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16. 275 - 284

GRE Vocabulary Words

abase degrade or humble; to lower in rank, status, or esteem.
abreast side by side (with preposition of); keeping up with, staying aware of, or remaining equal in progress with.
abyss a deep and vast space or cavity; anything profound or infinite.
accede agree, give consent; assume power (usually as "accede to").
acidulous slightly acid or sour; sharp or caustic.
aerie dwelling or fortress built on a high place; the nest of a bird of prey, such as an eagle or hawk, built on a mountain or cliff.
albeit (conjunction) although, even though.
aloof distant physically or emotionally; reserved; indifferent.
amortize gradually pay off a debt, or gradually write off an asset.
annul make void or null, cancel, abolish (usually of laws or other established rules).
antedate be older than, precede in time; assign to an earlier date.
apostle pioneer of a reform movement (originally, an early follower of Jesus).
arbiter judge, umpire, person empowered to decide matters at hand.
ardent or ardor very passionate, devoted, or enthusiastic.
arrogate claim or take presumptuously or without the right to do so.
ascribe assign or credit to a certain cause or source.
aseptic free from germs.
assail attack violently, assault.
attuned in harmony; in sympathetic relationship.
balloon swell or puff out; increase rapidly.
baying howling in a deep way, like a dog or wolf.
besiege attack, overwhelm, crowd in on or surround.
bevy group of birds or other animals that stay close together; any large group.
bilk cheat or defraud.
blight disease that kills plants rapidly or any cause of decay or destruction; ruin or cause to wither.
blithe joyous, merry; excessively carefree (so as to ignore important concerns).
bombastic far too showy or dramatic than is appropriate; pretentious.
bonhomie friendliness, open and simple good heartedness.
brook suffer or tolerate.
catholic universal, broad-minded.
circumscribe strictly limit a role, range of activity, or area; in math, to be constructed around so as to touch as many points as possible.
circumspect cautious, prudent; careful to consider the circumstances and consequences.
chamber climb awkwardly or with difficulty, scramble.
cloying disgustingly or distastefully sweet.
coda final part of a musical composition; an ending, especially one that sums up what has come before.
coffer chest for storing valuables; financial resources, a treasury.
collude conspire; cooperate for illegal or fraudulent purposes.
connote suggest or imply in addition to the precise, literal meaning.
contraries things that are opposing; either of two opposite things.
convoke call together, as to a meeting.
cosset treat as a pet; pamper.
coterie close or exclusive group, clique.
cupidity greed, great or excessive desire.
curmudgeon bad-tempered, difficult person; grouch.
declaim speak in an impassioned, pompous, or oratorical manner; give a formal speech.
declivity downward slope.
delimit fix, mark, or define the boundaries of.
demagogue A leader who lies and gains power by arousing the passions and especially prejudices of the people.
dictum formal or authoritative pronouncement; saying or proverb.
dilate to become wider or make wider, cause to expand; to speak or write at length, elaborate upon.
distaff female, especially relating to the maternal side of the family; women or women's work; a staff that holds wool or flax for spinning.
dither act indecisively; a state of fear or trembling excitement.
diurnal occurring every day; happening in the daytime (rather than at night).
doff take off (such as clothes), put aside; remove one's hat as a gesture.
dovetail join or fit together.
droll funny in an odd way.
duplicity deceit, double-dealing, acting in two different ways for the purpose of deception.
dyspeptic grumpy, pessimistic irritable; suffering from dyspepsia (indigestion).
echelon a level, rank, or grade; the people at that level.
effigy representation or image of a person, especially a crude facsimile used to mock a hated person.
emaciate make abnormally thin, cause to physically waste away.
ersatz artificial, synthetic; being an inferior substitute.
erstwhile former, previous; in the past, formerly.
ethos the character, personality, or moral values specific to a person, group, time period, etc.
euphony pleasing or sweet sound, especially as formed by a harmonious use of words.
expedient suitable, proper, effective, often at the expense of ethics or other considerations.
faction group or clique within a larger organization; party strife and dissension.
fastidious excessively particular, difficult to please; painstaking, meticulous, requiring excessive attention to detail.
fecund fruitful, fertile; capable of abundantly producing offspring, vegetation, or creative or intellectual work.
fervid very hot; heated in passion or enthusiasm.
fledgling a young bird that has just recently gotten its feathers, an inexperienced person; new or inexperienced.
fluke stroke of luck, something accidentally successful.
forage wander in search of; rummage, hunt, make a raid.
ford place where a river or similar body of water is shallow enough to walk or ride a vehicle across; to cross at such a place.
frenetic wildly excited, frantic, distracted.
gestation pregnancy; the period from conception until birth of an animal or (metaphorically) of an idea or plan.
glacial pertaining to glaciers; cold, icy, slow, unsympathetic.
glower stare in an angry, sullen way.
graft - Part I insert part of a plant into another plant, where it continues to grow; join living tissue (such as skin) to part of the body where it will continue to live and grow;
graft - Part II attach as if by grafting; the part so grafted (as in a graft of skin); the act of acquiring money or other benefits through illegal means, especially by abusing one's power.
grandstand perform showily in an attempt to impress onlookers.
visceral elating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect.
ubiquitous present, appearing, or found everywhere.
voluble speaking or spoken incessantly and fluently.
Created by: GuteFrau
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