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Medical Orders

Symbols and Abbreviations

nurse aware indicates that nurse has been informed about order (used to update EHR)
Kx Kardex entry has been made (used to update EHR)
cen entry has been made on dietary census (used to update EHR)
MAR medication administration record (used to update EHR)
Rx prescription has been sent to pharmacy (used to update EHR)
req requisition has been sent (used to update EHR)
req x 2 two requisitions have been sent (used to update EHR)
ph phone call has been made (used to update EHR)
CHIT receipt of notice, by nurse, of order from doctor (used to update EHR)
# number ; fracture
@ at
ċ with
> greater than
< less than
NYD not yet diagnosed
NKA no known allergy
NKDA no known drug allergy
PHN Personal Health Number
RHRN regional health record number
ULI unique lifetime identifier
NOK next of kin
Dx diagnosis
DOB date of birth
ht height
wt weight
Dr doctor
AHS alberta health sevices
as tol as tolerated
AAT activity as tolerated
OT occupational therapy / therapist
PT physical therapy / therapist
clt client
DB & C deep breathing and coughing
ADL aids to daily living
ad lib as desired
w/c wheel chair
ROM range of motion
NWB non-weight bearing
BR bed rest
BRP bathroom privileges
CBR complete bed rest
CHO carbohydrates
ac before meals
pc after meals
Na sodium
K potassium
PO / po by mouth
BM bowel movements
BS bowel sounds
TPN total parenteral nutrician
DAT diet as tolerated
BG blood glucose
Ca calcium
Fe Iron
LCS low concentrated sugar
CF clear fluid
FF full fluids
NAS no added salt
CDA Canadian Diabetic Association
ABG arterial blood gasses
Drsg dressing
O2 oxygen
VS vital signs
TPR temperature, pulse, respiration
BP blood presssure
NVS neurological vital signs
SOB shortness of breath
resp respiratory
Temp temperature
B/S breathing sounds
Lt. left
Rt. right
Tx treatment / therapy
w/e weekend
HgAIC hemoglobin AIC (used to monitor diabetes treatment)
ARO antibiotic resistant organisms
FBS fasting blood sugar
EtOH Ethyl alcohol (ethanol)
MRSA methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (super bug)
VRE Vancomycin resistant enterococcus (super bug)
c. difficile clostridium difficile
C & S culture and sensitivity
PCV packed cell volume
R & M routine and microscopic
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
TBD to be done
x-match cross match (blood)
PT prothrombin time
PTT partial thromboplastin time
INR international normalization ratio
FFP fresh frozen plasma
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
SPD Sterilization/Supplies, Processing and Distribution
CBC complete blood count
Hgb hemoglobin
Hct hematocrit
CK creatine kinase
RBC red blood cell count
GTT glucose tolerance test
BUN blood urea nitrogen
PSA prostate specific antigen
CHOL cholesterol
HDL high density lipoproteins (associated with good cholesterol)
TRIG Triglycerides
LDL low density lipoproteins (associated with bad cholesteral)
FSH Follicle stimulating hormone
PTH parathyroid hormone
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
dig digoxin
AFB acid fast bacilli
CNS central nervous system
CHF congestive heart failure
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CAT or CT scan computed axial tomography or computed tomography
BE barium emema
CXR chest x-ray
D & C dilation and curettage
ECG or EKG electrocardiography
ECHO echocardiography
EEG electroencephalogram
EMG electromyography
IVP intravenous pyelography
IVU or IUG intravenous urography
KUB kidneys, ureters, bladder (x-ray of)
LP lumbar puncture
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MUGA multigated acquisition cardiac scan
PET positron emission tomography
PFT's pulmonary function tests
TEE transesophageal eshocardiography
U/S ultrasound
AP anterior posterior
PA posterior anterior
RUQ right upper quandrant
LUQ left upper quandrant
RLQ right lower quadrant
LLQ left lower quandrant
Hx history
IVPB intravenous piggyback
ADH antidiuretic hormone
b.i.d twice daily
Kg kilogram
MI millilitre
L litre
NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Prn when needed ; as required
amp. ampule
caps. capsules
gtt. drop(s)
h.s at bedtime
liq. liquid or solution
supp. suppository
sry. syrup
tab. tablets
ung. ointment
NTG nitroglycerin
N & V nausea and vomitting
H & P history and physical
PARR post assessment recovery room
Created by: KariTansowny
Popular Medical sets




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