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Medical Terminology

Chapter 42 Medical Assisting in other specialitites

-logist one who studies
all/o other
-ology study of
cardi/o heart
derm/o dermat/o cutane/o skin
endo- inside, within
gastr- gastro- stomach
entero- intestine
neu- neuro- nerve
onco- tumor
-oma tumor
benign a noncancerous or nonmalignant growth or condition
malignant a type of tumor or neoplasm that is invasive and destruction and that tends to metastasize: it is commonly known as cancerous
meta- beyond
-stasis stoppage
carcino- cancer
-gene -genic -genetic -genesis -genous arising from, origin, formation
pre- pro- before, in front of
ortho- straight, normal, correct
-pedia to educate or a compendium of knowledge
endocrino- endocrine system, endocrine structures or function
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) an abnormal condition that may affect the heart's arteries and produces various pathologic effects, esp. the reduced flow of oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium.
hyper- excessive, above, or beyond
-tension condition of being stretched, strained, or in which pressure is exerted.
myo- muscle
in fiber
infarct a localized area of necrosis in a tissue resulting from anoxia (lack of blood flow).
dia- two, twice
diabetes a clinical condition characterized by excessive excretion of urine.
dys- difficult, painful, bad, abnormal
valvula certain small valves in the body and cusps of the heart valves
-itis inflammation of
a- an- without, not
acne (acne vulgaris) a chronic disorder of hair follicles and sebaceous glands characterized by pimple outbreaks, cysts, infected abscesses, and sometimes scarring
co -com- con- together, with
contact dermatitis a skin rash resulting from exposure to a primary irritant or to a sensitizing antigen.
psor- itching
psoiasis condition of itching
-iasis condition of
eczema a general superficial dermatitis of unknown cause.
wart (verruca) a benign viral warty skin lesion with rough papillomatous surface.
mole a pigmented nevus
-glycemia condition of sugar in the blood.
hypo- below, under, decreased
thyro- thyroid gland
hypothyroidism decreased activity of the thyroid gland. Underproduction of thyroxine (t3)
herni- rupture
chole- chlo- cholo- gall
cysto- bladder, bag
lith- stone
colo- colon
gerd gastro esophageal reflux disease
diverticulitis inflammation of one or more diverticula.
hemi- Half
hemo- relating to blood or blood vessels
hemorrhoid a varicosity in the lower rectum or anus caused by congestion in the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus.
Alzheimer's disease a condition characterized by progressive mental deterioration.
em- en- in, into, inside
bells palsy a unilateral paralysis of the facial nerve.
encelphalo- brain
encephalitits inflammation of the brain
epi- on, above
epilepsy a group of neurologic disorders characterized by recurrent episodes of convulsive seizures.
migraine a recurring headache characterized by unilateral onset, severe throbbing pain, photophobia, phonophobia, and autonomic disturbances during the acute phase.
Parkinson's disease a slowly progressive degenerative neurologic disorder.
trauma physical injury caused by violent disruptive action or by the introduction into the body of a toxic substance.
par- para- alongside of, with: woman who has given birth
-plegia paralysis
quadr- quadri- four
-pathy disease, condition of
arthr/o joints
dis- apart, away from
oste- osteo- pertaining to bone
-penia too few, lack, decreased
analgesics pain relief
intra- intro- into within during
scratch test used to test for specific allergies.
patch test discover the cause of contact dermatitis.
intradermal test more sensitive than the scratch test
RAST measures blood levels of antibodies to specific allergens.
auscultation blood pressure and heart sounds( to measure)
palpation To feel
-gram recorded information
electrocardiogram ECG EKG measures the electrical activity of the heart.
stress test measures response to a constant or increasing workload. Stress Thallium ECG or chemical stress test.
Holter Monitor Records ECG over a period of time.
CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft.
Wood's Light examination skin is inspected under ultraviolet lamp in a darkened room
endoscopy direct visualization of a body cavity.
pernoral endoscopy esophagus, stomach, duodenum.
Colonscopy examination of the large intestine,
Proctoscopy examination of the lower rectum and anal canal.
sigmoidoscpoy examination of the sigmoid area of the large intestine
occult blood blood in stool (hidden blood)
Cholecystography gallbladder function test. Differentiate b/t bile duct obstruction and gallstones.
Barium swallow Upper GI
barium enema Lower GI
electroencephalography Electrical activity of the brain
CT scan Computerized tomography
lumbar puncture diagnose infection, measure CSF pressure, Check for blood or proteins.
electromyography neuromuscular disorders or nerve damage
Biopsy Incision or open, needle are kinds A sample of tissue or fluid taken for testing. .
Cancer treatments Surgery- Removal Radiation- kills or stops growth of tumor cells chemotherapy- anticancer drugs administered to kill malignant cells, used alone or in combo, highly toxic (use PPE)
Arthroscopy View of inside of a joint.
Popular Medical sets




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