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Microbiology Test 3

Chapters 5 and 6

Which of the following it true for anabolic reactions? Anabolic reactions use ATP and small substrates as building blocks to synthesize larger molecules
In general, ATP is generated in catabolic pathways and expended in anabolic pathways? True
What is the Allosteric site? Where non competitive inhibitors bind, around the enzyme not where the substrate attaches.
Which of the following would you predict is and allosteric inhibitor of the Krebs cycle enzyme? NADH
Coenzymes are... organic cofactors important to enzyme activity
The use of enzymes is necessary to increase the activation energy requirements of a chemical reaction False
What is t he fate of pyruvic acid in organisms that use aerobic respiration? it is converted to Acetyl COA
Which of the following is the best definition for fermentation? The oxidation of glucose with organic molecules serving as final electron acceptors.
Assume you are working for a chemical company and are responsible for growing a yeast culture that produces ethanol. The yeasts are growing well on the maltose medium but are not producing alcohol. What is most likely the explanation? O2 is in the medium
Glycolysis is utilized by cells in both respiration and fermentation. True
Aerobic respiration compared to anaerobic respiration Aerobic respiration uses oxygen as a final electron acceptor, Anaerobic respiration uses inorganic molecules other than oxygen as final electron acceptor
Fatty Acids are oxidized in the Krebs Cycle
Carbon fixation occurs during light independent phase of... Photosynthesis
Both respiration and photosynthesis require the use of an electron transport chain. True
What is the energy source for chemoheterptroph? Glucose
what is the energy source for photoheterotroph? Light
what is the energy source for chemoautotroph? NH3- Ammonia and FE2+ Iron
what is the energy source for Photoautotroph Sunlight and carbon dioxide
What would increase enzymatic activity in a bacterial cell that normally thrives in the human body? Slightly increasing temp. within optimum range.
Why is the calvin benson cycle also termed the "light independent reaction" of photosynthesis? Sunlight is not directly needed to carry out this process
What is the source of electrons that reduce 1, 3-bisphosphoglyceric acid? NADPH Nicotinamide adenine dinocleotide phosphate
what is the key product formed by the Calvin Benson cycle? G3P Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate
How many of the 6 G3ps produced in one cycle are used to make one molecule of glucose? One
What is the net total (gain or loss) of ATP after one calvin cycle? loss of Nine
Why is ATP required for glycolysis? ATP makes it easier to break apart glucose into 2-3 carbon molecules .
How many different ATPs can be made from one molecule of Glucose in glycolysis? Two
What carbon molecules remain at the end of glycolysis? Pyruvic Acid
Glycolysis is also known as... Embden- Meyerhof pathway
Fermentation is an alternative way... To return electron carriers to their oxidized state
What is the role of Pyruvic Acid in Fermentation? It takes the electrons from NADH, and oxidizes them back to NAD+
What is the Fate of NAD+ newly regenerated by fermentation? it returns to glycolysis to pick up more electrons
Which acid is produced by fermentation? Lactic Acid and Propionic Acid
What is the intermediate product formed by Pyruvic Acid during Fermentation? Acetaldehyde
Anabolic Build up macromolecules by combining simpler molecules, using energy in its process
Catabolic Breakdown macromolecules into simpler component parts, releasing energy in the process.
Catabolic and anabolic pathways are linked by... Energy
Catalyst substances that can speed up a chemical reaction without being permanently altered themselves
Metabolic Pathway sequences of chemical reactions
Substrate a molecule on which the enzyme acts
Phosphorlaytion Addition of phosphate group
Function of an Enzyme proteins that speed up a reaction by decreasing the 'activation' energy required to start a chemical reaction
proteins that speed up a reaction by decreasing the 'activation' energy required to start a chemical reaction Temperature pH Enzyme and substrate concentrations Presence of inhibitors Competitive Non-competitive
Competitive Inhibitors Substances that block an enzyme's active site Do not denature enzymes
Non-competitive inhibitors Substances that alter an enzyme's active site structure by binding to enzyme at allosteric stie
Explain how feedback inhibition conserves the cell's energy stops the metabolic pathway when final end product accumulates
Summerize the four steps in aerobic respiration Glycolysis Preparatory step Krebs cycle Electron Transport Chain
Glycolysis Glucose to pyruvic acid. 2 ATP, 2 Enzymes
Prepatory step Pyruvic acid to acetyl-coA, 0 ATP, 2 Enzymes
Krebs Cycle Acetyl-coA to electrons, 2 ATP, 8 Enzymes
Electron Transport Chain 12 electrons to ATP and H20, 34 ATP, 0 Enzymes
Summarize the two steps in fermentation 1) Glycolysis produces pyruvic acid as an end product (2 ATPs) 2) Conversion/transition produces a variety of end products - lactic acid (organic), acetic acid (vinegar) or CO2, ethanol (inorganic) (0 ATP) =total of 2 ATP only
Where would you find the lowest PH? Thylakoid Space
What drives the production of ATP in cyclic photophosphorlyation? Protein Gradient
where does the energy to excite the electrons in photosystem 1 come from? Sunlight
The bridge step in the krebs cycle Decarboxylation of pyruvic acid
what is the function of GTP? energy carrier
Salts and sugars work to preserve foods by creating a Hypertonic environment
?Most bacteria grow best at what pH? 7
Patients with indwelling catheters are susceptible to infections because Biofilms develop on catheters
Accurately describe the culture medium for growing clostridium tetani? reducing media are complex containing chemicals, such as thioglycolate, that combine with oxygen, creating aerobic environment,
The source of nutrients in a nutrient agar are Peptone and beef extract
Chemical requirements foe microbial growth Contain necessary elements (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and electrons), macronutrients, microutrients
Autotrphohs Those using an inorganic carbon source (carbon dioxide)
Heterotrophs Those catabolizing organic molecules (proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids)
Chemotrophs Acquire energy from redox reactions involving inorganic and organic chemicals
Phototrophs use light as their energy source
Binary fission Splitting parent cell to form two similar-sized daughter cells to increase number of cells
Generation time Duration of each division Determined by type of bacteria
State the temperature range of the body, room and refrigerator. 35-37C - body temperature 25-30C - room temperature 4-8C - refrigerator temperature
Describe how biofilms form. Biofilms form when microbes adhere to a surface that is moist and contains organic matter
The term facultative anaerobe refers to an organism that Uses oxygen or grows without oxygen.
Which of the following is NOT used to determine metabolic activity? Turbidity
A culture medium consisting of agar, human blood, and beef heart is a Complex medium.
During which growth phase will gram-positive bacteria be most susceptible to penicillin? Log phase
Which of the following is an organic growth factor? NAD+
Created by: Shelbyfey



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