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Chapter 1-16

word root core of the word, meaning, each term has one or more word root
suffix word part attached to the end of the word root to modify its meaning
prefix word part attached to the beginning of a word root to modify its meaning
combining vowel word part, usually an o, used to ease pronunciation
muscle tissue composed of cells that have a special ability to contract, usually producing movement
nervous tissue found in the nerves, spinal cord, and brain. responsible for coordinating and controlling body activities
connective tissue connects, supports, penetrates, and encases various body structures
epithelial tissue the major covering of the external surface of the body
onc/o tumor, mass
rhabd/o rod-shaped, striated
-plasia condition of formation, development, growth
anter/o front
dist/o away (from point of attachment)
medi/o middle
proxim/o near (the point of attachment)
ventr/o belly (front)
-ad toward
lateral pertaining to a side
umbilical cord around the navel
lumbar regions to the right and left of the umbilical region, near the waist
epigastric region superior to the umbilical region
hypochondriac regions to the right and left of the epigastric region
hypogastric region inferior to the umbilical region
lilac regions to the right and left of the hypogastric region, near the groin
right upper quadrant (RUQ) area encompassing the right lobe of the liver, gallbladder, medial portion of the pancreas, and portions of the small and large intestines
left upper quadrant (LUQ) area encompassing the left lobe of the liver, stomach, the spleen, literal portion of the pancreas, and portions of the small and large intestines
right lower quadrant (RLQ) area encompassing portions of the small and large intestines, the appendix, the right ureter, and the right ovary and uterine tube in woman or right spermatic duct in men
left lower quadrant (LLQ) area encompassing portions of the small and large intestines, the left ureter, and the left ovary and uterine tube in woman or the left spermatic duct in men
epidermis outer layer of skin
sebaceous glands secrete sebum in to the hair follicles where the hair shafts pass through the dermis
nails originate in the epidermis, ends of fingers and toes, white part is called the lunula
onych/o, ungu/o nail
trich/o hair
hidradenitis inflammation of a sweat gland
basal call carcinoma (BCC) epithelial tumor arising from the epidermis
squamous cell carcinoma (SqCCA) malignant growth that develops from scalelike epithelial tissue
staphylococcus (staph) berry-shaped in grapelike-clusters
streptococcus (strep) berry-shaped in twisted chains
nevus circumscribed malformations of the skin, usually black, brown, or flesh colored. birth mark, mole
BCC basal cell carcinoma
pharynx the throat. serves as a food and air passageway.
nas/o, rhin/o nose
pulmon/o lung
urinary system removes waste material from the body, regulates fluid volume, maintains electrolyte concentration in the body.
nephron urine-producing microscopic structure. 1 million on each kidney
ureter/o ureter
hydr/o water
ureterostenosis narrowing of the ureter
prostate gland encircles a proximal section of the urethra. It secretes a fluid that aids in the movement of the sperm and ejaculation
scrotum sac containing the testes and epididymis, suspended on both sides of and posterior to the penis
prepuce fold of skin covering the glans penis in uncircumcised males
priapism persistent abnormal erection of the penis accompanied by pain and tenderness
balanoplasty surgical repair of the glans penis
spermatolysis dissolution of sperm
human papillomavirus (HPV) sexually transmitted disease caused by viral infection, over 40 types.
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia
PSA prostate-specific antigen
ovaries pair of almond shaped organs located in the pelvic cavity
men/o menstruation
peri- surrounding (outer)
colpitis, vaginitis inflammation of the vagina
hematosalpinx blood in the uterine tube
myometritis inflammation of the uterine muscle
oophoritis inflammation of the ovary
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) inflammation of some of all of the female pelvic organs; can be caused by many different pathogens
dilation and curettage (D&C) surgical procedure to widen the cervix and scrape the endometrium with an instrument called a curette.
hysteroscopy visual examination of the uterus
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
gamete mature germ cel, either sperm or ovum
fet/o, fet/i fetus, unborn child
nulli- none
-rrhexis rupture
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) respiratory complication in the newborn, especially in premature infants
heart consists of two smaller upper chambers, the right atrium and left atrium, and two lower chambers, the right ventricle and the left ventricle.
lymph transparent, colorless, tissue fluid; contains lymphocytes and monocytes and flows in a one way direction to the heart
arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries
arrhythmia, dysarrhythmia any disturbance or abnormality in the hearts normal rhythmic pattern
femoropopliteal bypass surgery to establish an alternate route from femoral artery to popliteal artery bypass an obstruction
RBC red blood cells
WBC white blood cells
diastole when the ventricles relax and fill with blood between contractions, lower number on reading
fibrillation rapid, quivering, non coordinated contractions of the atria or ventricles
systole when the ventricles contract and eject blood , higher number on reading
HHD hypertensive heart disease
duodenum first 10 to 12 inches of the small intestine
jejunum second portion of the small intestine, approximately 8 feet long
ileum third portion of the small intestine, approximately 11 feet long, which connects with the large intestine
abdomin/o, celi/o, lapar/o abdomen, abdominal cavity
proctoptosis prolapse of the rectum
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) periodic disturbance of bowel function, such as diarrhea and or constipation, usually with abdominal pain
uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) surgical repair of the uvula, palpate, and pharynx
upper GI (gastrointestinal) series series of radiographic images taken of the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and duodenum after the contrast agent barium has been administered orally
dysphagia difficult swallowing
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
UPPP uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
lens lies directly behind the pupil, function is to bend and focus light
lacrimal glands and ducts produce and drain tears
corne/o, kerat/o cornea
trabeculectomy surgical creation of an opening that allows aqueous humor to drain out of the eye
OD, OS, OU right eye, left eye, and both eyes
ossicles bones of the middle ear that carry sound vibrations. The ossicles are composed of the malleus, incus, and stapes.
ear to hear and provide a sense of balance
cochlea snail-shaped and contains the organ of hearing
myringotomy incision into the tympanic membrane to release pus or fluid and relieve pressure in the middle ear
tympanoplasty surgical repair of the middle ear
OM otitis media
AD, AS, AU right ear, left ear, both ears
compact bone dense, hard layers of bone tissue that lie underneath the periosteum
abduction moving away from the midline
adduction moving toward the midline
stern/o sternum (breastbone)
ankyl/o stiff, bent
ankylosis abnormal condition of stiffness
osteoblast developing bone cell
osteocyte bone cell
osteoclast type of bone cell involved in absorption and removal of bone minerals
cerebellum hindbrain
-iatry treatment, specialty
neurasthenia nerve weakness
cerebral palsy lack of muscle control and partial paralysis
transient ischemic attack (TIA) mini stroke, deficient blood to the brain
radicotomy, rhizotomy incision into the nerve root
neurosis emotional disorder involving ineffective coping with anxiety or inter conflict
TIA transient ischemic attack
endocrine system regulates body activities through the use of chemical messengers called hormone get released in to the bloodstream
cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands it aids the body during stress by increasing glucose to provide energy
aldosterone secreted by the adrenal cortex electrolytes are used for normal body function
epinephrine, norepinephrine secreted by the adrenal medulla, helps the body to deal with stress by increasing bp, heartbeat, and respirations
aden/o gland
dips/o thirst
Addison disease chronic syndrome resulting from a deficiency in the hormonal secretion of the adrenal cortex
fasting blood sugar blood test to determine the amount of glucose in the blood after for fasting for 8-10 hours
FBS fasting blood sugar
Created by: 1369322229760607
Popular Medical sets




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