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MEM-Pediatric Final

Diagnosis for cold type asthma KD failing to grasp Qi
symptoms of Cold type asthma Puffy face – bright white to grey complexion, mountain base bluish, copius white frothy phlegm, cold body no sweat, no thirst, prefers warm drinks, coughing, wheezing, grasping for breath.
Causative factors for asthma 1. pre or post heaven LU Qi Xu. 2. Repeated respiratory tract infection 3. Accumulation disorders 4. Meds that drive pathogens deeper in to the body
Triggers for asthma Food additives, pet danders, dust mites, air pollens, perfume, Tv and video games, lack of exercise, emotional triggers, weather change
Which is more common, hot or cold asthma? Hot
Hot Type Asthma diagnosis KD failing to grasp Qi w/ heat obstuction
Hot Type Asthma symptoms coughing, wheezing, thick yellow phlegm, red complexion, thirst with desire for cold drinks. Yellow urine, constipation, stuffy chest.
Point where KD grasps LU Qi. CV6
Wai Lao Gong disperses heat, also can warm for deficiency cold. Used for diarrhea or enuresis. Opposite P8
What does Tian He Shui treat? Tian He Shui – PC channel. Always from distal to proximal –Yin Xu heat or mixed syndrome. Relieves ext. Calms fright.Good for fever. Fright crying. ST heat,constipation, Heat in Urine.
Jian Jing GB 21 -grasp or press rotate for neck rigidity, tonsillitis or sore throat. Invigs Qi and blood. Descends Qi.
Feng Men UB 12 – 1.5 cun lateral to T2- Press rotate for colds, asthma, respiratory problems.
Shen Shu UB 23 – diarrhea, developmental weakness, enuresis.
What is “seven segments” L2 - Sacrum. For constipation, diarrhea, low back pain. Chafing, or rotate push or push. Pushing down will help constipation. Push up for diarrhea.
For what 2 conditions can you go down the spine? Fever & ?
Qing Jin(Blue tendon) near LU 9(more ulnar) press rotate for vision/eyes.
Shi Wang (Shi Xuan) – revive shen, coma
Er Shan Men Surrounds the PC finger on dorsal side of hand. Press rotate or dredge. Sedates and calms, any heat syndrome.
LR Jing Don’t tonify, always reduce. Clear GB heat, LR heat, relax mind, convulsion, expel wind, reduce fever.
Which pt. should only be reduced, tx:Ear and Shaoyang situations? GB Jing
LI Jing Disperse for constipation. Tonify for diarrhea. Both for colic.
Wai Lao Gong disperses heat, also can warm for deficiency cold. Used for diarrhea or enuresis.LOCATION???
What does Tian He Shui treat? Tian He Shui – PC channel. Always from distal to proximal –Yin Xu heat or mixed syndrome. Relieves ext. Calms fright.Good for fever. Fright crying. ST heat,constipation, Heat in Urine.
Turtle tail at tip of coccix – GV1, press rotate or fingernail press. Stop diarrhea or help constipation
Bai Hui Du 20 – Smoothes LR Qi, improves eyes, convulsion, epilepsy, headache, insomnia, Contraindicated for N/V. Helps any prolapse.
Tian Tu CV 22 – 10 to 20 times – for cough with difficulty expelling mucous. Forceful pressure will induce vomit.
San Yin Jiao SP 6 – Diarrhea/bedwetting – push up. Constipation/convulsion push down or press rotate.
2 causes for acute Otitis Media 1.external attack of W-C or W-H. 2.Heat in LR/GB(more discharge/more pain)Either can and usually does combine with dampness.
E and P of Otitis Media EPI or Internal pathogen transfers into the ear. Phlegm obstruction in ear canal and eustation tube. Asso. w/ pertussis vacine?
Chronic Otitis Media DX: 1. Damp-heat in LR/GB and KD Yin Xu2. SP Qi XU leading to damp.
Ji Zhu Spine (C7 down)
Acute pink eye Dx: W-H attacking the eye (Common) – Sudden onset, red, sore, itchy, watery eyes. w/ other signs of W-H(thirst, fever)
What is the IFV and TX: for acute pink eye? IFV dark red or purple at wind pass. Tx: clear wind heat, cool and nourish the eyes.
What's a goodeye wash for pink eye? Long Da Xie Gan Tang
Most common chronic pattern of pink eye? Damp-Heat in LR gall bladder(common in older children with weak eye Qi from repeated Wind attacks or LPFs.
Symptoms of chronic pink eye Sticky, gritty, mucus in eye, red, swollen, painful eye, red face, yellow scant urine, thirst, worse w/anger, often w/ styes.
E and P of chronic pink eye Qi of the eye is weakened. Phlegm in channels blocks the circulation of Qi to the eyes giving rise to recurrent bouts of conjunctivitis.
levels of eczema Mild – red patches Medium- rough flaky patches that flake off when rubbed. Serious – covers larger areas of skin and weep and ooze.
TCM root cause of eczema? Skin not nourished. Something prevents good circulation of blood(or good blood) to skin. Usually phlegm/ damp under the skin, heat in blood, Blood xu or a combo of xu and heat.
Factors that contribute to eczema# Other contributing factors: Heredity Lu and/or SP dysfunction. Immunization Antibiotics Diet Emotions
Foods that aggravate eczema milk, peanuts, peanut butter, oranges and bananas, shellfish, spicy
MMR vaccine can cause hot LPF
Symptoms of Qi and Blood Xu type eczema dry/flaky skin , rash less severe
Tx for Qi and Blood Xu type eczema Clear Phlegm heat, Bu the LU, Treat the LPF.
Large Transverse Line wrist crease- ca fa for excess phlegm ECZEMA.
5 considerations for eczema 1. heat2. damp3. dry/rough skin(heat and phlegm combo)4. Qi and Blood Xu5. itching(Qi and Blood Yu)
snail shell two points on side of wrist (cough asthma, EPI)
small celestial center P7, shen stuff/eye stuff(convulsion, blurred vision, night crying)
Bone of celestial pillar C1-C7 go down for fever or vomiting(descends Qi)
Abdomen Fu stomach issues
Abdomen corner (Du Jiao) grasp ST 27 for ab. pain
Dan Tian Tonify KD
How long does it take for children to form meridians? 7 years
What are always components of the diagnosis in children? SP/ST or Shen
What is "Changing"? Growth of Yin organs – every 32 days
What is "Steaming"? Growth of Yang organs – every 64 days
First stage is Birth to 5-6 years equates to what organ/element? SP-Earth
Second stage in kids dev. is between 6 months and 4 years LU/LI - (likely to get asthma, wind invasions, etc.)
Third stage is between 4-5 years KD - bone and brain growth
Fourth stage in kids is between 5-7 years LR - emotional stuff
Allergy to cow milk Phlegm, stomach pain, violent behavior, excema.
Allergy to Bananas Phlegm and abdominal pain
Allergy to Gluten phlegm, irritability, depression, diarrhea
Allergy to Additives(Citric acid), colorings, preservatives – hyper, irritable, irrational behavior
Allergy to refined sugar hyper, difficulty focusing, mood swings
Child's Qi comes from Parents
Premature babe is likely to have weak... Sp and LU
What can cause early loss of Yin? Premature birth or birth trauma, mommy stress, congenital Yin weakness, fast paced life, not enough rest, too much video/tv, too much spicy
Way to assess the child: 1.Xu or Shi? 2.Shen? 3.Face inc: Mountain Base? 4.IFV? 5.Pulse? 6.Tongue 7.Complection 8. Lymph 9. everything else
What are the 3 parts of the IFV? Wind, Qi and Organ pass
What does a red or light red IFV indicate? cold
What does a dark red or purple IFV indicate? heat
What does a bright red IFV indicate? EPI
What does a dull yellow IFV indicate? SP
What does a blue IFV indicate? Pain
What is normal pulse for 4 5 and 6 year olds? - 4years -90 bpm(normal), 5 years – 80 bpm, 6 years – 70 bpm
A normal pulse for a child may be of what quality? wiry and slippery
Puffy face and puffy under the eyes may indicate LU Xu
Premier problem for babies is Infantile phlegm.
Basic E and P of Infantile phlegm When digestive fire is challenged the infant is unable to completely vaporize the food essence. Remaining impure mist rises to the lungs and congeals to mucus
2 causes of colic HT heat(heat from food stag goes up), SP Cold(Pathologic Yin overcomes Yang at night)
3 Stages of diarrhea 1.Cold 2. Cold turns to damp-heat 3. SP and KD Yang depletion(911)
Excess Constipation usually hot condition. Child didn't drink enough water, ate spicy or greasy food.
Deficient Constipation usually cold condition. Food stag leads to MJ/LJ stag
Turtle tail is located at DU 2
Teething is considered what type of disorder? Digestive problem. Associated w/KD Qi & Yang. ST and LI are involved, thus digestion problems.
Sore gums, irritability, restlessness, poor appetitie, insomnia may indicate teething.
Causes of vomiting 1. Food retention(over fed, fed cold milk or formula)2. Stomach Cold 3. ST heat accumulation(hot spicy, greasy food or lingering W-H)
Projectile vomiting is usually associate with Accumulation of heat in the ST.
IFV and mountain base for W-C IFV light to bright red. Mountain Base blackish(indicates cold)
IFV and mountain base for W-H IFV – deep red to purple, Mountain base – grayish
Violent expulsion of purulent, ropey phlegm indicates Whooping cough(100 day cough)(Pertussis)
Stage 1 of Whooping cough Onset - 10-20 days of copius sputum, runny nose
Stage 2 of whooping cough Illness - 40-60 days of convulsive croupy cough and vomiting of phlegm
Stage 3 of whooping cough Recovery - characterized by weakness and cold
E and P of Pertussis EPI attacks weak/phlegmy body causing stag that turns to heat. Phlegm thickens, LU rebels to clear itself with cough and vomiting. Heat injures LU leading to bloody sputum, vomit, and Yin consumption.
What are the Opening Three? 1.Tian Men (Yintang line) – use Ma Fa. 2.Kan Gong – spread apart over eyebrows. 3. Tai Yang - Press rotate
What is Stone Moth? Chronic Tonsilitis. Caused by Hot or cold LPF. Feels like stone in throat. Child is strong, tonsils are swollen, bright red, painful. Enlarged glands, dry hard cough. Pale tongue, Slippery pulse. IFV is red or purple.
What is Milk Moth? 2Chronic Tonsilitis d/t YIN XU. Has pus, milky fluid, spots, gooey stuff. WFD issues in past + weak KD Qi. Child has Yin XU lifestyle. Throat is Swollen, painful, red, dry, covered with dry white paste and or pus.
According to TCM what can cause measles? Fetal toxins/pathogens not allowed to emerge.
Stage 1 of measles Incubation – eye symptoms, flu-like symptoms, sore throat. After 3-4 days, red strip appears at back of the ear. Kopliks spots
Stage 2 of measles 2. Venting rash - from behind ears, to neck, face, chest, body. Spots get patchy, dark red, oozy. High fever, thirst, pos. convulsions, cough . 3-6 days
Besides Tuina, what might be helpful to treat pediatric asthma? Plum blossom, cupping, percussion.
Autism symptoms Mental/social regression, impaired speech, word and bizarre behavior repetition, Head banging, flapping arms, screaming, little interest in human contact, self destructiveness, hypersensitivity, resistance to change, inability to care for oneself.
How common is autism? 1 in 150 children.
Hep B - blood bourne
Rotovirus - fecal-oral route. Vomit, diarrhea, fever , ab pain) can lead to dehydration/require hospitalization.
Diptheria - grey pseudomembrane. Danger of HT or KD problems of esophageal obstruction.
Tetanus tetanus spores into a puncture wound.
Mumps Acute viral illness spread airborn. sxs inc:pain and swelling of salivary glands. Skin rash.
Rubella German measles - can be passed from mom to fetus or through moisture droplets.Risk to unborn baby if mom is infected in first 4 months of prego.
Polio airborne and fecal-oral transmission.Usually mild – 85% no symptoms
Varicella - varicella zoster virus, life long immunity.
Meningitis - inflammation of brain/spinal cord membranes. Viral meningitis-mild, no treatment. BACTERIAL meningitis -life-threatening, use antibiotics.
Tian Zu Gu Heavenly pillar c1-c7superior to inferior (good for vomit)
Ban Men – On thumb for phlegm and vomiting
Nei Ba Gua – ton Qi of the body
Wei Ba Gua - ton Qi of the body, digestion
Er shen man – dredge for fever
Turtle tail - tip of coccix
Luo Si – harmonize Qi of the body
DU 20 (Ba Hui) – raise yang
Xiao Tian shen – small celestial heart – for heat, anxiety, restless, teething
Stage 3 of measles recovery - rash fades, everything improves.
3 DX: of enuresis 1. weak lower gate(KD Qi or Yang)fear/abuse. (Qi left genitalia), 2. SP and LU Qi Xu(chronic lots of weakness,pm urine is copious)3. Damp-heat in LR channel (frustration, anger issues - UTI Symptoms.
Symptons of KD Qi Xu enuresis Deep voice with cavernous timber, urinate in AM, Pm, normal KD Xu signs, low energy, slow growth, development. Slow deep forceless pulse, pale tongue.)
E and P of KD Qi Enuresis KD Qi and Yang are weak so lower burner weak. Urethra and anus can't hold fluids.
Recommendations for enuresis No fluids after 5:00pm, no spicy, no greasy no over thinking.
E and P for SP Qi Xu enuresis LU governs water passage, SP T and T - both organs weak- loss of control of fluids.
E and P of D-H in LR channel LR Qi Yu turns to heat, collects in channels. Hot damp diet contributes.pours down into bladder, irritates urethra.
Created by: rmr
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