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Biology Chapter 27

Flatworms and Roundworms

Platyheminthes the phylum flatworms are grouped into
Characteristics of Flatworms soft, flattened worms that have tissue and internal organ systems. They are the simplest animals to have three embryonic germ layers, bilateral symmetry and cephalization
Acoelomates meaning no coelom
Coelom a fluid filled body cavity that is lined with tissue derived from mesoderm
Pharynx a muscular tube near the mouth that helps pump food into the digestive cavity or gut
Flame Cells specialized cells that remove excess water from the body
Ganglia groups of nerve cells, that control the nervous system
Eyespot group of cells that can detect changes in the amount of light in their environment
Fission an organism splits into two and each half grows new parts to become a complete organism; asexual reproduction
Scolex a structure that can contain suckers or hooks; head of the worm
Proglottids the segments that make up most of the worms body
Pseudocoelom meaning false coelom; cavity that is lined only partially with tissue derived from the mesoderm
Class Turbellaria the class of free living planarians; most live in marine or fresh water and are bottom dwellers
Class Trematoda the class of parasitic flukes; infect the internal organs of their host or even the blood of the host
Schistosoma Mansoni a parasitic blood fluke; these flukes live in multiple hosts.
Class Cestoda the class of parasitic tapeworms; adapted to the life inside the intestines of their hosts
Nemotoda the phylum roundworms are grouped into
C. elegans free living roundworm; its DNA was the first of any multi cellular animal's to be sequenced completely and feeds on rotting vegetation
Trinchina Worm (Trchinosis) a disease formed from roundworms burrowing into organs and tissues causing cysts in muscles; can get it by eating raw or incompletely cooked pork
Filarial Worms (Elephantiasis) a disease formed from roundworms when fluids within the lymph vessels get blocked causing swelling; transmitted by biting insects, mosquito
Ascarid Worms (Ascaris) a disease formed from roundworms; absorb the host's digested food and can cause severe malnutrition; can be caused by not properly washed foods
Hookworms a disease caused by roundworms; causes weakness and poor growth, these worms develop in the soil and attach to the host when touched; travel through the blood the the lungs and down to the intestines
Characteristics of Roundworm unsegmented worms that have pseudocoeloms and digestive systems with two openings- mouth and anus
Created by: swingren
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