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SSS definitions

Directive decision making the decision making style emphasizes the here and now
evidence reasons why something is true based on statistics, expert testimony or examples
fact a piece of information that cannot be disputed
focused thinking deliberately managing your attention and directing your thoughts; thinking critically and creatively
imaginative creative style this creative style is best described as insightful
inductive argument go from specific observations to general conclusions
innovative creative style this creative style is best described as curious
inspirational creative style this creative style is best described as visionary
intuitive creative style this creative style is best described as resourceful
logical fallacies false logic strategies
either/or thinking taking only an extreme position on an issue when other positions are possible
emotional appeal appealing to someone's feelings in order to gain acceptance of an argument
false authority attributing your argument to someone else in a supposed position of power to get you off the hook
false cause and effect assuming one cause for something when other causes are possible too
hasty conclusion jumping to a conclusion when other conclusions are possible
oversimplification/overgeneralization reducing a complex issue to something very simple or stereotyping
personal attack reacting to a challenge by attacking the challenger
shifting the burden of proof shifting the responsibility of proving an assertion to someone else because you have no evidence for what you assert
straw man attempting to prove an argument by overstating, exaggerating, or oversimplifying the arguments of the opposing side
unwarranted assumption taking too much for granted without evidence
metacognition thinking about thinking and learning about your learning
proposition a point
relevancy relating to a topic or argument; a condition of a sound argument
adequacy having enough information; a condition of a sound argument
analytical decision making style this decision making style emphasizes a logical approach
argument a line of reasoning that uses evidence to persuade
assumptions things you take for granted
behavioral decision making style decision making style that emphasizes people
claim a statement that can be true or false, but not both
conceptual decision making style decision making style that emphasizes the big picture
contradictory two people saying opposite things
creative thinking thinking that produces ideas
critical thinking thinking that analyzes and evaluates ideas
deductive argument go from broad generalization to specific conclusions
test anxiety a level of anxiety about taking tests so high that interferes with test success
thesis your main point
trace describe a process
emotional feeling
enumerate list qualities, characteristics, events, and so on
ethical standards agreements about what is right and wrong
explain similar to discuss: describe cause/effect relationship, the significance of something, the pros and cons or the role played by someone or something
illustrate give concrete examples
interpret comment on, give examples, provide and explanation for discuss
objective tests tests with question that have only one right answer, such as a multiple choice test
outline describe the plot, main ideas, or organization of something
physiological your body reacting bodily
prove support an argument with evidence from the text or class notes
qualifiers words like sometimes, often, and ordinarily that often make a statement true in a false true question
relate show the relationship or connection between two things
state explain in precise terms
subjective tests tests with questions that require writing and can have multiple correct answers, such as an essay test
summarize give a condensed account of key points, reduce to the essential components
absolutes words like always, never and entirely that often make a statement false in a true false question
accountability understanding the consequences of doing a good job or a poor one
analyze break into separate parts and examine or discuss each part
asertions statements you claim to be true
behavioral doing
cognitive thinking
compare examine two or more things, find the similarities and differences
comprehension understanding
conscientious dedicated to doing your best
contrast find the differences between two or more things
criteria standards
critique, criticize, or evaluate make a judgment, describe the worth of something
define provide the meaning
describe give a detailed account, list characteristics or qualities
discuss describe a cause/effect relationship, the significance of something, the pros and cons, or the role played by someone or something
Created by: awilliams8682
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