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abate verb- to reduce, lessen
Acrimony noun- bitterness, discord
Benign adj- Favorable, not threatning
Beseech verb- beg, plead or implore
candor noun- honesty, frankness
deride verb- to laugh mockingly, to scorn
desolate adj- dried up
egregious adj- extremely bad
fenetic adj- frenzied, hectic, frantic
heinous adj- shockingly wicked
immerse verb- to absorb, to deeply involve
inane adj- silly and meaningless
laconic adj- terse in speech or writing
lithe adj- graceful, flexible, supple
meager adj- deficient in size or in quality
mollify verb- to soften in temper
nascent adj- in the process of being born
negligent adj- habitually careless, neglectful
obdurate adj- unyielding to persuasion
obtuse adj- lacking quickness of intellect
pallid adj- lacking color
penchant noun- a tendency partiality, preference
perusal noun- a careful examination
Repudiate verb- Reject, refuse to accept
adamant adj- impervious, immovable
analogous adj- similar to
bereft adj- devoid of, without
capitulate verb- to surrender
cloying adj- sickeningly sweet
dearth noun- a lack scarcity
devious adj- not straightforward, deceitful
disparge verb- to criticize or speak ill of
florid adj- flowery, ornate
garish adj- gaudy, in bad taste
hackneyed adj- unoriginal, trite
impudent adj- casually rude , insolent
insatiable incapable of being satisfied
inure verb- to cause someone or something to become accustomed to a situation
lurid adj- ghastly, sensational
malediction noun- a curse
modicum noun- a small amount of something
nefarious adj- heinously villainous
obsteperous adj- noisy, unruly
pejorative adj- derogatory, uncomplimentory
predilection noun- a preference or inclination for something
putrid adj- rotten, foul
quagmire noun- a difficult situation
rescind verb to take back, repeal
stupefy verb- to astonish, make insensible
aberration noun- something that differs from the norm
abstain verb- to freely choose not to commit an action
chide verb- to voice disapproval
collusion noun- secret agreement, conspiracy
defunct adj- no longer used or existing
disgruntled adj- upset, not cotent
eclectic adj- consisting of a diverse variety of elements
efficacious adj- effective
fathom verb- to understand
feral adj- wild, savage
imperative adj- necessary, pressing
insular adj- separated and narrow-minded; closed off; tight knit
licentious displaying a lack of moral or legal restraint (sexually immoral)
meticulous adj- extremely careful with details
novice noun- a beginner, someone without training or experience
odious adj- instilling hatred or intense displeasure
panacea noun- a remedy for all ills or difficulties
quaint adj- charmingly old-fashioned
rancor noun- deep, bitter resentment
relegate verb- to assign to the proper place
sagacity noun- shrewdness, soundness of perspective
servile adj- subservient
torpid adj- lethargic, dormant, lacking motion
torrid adj- giving off intense heat, passionate
ubiquitous adj- existing everywhere, widespread
Created by: zcox7387
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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