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Tangerine Part 2 Voc

Part 2 Vocabulary Words

jeering to make rude or mocking remarks-usually in a loud voice
menacing suggesting the presence of danger, threatening
berserk out of control with anger or excitement
decoy to lure or entice something away from danger or a trap
fumigate to expose to smoke or fumes-usually to disinfect or exterminate
prominence the state of being important or famous
alcove a small recess opening off a larger room
encephalitis a disease that causes inflammation of the brain
pesticide a chemical used to kill animals or insects
liable responsible by law
dilapidated in a state of disrepair or ruin
surplus more than what is needed-extra
scion a young shoot or twig of a plant
billowing move or flow outward
wrenched pulled or twisted suddenly or violently
rampage rush around in a violent and uncontrolled manner
Quonset hut a metal building in a semicircle shape
bandolera a broad belt worn by soldiers
reverence showing respect
horticulture the science of growing plants
composed under control, calm
congregated to gather in a crowd
grainy not clear, smooth or fine
vehemently showing strong feelings
Created by: dviola
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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