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Hematology as it pertains to Phlebotomy

Define Hematology. The study of blood
What specimen does Hematology want? Whole blood
What are formed elements? Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
What percentage of blood is composed of Formed Elements? 45%
What percentage of blood is plasma? 55%
What is plasma? The fluid portion of blood (55%)
What is plasma composed of? 90% water, 10% solutes. (protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, hormones, enzymes, lipids & salts, amino acids, electrolytes, sugar & fibronigen.
What is Serum? Plasma with all clotting factors removed.
How many more red blood cells compared to white blood cells are usually found in blood? 1000X more RBC vs. WBC
How many more platelets compared to white cells are usually found in blood? 50X more Pl vs. WBC
What are the components of blood? Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets
Where are RBC's, WBC's & Platelets produced? Mostly in the bone marrow.
What is another name for blood production/formation? Hematopoiesis
What are Platelets? Also called Thromobcytes. They are not cells, but fragments of cells. Aids in clotting.
Is Plasma anticoagulated blood for lab tests or non-anticouagulated? anticouagulated.
If you spin a red (non-additive) or SST tube of blood, what is the top yellow fluid called? Serum.
If you spin a Purple top tube of blood, what is the yellow fluid on top called? Plasma.
What tube is mostly asked for in Hematology testing? Purple EDTA
What is EDTA An anticouagulant, ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid.
What tube would you use for a CBC test? Purple, EDTA (whole blood)
What does hematology look for in a CBC test? WBC differential, Morphology, MPV, RBC indicies, HGB (hemoglobin), HCT (hematocrit). RBC/WBC/PLT measurements.
What is another word for "Packed cell volume"? Hematocrit
What is the WBC's primary function? Defense against infection.
What is the life span of a RBC? 120 days
What is the percentage of RBC's in circulating cells? 99%
What is the shape of a RBC? Biconcave disc.
What molecule is the RBC part of for byproducts transport? Hemoglobin
What is the Platelets primary function/ Clotting. (Hemostasis)
What i Hemostasis? Clotting by platelets.
What is the life span of a platelet? 9-12 days.
What is HGB? Hemoglobin
What is Hemoglobin? An oxygen binding molecule.
What is the general rule of thumb for Hemoglobin vs. RBC values? hemoglobins are 3X the value of RBC's.
What is anemia? Low blood volume.
What do we look for to assess anemia in a patient? Hemoglobins.
What are some common abbreviations/acronyms for Hematocrit? HCT, CRT
What does a Hematocrit test look for? Packed cell volume. Used to diagnose Anemia.
What is MCV? mean corpuscular volume. (cell size)
What is MCH? mean corpuscular hemoglobin
What is MCHC? mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
What is RDW? Red cell distribution width.
What is a WBC Differential? A test that looks at the volume of different types of white blood cells.
BONUS-Name 2 WBCs and their role. Lymphocyte-fights viral infectionsSegmented Neutrophil-fights bacterial infectionsMonocyte-performs Phagocytosis (is a phagocyte)Eosinophil-fights parasitic infections & allergic reactionsBasophil- has a role in inflammatory reactions.
What does Retic stand for? Reticulocyte count.
What does ESR stand for? Erythrocyte sedimentation rate(sed rate)
What does a decreased amount of hemoglobin suggest? Anemia
What are two anemia diseases due to deficiency of substances? Iron deficiency anemia.Vitamin B12-Pernicious anemia. (gastroectomy)
What is Scurvy? A vitamin C deficiency resulting in bleeding disorder. Most known with sailors in the 1700's.
Name some common tests associated with hematology. CBC, Retic, ESR
What is H & H? Hemoglobin & Hematocrit test.
What is another name for thrombocyte? Platelet
What is Hemostasis? The body's clotting function.
What is Hemolysis? The destruction/breakage of RBC.
What is Hemoconcentration? Increased ratio of formed elements vs. plasma. Caused by leaving the tourniqit on too long.
What is the primary function of RBCs? Transportation of oxygen and byproducts.
What is a reticulocyte? An immature red blood cell.
What % of reticulocytes is expected in blood? 2%
What does the retic test check for? production of bone marrow cells.
What does an ESR test measure? The distance RBC fall within an hour.
What is the clinical usefulness of an ESR? Assessment of inflammatory disease.
What are the 3 Hemolytic Anemias? Sickle cellThalessemiaHeriditary SpherocytosisDIC
Created by: Leilac
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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