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OAT Vocabulary

Kemper 8th grade Vocab

Mean Average of a set of Data. Add all the numbers up and divide by the amount of numbers.
Mode The number that appears MOST often.
Median The number in the MIDDLE of a set when the set is in numerical order. If there are 2 middle numbers add the 2 and divide by 2.
Range The DIFFERNCE (subtract) between the biggest and smallest number
Perimeter The distance around an object. (ADD up all of the sides.)Label units.
Area The measure of the region INSIDE a two dimensional object. Label units squared (2)
Surface Area The measure of all faces in a three dimensional object. Label units squared (2)
Volume The amount of space inside a three dimensional object. Label units cubed (3)
Area of a square/rectangle Length times Width.
Area of a triangle. 1/2 bh or bh/2
Area of a cirlce pi time radius squared (Πr2)
Volume of a cube/rectangle prism. V = BH (B=area of the base) or just do L*W*H
Volume of a cylinder. V = BH which is Πr2h (2 = squared)
Volume of a Triangular Prism V = BH which is 1/2bh(H) H = height of rectangle
Volume of a Cone V = 1/3BH which is 1/3Πr2h (2 = squared)
Volume of a Pyramid V = 1/3BH Depends on the base!
Volume of a Sphere V = 4/3Πr3 (3 = cubed)
Surface Area of a Cube SA = S * S * 6
Sufrace Area of a Rectangular Prism SA = L*W*2 + L*H*2 + W*H*2
Surface Area of a Triangluar Prism SA = 1/2bh*2 (triangles) + L*W (for all 3 rectangles - do each rectangle by itself)
Surface Area of a Square Pyramid SA = L*W (base) + 1/2bh4 (faces)
Surface Area of a Cylinder SA = 2Πr2 + 2Πrh
Order of Operations PEMDAS "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally)Parenthesis, Exponents, (Multiplication or Division - Left to right), (Addition or Subtraction - left to right)
Square Root A number that when multiplied by itself gives a given number. Ex: Square root of 9 is 3 (3x3=9)
How to Solve Equations UNDO the Order of operations.
Like terms Terms that have the same variable to the same exponent. Ex; 3x + 12x is the same as 15x. But 3x + 15y can't be combined
Distributive Property Take the value outside the parenthesis and multiply it by EVERYTHING on the inside.
Proportion An equation with 2 ratios. Cross multiply to solve.
Percent Proportion IS/OF = %/100 Cross multiply to solve.
Natural Numbers 1,2,3,.... The numbers we COUNT by.
Whole Numbers 0,1,2,3... Natural number and 0
Integers Whole numbers and there opposites. ... -2,-1,0,1,2,3...
Rational numbers They EITHER STOP (2, .635, .1, 100) or REPEAT (1/3 = .333333...)Every fraction goes here.
Irrational numbers Never stop or repeat Ex: pi
Scientific Notation A method of writing or displaying numbers in terms of a decimal number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10. The scientific notation of 10,492, for example, is 1.0492 × 10^4 positive exponent = bigger than 1, negative exponent = smaller than one
Fraction to Decimal Divide numerator (top) by denominator (bottom)EX: 2/5 = 2 divded by 5 = .4
Fraction to Percent Divide numerator by denominator and multiply by 100 or just move the decimal 2 places right. 2/5 = .4 = 40%
Percent to Decimal Move decimal two places left. EX 5% is .05
Percent to Fraction Put the Percent over 100 and reduce. Ex: 50% = 50/100 = 1/2
Decimal to Percent Move decimal two places right. Ex: .045 = 4.5%
Decimal to fraction Move the decimal the amount of spaces needed to make it a whole number (no decimal) and put it over a 1 with as many zeroes as you moved spaces. Ex: .24 (move 2 places) 24/100 = 6/25
Substitution Taking a value and plugging it in for a variable.
Variable A letter/symbol that takes the place of a number.
How to find an Interior Angle 3 sided figures = 180 degrees, 4 sided figures = 360. Just add 180 degress for each side above this and then subtract the angles you have from the total.
Unit rate A ratio with the denominator being 1. Ex: 10 apples cost $2.00 so 10/2.00 reduces to 1 apple/.20 cents.
Sales Tax The amount of money ADDED to the total. Ex: 6% tax on $50.06 * 50 = 3 Tax is 3 dollars. Add 3 to 50 to get a total of $53
Discount The amount of money SUBTRACTED from the price/cost. Always done before tax.Ex: 6% tax on $50.06 * 50 = 3 Discount is 3 dollars. Subtract 3 from 50 to get a total of $47
Coordinate Plane Coordinate Plane is a plane formed by the intersection of a horizontal number line with a vertical number line.
Origin Where the x-axis and y-axis intersect (0,0)
Coordinate Point A point on the graph (X,Y) +X move right, -X move left. +Y move up, -Y move down.
X-Axis The horizontal line (left-right)
Y-Axis The vertical line (up-down)
Quadrants The 4 areas on the graph, labeled with roman numberals I is in the top right and you move counter clockwise.
Slope The steepness of a line. Rise over Run. Count from one point to another. Go up first(positive), and then Right (positive)or Left(Negative) reduce fraction.
Slope Formula y-y/x-x Take the y-value from on point and subtract the other. Then take the x-value from the first point you used and subtract the other x. Then reduce your fraction.
Slope Intercept Form Y=mx+b m=slope, b= y-interceptPlot y-intercpt first and then use slope to get the second point.
Parallel lines Have the same slope.
Perpendicular Lines Have opposite reciprocal slopes. Ex; 1/4 and -4/1
Translation To SLIDE a figure. ADD the x to the x points and y to the y points.
Reflection To FLIP over an axis. If you reflect over the x-axis you keep the x value and change the y to the opposite. If you flip over the y-axis you keep the y-value and change the x to the opposite sign.
Rotation To Rotate an object around the origin. 90 degree counterclockwise - flip the x and y and change the sign of the new x180 degree rotation - change the sign of x and y.
Dilation To enlarge or reduce the size of an object. Multiply the dilation by the x and y to get the new points.
Similar Figures Same shape but different size.
Congruent Figures Same shape and size.
Theoretical Probability What the outcome should be based on the odds.Ex: If you flip a coin 10 times, how many heads should you get? 5/10
Experimental Probability What you acutally get after doing the experiment.
Pythagorean Theorem A squared + B squared = C squaredA,B are legs and C is the hypotenuse
Hypotenuse Side opposite the right angle; longest side of a right triangle.
Arithmetic Sequence Common difference between terms (Add/subtract same number) Ex. 2,4,6,8... (+ 2)
Geometric Sequence Common ratio between terms (multiply same number)Ex. 16, 4, 1, 1/4.... (X by 1/4)
Ratio Comparison Between two or more things. Write as a fraction.
Created by: kemper.paul
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