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Exam Semester 2

Franklin D. Roosevelt American president that led out nation thru most of World War II before he died of complications fro polio
Adolf Hitler committed suicide near end of World War II (April 30,1945); Nazi Germany's dictator that worked to restore the power of that nation in the 1930's and 1940
Benito Mussolini died when Italians executed him; the only leader who didn't attend Yalta Conference
Douglas MacArthur led U.S army in Pacific, stated "I shall return"; American general who helped run Japan after World War II; first general that fired during Korean War
Chester Nimitz commander of U.S. Pacific Naval fleet
A. Phillip Randolph African American labor leader who planned protest march on Washington D.C
Norman Mineta Japanese American whose direct experience in an American detention camp fueled efforts to demand reparations from U.S
Edward R. Murrow well-know radio correspondent famous for on-the-scene reports on the effects of the war in Europe
George S. Patton U.S. leader of forces invading Sicily and Anzio and tank commander in North Africa
Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded Allied assault in North Africa and Allied invasion of Normandy; Republicans choose him as presidential candidate in 1952, command operation overload
Harry S Truman U.S President who ordered atomic bombing of Japan
Winston Churchill Prime Minister of Britain during World War II
Paul Tibbits commanding piolet of Enola Gay
Ralph Bunche First African American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, was honored for peace-making efforts between Arabs and Jews
Eleanor Roosevelt one of the first delegates to the United Nations; a social activist
Hideki Tojo Premier of Japan during World War II, later executed for war crimes
Adolf Eichmann Nazi official in charge of the Jewish extermination program during WWII
Clement Atlee Prime minister of Great Britain after Winston Churchill
David Ben-Gurion Zionist leader who had fought for Jewish home-land since the early 1900's
Folke Bernadotte Swedish count sent to the Middle East by the united Nations to mediate the Arb-Israeli War
Mao Zedong Revolutionary communist leader of China
Ching Kai-shek Chinese leader that fled to Taiwan to escape communism
Nikita Khrushchev Soviet leader during the 1950s and1960s that encountered President Kennedy in the Cuban Missile Crisis
Alger Hiss American State Department employee convicted of perjury in spy trials, sentenced to 5 years in prison
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Convicted for providing what country with atomic-energy secrets during WWII
Joseph McCarthy Wisconsin Senator known for his ruthlessness; held controversial hearings in search for communists in America
John F. Kennedy Democrat, voters were impressed by his record of service, selected Lyndon B. Johnson as his running mate, Roman Catholic
Lyndon B. Johnson ran against Kennedy
Fidel Castro In 1959 Established a communist-style dictatorship in Cube
Thurgood Marshall The lawyer that argued against schools segregation before the Supreme Court
Rosa Parks refused to give up a bus seat to a white person
Martin Luther King Jr. civil rights movement lost its most visible and effective leader with his death, leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference who gave a famous speech during March on Washington
Orval Faubus famous governor of Arkansas where he tried to interfere with Little Rock's school desegregation plan
Jackie Robinson First African American baseball player to break the color barrier and play major league baseball
Diane Nash Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee leader who worked with the Freedom Riders
Ross Barnett governor of Mississippi who strongly opposed school integration
Medger Evers field secretary for the NAACP who was assassinated in 1963
Mohandas K. Gandhi leader of independence movement in India whos nonviolent techniques influenced Martin Luther King Jr.
Malcolm X criticized the goals and strategies of mainstream civil rights organizations; "supported any means necessary" idea, turned to nonviolence late in life
Elijah Muhammad became the leader of the Black Muslims in the early 1930's
Carl Stokes the first African American mayor of Cleveland Ohio
Ralph Abernathy he led the Resurrection City demonstration
James Meredith first African American to be accepted to the University of Mississippi
Ho Chi Minh plotted for Vietnamese independence during 1920's and 1930's
Ngo Dinh Diem South Vietnamese president who was assassinated
Robert McNamara 1963 US Secretary of Defense
Hubert H. Humphrey Man received the Democratic nomination for president in 1968
Robert Kennedy Senator of New York; assassinated during campaign
Henry Kissinger Key forgin policy advisor to Nixon; worked to improve US relationship China; won 1973 Nobel Prize for peace
George Mc Govern Democrat, Air Force pilot in WWII, South Dakota senator
Manhattan project Effort of group of scientist who worked on creating an atomic bomb beginning in 1942
Axis powers Germany, Italy, Japan
Allied powers Britain, France, Soviet Union, US
Rationing Limited how much people could buy of certain products
Selective services and training act Provided for the first peacetime draft in US history, requiring all men between ages 21 and 35 to register
War production bored Was created to increase the production of military supplies during WWII
Office of war mobilization Created to coordinate all government agencies involved in the war effort
Internment camps Forced removal of people of Japanese descent to detention camps during WWII
Blue devils Elite combat unit whose members were mostly Mexican Americans
442nd unit One of the most decorated combat units in armed services special unit of Japaneese Americans
Sonar Refinement that helped the allies in the Battle of the Atlantic
Wehrmacht means German armed forces
Island-hopping American tactic of attacking only strategic
Genocide the deliberate annihilation of an entire people
kamikaze Japanese suicide planes
Rosie the Riveter Symbol of patriotic female workers who labored in defense factories
Office of war information government agency that controlled the flow of war news in the United States
Enola Gay airplane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan
U.S.S. Arizona United States ship that was sunk at Pearl Harbor, December 7,1941, in which over 1,000 sailors were killed when it sank in less then 10 minutes
U.S.S. Missouri official surrender of the Japanese took place aboard
Zionism movement to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine
Zaibatsu huge family-run corporations that monopolized Japan's economy
satellite nations Eastern European countries under the control of the Soviet Union
containment U.S. policy to stop the launched by Soviet Union in 1957
expansionism Soviet policy of spreading communism around the world
Central Intelligence Agency Strategic military and political information from other countries was gathered
brinkmanship U.S. policy in 1950's that called for threatening all-out nuclear war in order to confront communist aggression
Red Scare Cold War tensions sparked from fear
Hollywood Ten a group of film directors and writers, who refused to answer government questions about their patriotism and political philosophies, were jailed and had there careers destroyed
hydrogen bomb many Americans grew even more fearful of nuclear war when the United States and the Soviet Union both produced
Sputnik first satellite in space, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957
North Atlantic Treaty Organization military alliance of Western Europe nations, U.S. and Canada
Warsaw Pact military alliance of Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union
Truman Doctrine declared that the United States had a policy of supporting free people who resist conquest
Baruch Plan proposed a special agency to inspect any nation's atomic energy plants
Marshall Plan massive American aid sent to promote the recovery of Western Europe after WWII
Eisenhower Doctrine offered military aid to any Middle Eastern (Arab) nation seeking help in resisting communist aggression
House Un-American Activates Committee originally created in 1938 by Congress to investigate U.S citizens accused of communist ties
National Security Council created to inform and advise the President on strategic military matters
National Defense Education Act approved by Congress to boost American science and math instruction
flexible response President kennedys entire policy of handling international crises
Peace Corps Program started by President Kennedy which sent American volunteers to work for a 2 years in developing countries
Medicare National health insurance program for people over 65
Medicaid Free health care for the poor
SCLC Alliance of church-based African American organizations that fought discriminations
CORE Civil rights group from the North
SNCC Student activist from the South formed a loose association
Sit-ins African Americans used to protest technique which refused to leave segregated lunch counters
Freedom riders Integrated group of protesters, attempted to draw attention to continue illegal segregation
Non-violent protest Way to confront "the forces of hate with the power of love"
Black power movement Movement that called black separatism and pride in African culture
Black panther party Group called for black self defense groups against racist police oppression
Busing Recommended sending children to schools outside of their neighborhoods
Affirmative action
Guerrilla warfare
College deferments Common method used by most young men from higher income familes to avoid draft
Defoliants American and Filipino prisoners of war were brutally beaten by Japanese
Agent orange
Pentagon papers
Madman theory
Veterans memorial List the soldiers names
Battle of Stalingrad German Battle both Soviet Union and US
Battle of midway US won because it had broken Japanese fleet code and knew Japan's plans
Created by: kasatkowki18
Popular History sets




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