/o Rib
Neur/o Nerve
Gastr/o Stomach
Nephr/o Kidney
Aden/o Gland
Hepat/o Liver
Ot/o Ear
Rhin/o Nose
Arteri/o Artery
-ectomy surgical removal
-ostomy surgical opening
-otomy surgical incision
-sclerosis abnormal hardening
-itis inflammation
-ology study of
-osis abnormal condition
-scope instrument to view
-pnea breathing
Integumentary Helps regulate body temperature; protects body from dehydration, infection and injury
Skeletal Creates structure and framework of the body; produces blood cells; protects internal organs
Muscular Contract and relax in order to enable body movements; generates heat
Nervous Send electrical messages throughout the body to coordinate and control body activities
Circulatory or Cardiovascular Transports blood around the body the deliver oxygen and nutrients and remove waste products
Lymphatic Removes waste from tissue; helps with immunity
Respiratory Exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide
Digestive Physical/chemical breakdown of food; absorbs nutrients, transports foods, and eliminates waste
Urinary System Filters blood to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance; eliminates waste via urine
Endocrine Secretes hormones to regulate body process
Reproductive System Enables reproduction of new life
Larynx Voicebox
Lung Organs of respiration
Nose Where the air enters
Sinuses Cavities in the skull the warm/moisten air and help with voice resonance
Pharynx Passageway for food and air
Bronchus Lower end of the windpipe that divide into the lungs
Trachea Windpipe
Nasal Cavity Where cilia trap dirt and particles from the air
Alveoli Clusters of thin-walled sacs that exchange air
Diaphragm Muscle that controls inspiration and expiration
Infancy A time when the individual is self-centered, where physical needs must be met
Early Childhood Great increase in vocabulary skills, with repeated phrases and questions; Digestive system is maturing with the start of solid foods and bladder and bowel training
Late Childhood Muscle coordination has improved and individuals get involved in sports; more accidents/broken bones
Adolescence Individuals pull away from family and responds more to peer influences; trying to establish and identity; Individuals may be at risk for chemical dependency, suicide and eating disorders
Early Adulthood Individual may focus on spouse and family commitments; Most productive life stage: post-secondary educations, careers, marriage and family
Middle Adulthood Individual may experience menopause or a decrease in the male hormone testosterone
Late Adulthood Individual is at risk for social isolation and further physical and mental decline
Created by: vorachekt
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