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eyes and ears

medical terms

AC air conductuon
AD right ear
AS left ear
AU both ears
EENT ears nose and throat
ENT ears nose and throat
TM tympanic membrane
conductive deafness sound waves obstructed in path from external ear to inner ear
sensorineural deafness damage that is irreversible to the auditory nerve or cochlea
meniere's disease condition of the inner ear
external ear auricle aka pinna collects sound waves
external auditory meatus canal that leads to eardrum
tympanic membrane ear drum
three ossicles incus malleus stapes
inner ear labyrinth
bony labyrinth encloses the canals and sacs
vestibule membranous sacs that aids in maintaining balance
semicircular canals balance
oval window opening in the inner ear
cochlea special organ of hearing
aur/o ear
audi/o hearing
audit/o hearing
cochle/o cochlea
labyrinth/o inner ear
labyrinthitis inflammation of the inner ear
myring/o tympanic membrane
myringotomy process of cutting into the eardrum to remove fluid
ot/o ear
otalgia earache
otitis media inflammation of the middle ear
otorrhea discharge from the ear
otosclerosis fusion of stapes onto the oval window
salping/o Eustachian tube
staped/o stapes
stapedectomy removal of stapes
tympanoplasty surgical reconstruction of the eardrum
cusis hearing
presbycusis diminished hearing due to old age
ossicul/o ossicules
inner eye 3 layers
sclera white of the eye
cornea window of the eye--aids in focusing the light onto the back of the eye
uvea middle layer
choroid inner lining of the sclera
ciliary body anterior edges of the choroid body
ciliary muscles adjusts shape of the lens for focusing
ciliary process produces aqueous humor
iris colored portion of the eye
pupil regulates the amount of light that enters the eye
intrinsic muscles dilator and sphincter muscles
dilator muscle widens pupil
sphincter muscle constricts pupil
retina innermost layer of eye
rods peripheral and low light vision
cones central and bright light vision
fovea small indentation in the retinal that contains the cones
lens not considered a layer of the eye and is located posterior to the iris
suspensory ligaments hold lens in place
refraction as light passes through the lens it is bent
aqueous humor pertaining to watery fluid in the anterior chamber
vitreous humor jelly like substance that maintains shape of the eye
orbital cavity eye socket
extrinsic muscles attach to sclera and allow eye to move in any direction
eyelids shield eye from dust light and trauma
conjuctival membrane lines the eye to protect and lubricate
lacrimal glands produce tears
lacrimal ducts deliver tears to the eyes
punctae openings that drain tears from eyes to nose
common eye diseases cataracts glaucoma astigmatism
cataracts lens becomes thick and dense interfering with the refraction of light causes vision loss
glaucoma pressure on the eye
astigmatism refers to the way light bends and focus on the retina
OD right eye
OS left eye
OU both eyes
perla pupils equal react to light and accommdation
perrla pupils equal round regular react to light and accommodation
ambly/o dull dim
dipl/o double
edema accumulation of fluid
presby old age
pseudo false
aque/o water
blephar/o eyelid
blepharopexy surgical fixation of the eyelid
blepharoplasty surgical reconstruction of the eyelid
chor/o choroid
chorioretinitis inflammation of the choroid and retina
choroiditis inflammation of the choroid
conjunctivitis inflammation of the conjunctiva
core/o pupil
cycl/o ciliary body
cyclopegia paralysis of the ciliary body
dacry/o tears
dacryogenic producing tears
dacryosyst/o lacrimal sac
dacryocystostenosis narrowing of the lacrimal sac
irid/o ir/o iris
iritis inflammation of the iris
iridectomy excision of the iris
lacrim/o tears
mi/o contraction less
miosis abnormal contraction of the pupil
mydri/o wide dilation
mydriasis dilation of the pupil
ocul/o eye
extraocular pertaining to the outside of the eye
intraocular pertaining to within the eye
ophthalm/o eye
ophthalmologist specialist of the diagnosis and study of eye diseases and treatments
ophthalmology study of the eye
opt/o vision
optician expert who fills prescription for eyeglasses and contact lenses
optometrist specialist in testing of visual function and diagnosis of nonsurgical treatment of eye conditions
phac/o phak/o lens
aphakia absence of lens
phacomalacia softening of the lens
pseudophakia condition of replacement of the lens with connective tissue
retin/o retina
retinopathy any disease of the retina
scler/o sclera
sclerectomy excision of the sclera
vitre/o glass like gel like
vitreous humor gel like substance in posterior cavity
chalasis relaxation
opia opsia vision
amblyopia dimness of vision
diplopia double vision
hemianopsia/hemianopia lack of vision in half of vision field
presbyopia impaired vision due to age
hyperopia farsightedness
myopia nearsightedness
miotic pertaining to a drug restricting pupil
miosis abnormal contraction of the pupil
karet/o cornea
Created by: ntkksh
Popular Medical sets




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