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Cardiac Drugs


blocks enzyme that converts agiotension I to angiotension II. Keeps vessels open and compliant ACE-Inhibitor
suffix "pril" ACE-Inhibitor
drug that causes potassium retention ACE-Inhibitor
Hypertension can occur when fist taking these drugs. START LOW, GO SLOW ACE
decrease aldosterone production ACE
can cause or aggravate protenuria and renal damage in non-diabetics and can have the opposite affects on diabetics ACE
First-Line treatment drug for diabetics ACE
Persistent cough develops in 10-20% of ppl ACE
Hyperkalemia can happen with this drug ACE
Less effective with AA as monotherapy ACE
Patients with this drug often experience increase in BUN and serum creatinine levels ACE
Dosage needs to be reduced in ppl with renal failure ACE
Adjust or discontinue dosage with ppl who have hepatic failure ACE
Work on Angiotension II ARBs
"sartan" is the suffix here ARBs
less likely to cause hyperkalemia and cough causing effects are less ARBs
Losartan has max effects on BP in 3-6 weeks ARBs
metabolized in the liver and do not need dose reduction with renal impairment ARBs
Inhibit activity of SNS Antiadrenergic
adverse effect is OSHT called the first dose phenomenon Antiadrenergic
take first dose at night to prevent first-dose-phenomenon Antiadrenergic
long-term use may warrant diuretic therapy be added due to sodium and fluid retention Antiadrenergic
decreases sympathetic activity causing decreased CO, HR, BP, and PVR Clonidine (Catapres) (alpha-2)
dilates blood vessels and decreases PVR Prazosin (Minipres) (alpha-1)
given to AA who do not respond to ACE and ARBs, give these bc they have low renin-hypertension Antiadrenergic
Effects the SNS. May cause you to be drowsy, dizzy, palpitations, and syncope Antiadrenergic
Disadvantage is the delayed onset of effect usually 2-3 days for TD. PO usually takes affect within 1-3 hours Antiadrenergic
Decrease heart rate, force of MI contraction, CO, and rennin release from the kidneys Beta-Adrenergic Blockers
Abrupt withdrawl has resulted in exacerbation of angina, the incidence of ventricular dysrhythmias and the occurrence of MIs Beta-Adrenergic Blockers
"olol" Beta-Adrenergic Blockers
More effective than nitrates or calcium channel blockers in decreasing the likelihood of silent ischemia and improving the mortality rate after tansmural MI Beta-Adrenergic
Don't give to someone who has pulmonary disease bc it is nonselective Beta-Adrenergic Blockers
selective for beta-1 Atenolol (Tenormin) and Lopressor (metoprolol)
first choice for patients younger than 50 with high rennin-hypertension, tachycardia, angina pectoris, MI, or left ventricular hypertrophy Beta-Adrenergic
used in children of all ages for hypertension and HA Beta-Adrenergic
take this med on empty stomach Catopril
in hypertension, these drugs mainly dilate peripheral arteries and decrease PVR by relaxing vascular smooth muscle Calcium Channel Blockers
well absorbed from the GI tract following oral administration and are highly protein bound Calcium Channel Blockers
Not a first choice drug for angina Calcium Channel Blockers
Commonly prescribed in combination with beta blockers Calcium Channel Blockers
Cardiac Selected drugs Calcium Channel Blockers
Drug of choice for AA with stage II hypertension Calcium Channel Blockers
Created by: jenetheridge77
Popular Nursing sets




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