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Psych Drugs Exam II

Psych Drugs

Hydroxyzine Atarax, Vistaril (anti-anxiety)
Alprazolam Xanax (anti-anxiety)
Chlordiazepoxide Librium (anti-anxiety)
Clonazepam Klonopin (anti-anxiety)
Clorazepate Tranxene (anti-anxiety)
Diazepam Valium (anti-anxiety)
Lorazepam Ativan (anti-anxiety)
Oxazepam Serax (anti-anxiety)
Meprobamate Miltown (anti-anxiety)
Buspirone Buspar
Amitriptyline Elavil, Endep( anti-depressant) Tricyclic
Amoxapine Asendin (anti-depressant) Tricyclic
Clomipramine Anafranil (anti-depressant)Tricyclic
Desipramine Norpramin (anti-depressant) Tricyclic
Doxepin Sinequan (anti-depressant)Tricyclic
Imipramine Tofranil(anti-depressant)Tricyclic
Nortriptyline Aventyl, Pamelor (anti-depressant) Tricyclic
Protriptyline Vivactil (anti-depressant) Tricyclic
Trimipramine Surmontil (anti-depressant) Tricyclic
Citalopram Celexa (anti-depressant) Tricyclic
Citalopram Celexa (anti-depressant) SSRI
Fluoxetine Prozac, Sarafem (anti-depressant) SSRI
Fluvoxamine Luvox (anti-depressant) SSRI
Escitalopram Lexapro (anti-depressant) SSRI
Paroxetine Paxil (anti-depressant) SSRI
Sertraline Zoloft (anti-depressant) SSRI
Isocarboxazid Marplan (anti-depressant) MAOI
Phenelzine Nardil (anti-depressant) MAOI
Tranylcypromine Parnate (anti-depressant) MAOI
Bupropion Zyban, Wellbutrin (anti-depressant) ADHD
Maprotiline Ludiomil (anti-depressant)
Mirtazapine Remeron (anti-depressant)
Trazodone Desyrel (anti-depressant)
Nefazodone Serzone (anti-depressant)
Venlafaxine Effexor (anti-depressant)
Duloxetine Cymbalta (anti-depressant)
Lithium Eskalith, Lithobid (mood stabilizer)anti-manic; bipolar disorder
Carbamazepine Tegretol (mood stabilizer)(anti-convulsant); bipolar; seizures; resistanct schizophrenia
Valproic Acid Depakote (mood stabilizer)(anti-convulsant)bipolar; migraine prophylaxis
Lamotrigine Lamictal (mood stabilizer); seizures; bipolar
Gabapentin Neurontin (mood stabilizer) seizures; bipolar
Topiramate Topamax (mood stabilizer); seizures; bipolar
Verapamil Calan, Isoptin (mood stabilizer)(calcium channel blocker) angina; arrhythmias; bipolar; migraine prophylaxis
Olanzapine Zyprexa-mood stabilizer, anti-psychotic -schizophrenia
Aripiprazole Abilify (mood stabilizer) bipolar; anti-psychotic
Chlorpromazine Thorazine (mood stabilizer)
Quetiapine Seroquel (mood stabilizer, anti-psychotic)
Risperidone Riserdal (mood stabilizer, anti-psychotic)
Zaprasidone Geodon (mood stabilizer, anti-psychotic)
Chlorpromazine Thorazine (anti-psychotic) Phenothizine
Fluphenazine Prolixin (anti-psychotic) Phenothiazine
Perphenazine Trilafon (anti-psychotic) Phenothiazine
Prochlorperazine Compazine (anti-psychotic) Phenothiazine
Thioridazine Mellaril (anti-psychotic) Phenothiazine
Trifluoperazine Stelazine (anti-psychotic) Phenotiazine
Thiothixine Narvane (anti-psychotic)
Haloperidol Haldol (anti-psychotic)
Loxapine Loxitane (anti-psychotic)
Molindone Morban (anti-psychotic)
Clozapine Clozaril (anti-psychotic)
Pimozide Orap (anti-psychotic)
Benztropine Cogentin (anti-parkinsonian; anti-cholinergic)
Biperiden Akineton (anti-parkinsonian; anti-cholinergic)
Procyclidine Kemadrin (anti-parkinsonian; anticholinergic)
Trihexyphenidyl Artane (anti-parkinsonian; anticholinergic)
Diphenhydramine Benadryl (anti-parkinsonian; histamine)
Amantadine Symmetrel (anti-parkinsonian)
Amobarbital Amytal (sedative) barbituate
Butabarbital Butisol (sedative) barbituate
Mephobarbital Mebaral (sedative) barbituate
Phenobarbital Luminal (sedative) barbituate
Secobarbital Seconal (sedative) barbituate
Estazolam Seconal (sedative) benzodiazepine
Flurazepam Dalmane (sedative) benzodiazepine
Quazepam Doral (sedative) benzodiazepine
Temazepam Restoril (sedative) benzodiazepine
Triazolam Halcion (sedative) benzodiazepine
Chloral hydrate Noctec (sedative)
Eszopiclone Lunesta (sedative)
Zaleplon Sonata (sedative)
Zolpidem Ambien (sedative)
Dextroamphetamine sulfate Dexedrine (amphetimine) ADHD
Methamphetamine Desoxyn (amphetimine) ADHD
Dextroamphetamine Adderall (amphetimine) ADHD
Methylphenidate Ritalin, Methylin, Concerta, Metadate (amphetimine mixture) ADHD
Dexmethylphenidate Focalin (amphetimine mixture) ADHD
Pemoline Cylert (amphetimine mixture) ADHD
Atomoxetine Strattera (amphetiine mixture) ADHD
Popular Pharmacology sets




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