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Stack #213369


hoax trick which makes someone take action; practical joke; Ex. hoax mail; V.
disparage belittle
sphinx-like enigmatic; mysterious
base contemptible; morally bad; inferior in value or quality; Ex. base motives/conduct; Ex. base metal such as iron
extant (of something written or painted) still in existence
puny tiny; weak; insignificant
epistemologist philosopher who studies the nature of knowledge; N. epistemology
sprightly lively
procurement obtaining; V. procure: obtain by effort; obtain (a prostitute) for another
eugenic pertaining to the improvement of race; N. eugenics: study of hereditary improvement of the human race
pedant scholar who overemphasizes book learning, trivial details of learning, or technicalities
hamper obstruct; prevent the free movement of; N: œÄ·áÇ°À̳ª ÀǺ¹ µîÀ» ŽãŽÂ ¹Ù±žŽÏ
champion support militantly; fight for; N: person who fights for or supports strongly (a principle, movement, person, etc.)
jargon language used by special group; technical terminology; gibberish; nonsensical or incoherent talk
intuition immediate insight; power of knowing without reasoning; ADJ. intuitive; V. intuit: know by intuition
orthography correct spelling; CF. ortho-: straight; correct; Ex. orthodontics
rustic pertaining to country people; unsophisticated; simple; crude; uncouth; (of furniture) rough with the bark left on; N. rural person; rustic person
diffuse wordy; verbose; rambling; spread out (like a gas); V: spread out in all directions; disperse; N. diffusion; CF. suffuse
taper very thin candle; gradual decrease in the width of a long object; V. make or become gradually narrower toward one end
bearing deportment; connection
ideology system of ideas characteristic of a group or culture
sadistic inclined to cruelty; N. sadism: delight in cruelty
malady illness
lance pierce with a lance; cut into; N: spearlike weapon
advocacy support; active pleading on behalf of someone or something
trek travel; journey; V: make a long difficult journey
wage begin and continue (a war)
primogeniture seniority by birth; state of being the first-born child; right of the eldest child (to inherit the entire property of one or both parents)
execrable very bad; detestable
catharsis purging or cleansing of any passage of the body; purging and weakening of strong emotions as a result of experiencing a dramatic work of art
malign speak evil of; bad-mouth(criticize spitefully); defame; ADJ: harmful; Ex. malign influence
resumption taking up again; recommencement; V. resume: begin or take up again; take or occupy again; Ex. Kindly resume your seats.
denounce condemn; criticize; N. denunciation
carat(karat) unit of weight for precious stones; measure of the purity of gold
enmity ill will; hatred; hostility
demagogue person who appeals to people's prejudice; false leader of people; CF. demagoguery
misogynist hater of woman; CF. misogyny
lottery contest in which winners are selected in a drawing of lots
buffoon stupid person; clown
horticultural pertaining to cultivation of gardens; N. horticulture: science or art of cultivating fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants; CF. agriculture: science or art of farming or growing crops
depredation plundering; destruction
headstrong willful; stubborn; unyielding; determined to have one's own way; CF. no 'excessive'
pellucid transparent; limpid(crystal clear); clear in meaning; easy to understand
cathartic purgative; medicine that causes the bowels to empty; ADJ.
knell tolling of a bell especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, etc.; sound of the funeral bell; V.
welter confusion; turmoil; confused mass; bewildering jumble; Ex. welter of data
jaundice medical condition in which the skin, the white part of the eyes, etc. turn yellow; V: affect with jaundice; affect with prejudice, envy, or hostility; bias
deleterious harmful
insuperable insurmountable; unbeatable; Ex. insuperable difficulties
irksome annoying; tedious; V. irk: annoy
component element; ingredient
scintillate sparkle; flash; be animated; be full of life; Ex. scintillating conversation
corpus collection (of writings or information); Ex. the corpus of Shakespear's works; Cf. corpse
weird eerie; strange; unnatural
dawdle loiter; hang around; waste time doing nothing
nascent incipient; coming into being or existence; Ex. nascent ability in music
valid logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable; effective; Ex. valid reasoning/passport
shambles (place or scene of) complete disorder or ruin; wreck; mess; Ex. After the hurricane, the coast was a shambles.
gloss brief explanation note or translation of a difficult expression; V.
commandeer take (private property) for military use without needing permission or giving payment; draft for military purposes
rig arrangement of masts and sails; V: equip (a ship) with rigging; ADJ. rigging: ropes that hold up a ship's sails
disbar make (a lawyer) leave the bar or the legal profession
fitful spasmodic; intermittent; irregular
altercation noisy quarrel
apropos with reference to; regarding; Ex. remarks apropos (of) the present situation; ADJ. ADV.
checkered(chequered) marked by great changes in fortune; with many changes of fortuene; CF. checked: having a pattern of squares
insinuate hint; imply; suggest indirectly; creep in; introduce or insert (oneself) by artful means; Ex. insinuate himself into the boss's favor; CF. ingratiate
muted silent; muffled; toned down; Ex. muted traffic noise
dys- abnormal; impaired
cornice projecting molding on building (usually above columns or pillars); óž¶ ÀåœÄ
alchemy medieval chemistry
temper moderate; make less severe; tone down or restrain; toughen (steel) as by alternate heating and cooling
nefarious very wicked
mutilate maim; injure lastingly; deprive of a limb or an essential part
infernal pertaining to hell; devilish; N. inferno: place of fiery heat or destruction
inflated exaggerated; pompous; enlarged (with air or gas)
polyglot speaking several languages; multilingual; Ex. polyglot person/society; N.
hail frozen rain drop; V: salute or greet; precipitate hail
bent determined; Ex. bent on advancing in the business; N: natural talent or inclination
vindictive disposed to revenge; vengeful; out for revenge; spiteful; intended to cause harm; malicious; Ex. vindictive streak
perfunctory done routinely and with little care; superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; Ex. perfunctory kiss
facade(fa\c{c}ade) front or face (of building); superficial or false appearance
bawdy indecent; obscene; about sex in a rude funny way; CF. bawd
palliate ease pain (without curing); make less severe or offensive (a crime or illness)
equitable fair; impartial; OP. inequitable
prophetic of a prophet or prophecy; having to do with predicting the future; N. prophecy; V. prophesy; N. prophet
impassive without feeling; expressionless; imperturbable; stoical; Ex. impassive face
erode eat away; wear away gradually by abrasion; Ex. The sea erodes the rocks.
provincial pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; narrow; unsophisticated
trickle flow in drops or in a thin stream; N.
frisk move about playfully; froric; ADJ. frisky: playful
explicit totally clear; definite; outspoken
purse pucker; contract (lips) into wrinkles; N: wallet
engender cause; produce; give rise to
queasy experiencing nausea; nauseated; easily nauseated; squeamish; Ex. feel a little queasy
bestial beastlike; brutal; inhuman; very cruel
din continued loud noise; V: make a din; instill by wearying repetition
belie contradict; give a false impression; disguise; Ex. The poor sales belied our high hopes; Ex. Her smile belies her true feeling of displeasure.
rehabilitate restore to proper condition (health or useful life); restore the former rank of
bland soothing or mild (food); agreeable; causing no trouble or offence
compulsion compelling; strong desire that is difficult to control; irresistible impulse
venison meat of a deer; CF. cow: beef; CF. pig: pork, ham, bacon; CF. calf: veal; CF. sheep: mutton; CF. lamb: lamb
euphoria feeling of exaggerated or unfounded(ungrounded; baseless) well-being; feeling of great happiness or well-being (when unreasonable); ADJ. euphoriaric
tumid (of a part of the body) swollen; distended; bombastic; pompous
tempo speed of music
scapegoat someone who bears the blame for others; whipping boy; CF. escape+goat
shove push forward; push roughly; Ex. pushing and shoving to get on the bus; N.
tensile capable of being stretched; of tension; Ex. tensile rubber
bound leap or spring; limit or confine; constitute the limit of; Ex. bounded by Canada; N: leap or jumping; boundary; ADJ: certain; having a duty to do something (legally or morally); confined by bonds; Ex. We are bound to be late;
tutelary protective; pertaining to a guardianship; Ex. tutelary deities
odyssey long, eventful, adventurous journey
abstemious sparing in eating and drinking; temperate
gale windstorm; gust of wind; emotional outburst (laughters, tears); Ex. gale of laughter
sentimental swayed by sentiment; appealing to the sentiments
barb sharp projection from fishhook, arrow, or other object; openly cutting remark
beneficial helpful; useful; advantageous
billow large wave of water; a great swell or surge (of smoke); V: surge, swell, roll in billows
verisimilar having the appearance of truth or reality; probable or likely to be true; plausible
ravage devastate; plunder; despoil; Ex. crops ravaged by storms
disconsolate hopelessly sad (at the loss of something)
outmoded no longer in fashion or use; no longer stylish; old-fashioned
ruminate chew over and over (mentally or, like cows, physically); mull over(ponder)
epigram witty thought or saying, usually short
mealymouthed indirect in speech (when something unpleasant must be said); hypocritical; evasive
unerringly infallibly; ADJ. unerring: making no mistakes
arcane esoteric; secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated; Ex. arcane ritual; Ex. arcane process closed to the uninitiated listener
founder person who establishes (an organization or business)
disgruntle make discontented
monastic related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns
unfaltering steadfast; firm; not changing
porous full of pores; like a sieve
snip short quick cut with scissors; V: cut with scissors
canto division of a long poem
elliptical elliptic; oval; of an ellipse; containing an ellipsis; ambiguous either purposely or because key words have been left out
tractable docile; easily managed; (of something) easily changed or molded; N. tractability
tantamount equivalent in effect or value; Ex. This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war; CF. amount
abbreviate shorten
superfluous excessive; overabundant; unnecessary; N. superfluity
unassuming modest; Ex. the champion's unassuming manner
mannerism distinctive behavioral trait; affected style in art (according to a set of styles)
inalienable not to be taken away; nontransferable; Ex. inalienable rights
ephemeral short-lived; fleeting
trough long narrow container for feeding farm animals; lowest point (of a wave, business cycle, etc.); long narrow depression as between waves
morbid given to unwholesome or unhealthy thought; moody; characteristic of disease; Ex. morbid curiosity; N. morbidity; CF. disease
grandiose affectedly grand; pretentious; high-flown; ridiculously exaggerated; impressive; great in size or scope; grand; Ex. grandiose ideas
itinerant wandering; traveling from place to place (to perform work); Ex. itinerant preacher
onslaught vicious assault; fierce attack; Ex. unexpected onslaught of the enemy
executor person designated to execute the terms of a will; ¿¹Œú ÀÛÇ°ÀÇ ÁŠÀÛÀÚ
verbalize put into words; ADJ. verbal: of words; spoken rather than written; oral; of a verb
exemplify show by example; furnish an example; serve as an example of; Ex. His pictures exemplify that sort of painting.
expostulation protest; remonstrance; reasoning with someone to correct or dissuade; V. expostulate
temerity boldness; nerve; rashness; Ex. temerity to ask for a pay increase after only three day's work
misanthrope one who hates mankind; misanthropist
manipulate operate with one's hands; control or play upon (people, forces, etc.) artfully; maneuver; Ex. how to manipulate publicity and men; ADJ. manipulative
gall bitterness of feeling; nerve; effrontery; ŽãÁó(bile); CF. gall bladder
obloquy slander; disgrace; infamy
tint slight degree of color; V: give a tint to
avarice greediness for wealth
flutter (of a bird with large wings) wave (the wings) lightly, rapidly, and irregularly; vibrate rapidly or erratically; fly by waving quickly; flitter; N.
transpire (of a fact) become known; be revealed; happen; give off (watery waste matter) through pores
gracious kind in a generous way (to someone less important)
console lessen sadness or disappointment; give comfort; allay the sorrow of; N. consolation
bravado swagger; assumed air of defiance; false show of bravery
unsavory distasteful; disagreeable; morally offensive; Ex. unsavory activity/reputation
claustrophobia fear of being locked in
dispirited lacking in spirit
historical connected with history; based on events in history (whether regarded as important or not)
circuit closed circular line around an area; circumference; regularly repeated journey from place to place
elaborate work out carefully; add more detail or information; ADJ.
censure blame; criticize; express strong disapproval; N: severe criticism; strong disapproval
vampire ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living
obnoxious offensive; disagreeable; Ex. obnoxious smell
cubicle small chamber used for sleeping or work
residual remaining; left over; of a residue; N: residue
vogue popular fashion; Ex. Jeans became the vogue.
cardiologist doctor specializing in ailments of the heart
purveyor furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer; V. purvey: supply (eg. food); furnish; CF. provide
spatial relating to space
trance hypnotic state; ecstatic state; detachment from one's physical surrounding (as in contemplation or daydreaming); CF. transition
frail weak; N. frailty
incorporeal without a material body; insubstantial
sear burn the surface of; char or burn; brand; parch; cause (a plant) to wither
chimerical fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; N. chimera: unreal fancy; fire-breathing female creature
megalomania mania for doing grandiose things; mental disorder characterized by delusions of wealth, power, or importance
caliber ability; quality; diameter of the inside of a round cylinder; Ex. work of very high caliber
discord conflict; lack of harmony; dissonance (when musical notes are played)
insubordination disobedience; rebelliousness; ADJ. insubordinate
granary storehouse for grain
moratorium legal delay of payment or action; Ex. declare moratorium on the building of new houses
intolerant not willing to accept ways of thinking different from one's own; CF. tolerant; CF. tolerate
contest dispute; argue about the rightness of; compete for; try to win; Ex. contest the election results; Ex. contest a seat in Parliament; N.
natty neatly or smartly dressed; dapper; smart; Ex. natty dresser
uxorious excessively submissive or devoted to one's wife; CF. uxor: wife
reproach blame (not angrily but sadly); express disapproval or disappointment; N. ADJ. reproachful
onus burden; responsibility
rooster cock; adult male chicken
beguile deceive; mislead or delude; cheat; pass time pleasantly; charm or attract; Ex. beguiling smile
herbivorous grain-eating; CF. herbivore
battalion army unit made up of four or more companies
academic related to a school; not practical or directly useful
ambience environment; atmosphere; Ex. restraurant with a pleasant ambience; ADJ. ambient: completely surrounding; Ex. ambient temperature
perfidious treacherous; disloyal; N. perfidy: treachery
wring twist (to extract liquid); extract by twisting; wrench painfully (necks or hands)
dearth scarcity
deport send out of the country; behave; N. deportation, deportment
superannuated retired or disqualified because of age; outmoded; obsolete
wag shake repeatedly from side to side; Ex. The dog wagged its tail; N: humorous person; wit
bemused confused; lost in thought; preoccupied
probe explore with a probe or tools; investigate; N: slender instrument used to explore a wound or body cavity; device designed to investigate an unknown region; thorough investigation; Ex. space probe
wreak inflict; Ex. wreak one's vengeance on
swathe swath; wrap around; bandage; Ex. one's head swathed in bandages
choir group of people who sing together (esp. during religious services); place for choir
infringe violate (a law); encroach (the right of another person)
conundrum riddle; difficult problem
premeditate plan in advance; Ex. premeditated murder
pillage plunder
pen fenced enclosure for animals; confining space; Ex. sheep pen; V: confine in a pen; enclose
spangle small shiny metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation
avantgarde group of artists whose work is based on the newest ideas and methods; CF. vanguard
convention social or moral custom; established practice; formal meeting; international agreement
debilitate weaken (esp. through heat, hunger, illness); enfeeble
speck small piece or mark; Ex. speck of dust in the eye
unctuous oily; bland; insincerely suave
effete having lost one's original power; barren; worn out; exhausted
epaulet(epaulette) ornament worn on the shoulder (of a uniform, etc.)
clipper sailing vessel built for great speed
oculist physician who specializes in treatment of the eyes
rabble mob; noisy crowd
habituate accustom or familiarize; addict
broil cook by direct heat; N.
ingratiate become popular with; bring (oneself) in favor of another; Ex. ingratiate himself with the boss
accommodate oblige or help someone; adjust or bring into harmony; adapt; make enough space for; ADJ. accommodative; CF. accomodating: helpful and obliging
cognizance knowledge; ADJ. cognizant; having knowledge; aware
prolong lengthen; extend; draw out
herd group of animals; crowd; one who looks after a herd; Ex. shepherd/goatherd; Ex. herd instinct; Ex. herdsman; V: come together in a herd; look after a herd; Ex. herd cattle
equanimity calmness of temperament; composure
lethal deadly
apoplexy stroke; loss of consciousness caused by too much blood in the brain
fauna animals of a period or region; CF. flora
appreciate be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of; ADJ. appreciable: enough to be felt; Ex. appreciable difference
intransigence refusal of any compromise; stubbornness; ADJ. intransigent: uncompromising
intellect higher mental powers; person of great intellectual ability
credulity belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naivet\'e; ADJ. credulous
damn condemn; criticize severely; condemn to everlasting punishment; doom; bring to ruin; N. damnation
embark commence; go on board a boat; begin a journey
exult rejoice
concerted mutually agreed on; done together by agreement; Ex. concerted effort; CF. in concert: working together
innocuous harmless
minatory menacing; threatening
insurrection rebellion; uprising
evanescent fleeting; vanishing; soon disappearing; V. evanesce
hoard stockpile; accumulate for future use; N: supply stored for future use
stealth action of moving secretly or unseen; slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness; ADJ. stealthy
incognito with identity concealed; using an assumed name; ADJ.
deflect turn aside; turn away from a straight course
refectory dining hall; room where meals are served (in a school)
exacerbate worsen; aggravate; embitter
diverse differing in some characteristics (from each other); various; N. diversity:
ovation enthusiastic applause
plane carpenter's tool for smoothing and leveling wood; V. CF. flat
verbatim word for word; in the same words; repeating the actual words exactly
flagrant conspicuously wicked, bad, or offensive; blatant; outrageous
impale pierce (with a sharp point); Ex. impaled by the spear
vigor active strength; energy; enthusiasm; ADJ. vigorous
gourmet connoisseur of food and drink; epicure
precocious advanced in development; N. precocity
smug self-satisfied; complacent
seethe be violently disturbed; boil; (of a liquid) move about wildly as if boiling; Ex. The nation was seething with discontent.
equilibrium balance of opposing forces; balance of the mind; equanimity
inextricable from which it is impossible to get free; that cannot be untied; Ex. inextricable troubles; Ex. inextricable two histories
composure mental calmness
inviolable secure from corruption, attack, or violation(or profanation); unassailable; Ex. inviolable oath/rights; N. inviolability
avid greedy; extremely eager for; Ex. avid learner; N. avidity
aureole sun's corona; halo; bright circle of light
holster leather pistol case (that hangs on a belt around the waist)
blunt having a dull edge; abrupt and frank in speech or manner; brusque; V: make or become blunt
championship position of champion; defense or support; competition held to determine a champion
incline slope; slant; Ex. steep incline
cog tooth projecting from a wheel
apprehensive fearful; discerning
actuate motivate; activate; cause to act
gerontology study of the sociological phenomena associated with old age
bard poet
larder pantry; place where food is kept
cleft N: split
rider amendment or clause added to a legislative bill
jostle shove; bump; push against (someone) rather roughly; Ex. jostled by the crowds
coquette flirt; flirtatious woman; woman who tries to attract the admiration of men without sincere feelings; V.
exhume dig out of the ground; remove from a grave
crypt secret recess or vault usually used for burial; underground room (under a church)
resurrect revive
zenith point directly overhead in the sky; summit; acme; highest point
stamina power of endurance; strength; staying power
blurt utter impulsively from nervousness or excitement
extrapolation projection; conjecture; V. extrapolate: infer (unknown information) from known information
vagabond wanderer (without a permanent home); tramp
check stop motion; curb or restrain
sophisticated worldly wise and urbane; refined; complex; N. sophistication; V. sophisticate
solstice point or time at which the sun is farthest from the equator
amalgamate (of societies or groups) combine; unite in one body
auspicious favoring success; giving signs of future success; Cf. auspices
pediatrician physician specializing in children's diseases; N. pediatrics
elucidate explain; make clear; clarify; enlighten; CF. lucid
foolhardy rash; reckless; foolishly daring
erroneous mistaken; wrong; incorrect
title name (of a book, film, etc.); mark of rank; formal appellation as of rank or office (such as Lord or General); right or claim to possession; championship; Ex. title as head of the family; Ex. title to the estate
fallible liable to err
alimony payments made regularly to an ex-spouse after divorce
hirsute hairy; having a lot of hair
militia army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers
sheaf bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together
rusticate banish to the country; dwell in the country
ardor heat; passion; zeal; ADJ. ardent
sonic of sound or its speed in air; CF. subsonic, supersonic
leaven add leaven to; cause to rise or grow lighter; enliven; N: agent, such as yeast, that causes dough to rise (by fermentation); element that lightens or enlivens
suborn persuade to act unlawfully (especially to commit perjury); N. subornation
pare cut away the outer covering or skin of (with a knife); trim; Ex. pare apples/expenses
misdemeanor minor crime; misdeed; wrongdoing
tendentious promoting a particular point of view; biased; having an aim; designed to further a cause; Ex. tendentious rather than truth-seeking; CF. tend: move in a certain direction
throes violent anguish
nova star that suddenly becomes much brighter and then returns to its original brightness
savor enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality; N: taste or smell; distinctive quality
apolitical having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs
emancipate set free; liberate
bovine cowlike; placid and dull; slow-thinking; calm
expletive meaningless word; interjection; profane oath; swear-word
agape openmouthed
lampoon ridicule; N: written attack ridiculing or satirizing a person, group, or institution
forte strong point or special talent in a person's character
supple flexible; limber; pliant
demerit fault; bad quality
callus area of thick hard skin
defoliate destroy leaves; deprive of leaves (by the use of chemicals); N. defoliant
credence belief
flip send (something) spinning, often into the air, by striking with a light quick blow; turn over; Ex. flip over
prognosis forecasted course of a disease; prediction; CF. prognostic
flounder struggle and thrash about; proceed clumsily or falter (as in water, mud, snow, etc.); proceed in confusion
skiff small light sailboat or rowboat
demoniac(demoniacal) fiendish; cruel; N. demon: evil supernatural being; devil
ruse trick to deceive; stratagem
sequester isolate; segregate; seclude; retire from public life
transgression violation of a law; sin; V. transgress: go beyond (a limit); violate; do wrong
analogous comparable; similar
eclectic selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources; selecting individual elements from a variety of sources; N. eclecticism
mangle tear or cut to pieces; mutilate or disfigure; Ex. badly mangled bodies
waver move or swing back and forth; be uncertain or unsteady in decision or movement; Ex. wavering between accepting and refusing
buccaneer pirate
placid peaceful; calm; Ex. placid child/lake
inscrutable difficult to understand; impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious
gaudy flashy; showy
pigment coloring matter (usually powder to be mixed with water or oil)
skittish inconstant; capricious; frivolous; not serious; Ex. charming but skittish young woman; CF. skit
precept practical rule guiding conduct; Ex. mother's precept
contumacious stubborn and disobedient; resisting authority (esp. disobedient to an order made by a court)
solace comfort in sorrow or trouble; consolation; V: comfort or console in time of sorrow or trouble
affliction state of distress; trial; cause of distress or suffering; V. afflict: inflict grievous suffering on
introspective looking within oneself; N. introspection: self-examination
contravene contradict; oppose; violate (a rule, law, or custom); N. contravention
daunt intimidate; frighten; discourage; dishearten
apogee highest point; the point farthest from the earth; OP. perigee
mar spoil the appearance of
temperament characteristic frame of mind; disposition; emotional excess; ADJ. temperamental: of temperament; having frequent changes of temper; Ex. temperamental dislike of sports; Ex. temperamental actress
misadventure mischance; ill luck; Ex. death by misadventure
flick light stroke as with a whip; V: move with a light quick blow; strike with a light quick blow (as from a whip); Ex. flick the switch
plenitude abundance; plenty; great amount; completeness; fullness; CF. plenary, plenty
preposterous absurd; completely unreasonable; ridiculous
benefactor gift giver; patron; person who does good or who gives money for a good purpose
suspense state of being undecided; anxiety or apprehension resulting from uncertainty
gobble eat very quickly
unfetter liberate; free from chains; V. unfetter
incarnation act of assuming a human body and human nature; one who personifies something; personification; Ex. previous incarnation/reincarnation
palette board on which painter mixes pigments(coloring matters)
erudite (of a person or book) learned; full of learning; scholarly; N. erudition
askew crookedly; slanted; at an angle
ostensible apparent; appearing as such; professed(pretended); pretended; Ex. ostensible purpose of the expedition
cringe shrink back as if in fear; cower
perennial something long-lasting; perennial plant; ADJ: lasting through the year or many years; lasting for a long time; enduring
generate cause; produce; create
appraise estimate value of; N. appraisal
executioner person administering capital punishment
imperil put in danger
uncanny strange; mysterious; Ex. uncanny knack
sonnet 14-line poetic verse form with a fixed rhyme pattern
compromise adjust or settle by making mutual concessions; endanger the interests or reputation of; put into danger, disrepute, or a dishonorable position; Ex. compromise one's principle; N.
bestow confer
addendum addition; appendix to book; something that is added (as at the end of a speech or book)
anonymity state of being nameless; anonymousness; ADJ. anonymous
maritime bordering on(adjacent to) the sea; nautical; of the ships or the sea; Ex. Maritime Provinces
solicit entreat; request earnestly; seek to obtain; Ex. solicit votes; CF. solicitor: one who solicits; chief law officer
fatuous smugly and unconsciously foolish; inane; silly; N. fatuity, fatuousness
ingrained deeply established; firmly rooted; Ex. ingrained dirt/prejudice
inclement stormy; unkind; unmerciful; CF. clement
biting sharply painful to the body or mind; Ex. biting wind/remarks
pronounced distinct; very noticeable; Ex. pronounced limp
abstain refrain; withhold from participation; intentionally not use one's vote; ±â±ÇÇÏŽÙ
meditation reflection; thought; V. meditate
unguent ointment
sift put through a sieve to separate fine from coarse particles; sort or examine carefully
authoritarian subordinating the individual to the state; completely dominating another's will; Ex. authoritarian regime/father
ruddy reddish; (of the face) reddish and healthy-looking
rig fix or manipulate; manipulate dishonestly for personal gain; Ex. rig the election
consort associate with; keep company; N: husband or wife (or a ruler)
kaleidoscope tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors of colored pieces of glass, etc. produce interesting symmetrical effects; series of changing events; Ex. kaleidoscope of European history; CF. beautiful
deluge flood; rush; V.
devout pious; deeply religious; sincere; earnest; Ex. my devout hope
defection desertion
conclusive decisive; ending all debate
headlong hasty; rash; headfirst; ADV.
antique made in an earlier period and usu. valuable; N: object that was made in an earlier period and that is rare or valuable
handsome large in quantity; generous; Ex. handsome reward
pitfall hidden danger; concealed trap
dilettante aimless follower of an art or a field of knowledge (not taking it seriously); amateur; dabbler; CF. delight
assurance firm statement that something is certainly true; promise or pledge; certainty; confidence in one's own ability; self-confidence; Ex. In spite of all his assurances, he did not come back; Ex. assurance of his loyalty;
inordinate beyond reasonable limits; unrestrained; excessive; Ex. inordinate demands
macabre gruesome; grisly; ghastly; CF. of death
commemorate honor the memory of; serve as a memorial to; Ex. commemorate the 100th anniversary/those who died in the war
belabor harp on; dwell on tediously; explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree; assail verbally; beat severely; attack physically
quiescent dormant; temporarily inactive; at rest; N. quiescence
complacency self-satisfaction; smugness; ADJ. complacent
confiscate seize; take possession of (private property) by official order (usu. as a punishment); commandeer
hierarchy arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body divided into ranks; body of persons having authority
notable conspicuous; worthy of note; remarkable; important; distinguished; noted
shard fragment generally of broken pottery (glass, clay bowl, or cup)
abase lower; degrade; humiliate; make humble; make (oneself) lose self-respect
nonchalance indifference; lack of concern; composure; ADJ. nonchalant: unconcerned; cool; indifferent; Ex. nonchalant attitude to his debts
bargain agreement between two groups or people; something for sale at a price advantageous to the buyer; V: negotiate; trade; Ex. bargaining power
appellation name; title
awry distorted; crooked; bent; Ex. Our plans have gone awry.
diversion act of turning aside; pastime; V. divert: turn aside from a course; distract; amuse
retrieve recover; put right; find and bring in; regain; Ex. retrieve the situation
baffle frustrate; perplex
bluff pretense (of strength); deception; high cliff; ADJ: rough but good-natured
trunk main wooden stem of a tree; human body excluding the head and limbs; torso; prehensile nose of an elephant
blas\'e bored with pleasure or dissipation; uninterested or bored
sophist teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning; N. sophism: plausible but fallacious argument
dire warning of disaster; disastrous; (of needs and dangers) very great; urgent; Ex. dire prediction/need of food
sextant navigation tool used to determine a ship's latitude and longitude (by measuring the altitudes of stars)
prudent cautious; careful; prudential
seamy sordid; base; filthy; unwholesome; Ex. seamy side of city life
constituency voters represented by an elected official; district so represented; group of supporters (or constituents)
hindmost furthest behind; farthest to the rear
bog soft wet land; V: hinder or be hindered; Ex. bogged down in the mud
recluse hermit; loner; ADJ. reclusive
ventilate admit fresh air into to replace stale air
constraint restraint; compulsion; repression of feelings; reticence; V. constrain: hold back; restrain; compel; oblige; confine forcibly; imprison
horde crowd; swarm
pandemonium wild tumult(commotion); wild noisy disorder; CF. Paradise Lost
impropriety improperness; unsuitableness
ostracize banish from a group; exclude from public favor; ban; Ex. His friends ostracized him. N. ostracism
ravine narrow valley with steep sides; gorge; CF. gully, canyon
vigilant watchful; on the alert; watchfully awake; alert to spot danger; N. vigilance
sway swing from side to side; influence (someone) to change one's opinion; N.
ascertain find out for certain; make certain
eccentric irregular; odd; unconventional; whimsical; bizarre; not concentric
rasp (of a sound) grate on (eg. nerves); make a harsh noise; have an unpleasant effect; rub with something rough; Ex. The cat's tongue rasped my hand.
recast reconstruct (a sentence, story, statue, etc.); fashion again
effervescence inner excitement or exuberance; showing high spirits; emitting bubbles forming inside; bubbling from fermentation or carbonation; ADJ. effervescent; V. effervesce
succumb yield (to something overwhelming); give in; die; Ex. succumb to the illness
encipher encode; convert a message into code; put into cipher
complaisant trying to please; obliging; willing to please others
negligible so small, trifling, or unimportant as to be easily disregarded
import significance; importance; meaning
disinclination unwillingness
scale climb up; ascend; remove or come off in scales; N: flake of epidermis; ascending or descending series of musical tones
precipitous steep; overhasty; precipitate
torpor lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy; ADJ. torpid: lethargic; lazy; inactive; (of an animal) dormant; hibernating
bliss complete happiness; ADJ. blissful
buffoonery clowning
autocratic having absolute unchecked power; dictatorial; N. autocrat, autocracy
denomination religious group; unit in a system; name or designation; CF. denominator: common trait or characteristic
rickety (of buildings) likely to break or fall apart; of rickets; CF. rickets; CF. vitamin D
drone talk dully; buzz or murmur like a bee; N.
impertinent insolent; rude; not pertinent; N. impertinence
enjoin command; order; forbid
commonwealth nation governed by the people; republic; people of a nation
idle not working; not employed or busy; lazy; without purpose; useless; lacking substance; baseless; not based on truth; Ex. idle worker; Ex. talk idly; V.
exhort urge (by strong argument or advice); Ex. The general exhorted his men to fight bravely; N. exhortation
rout put to rout; stampede; drive out; N: complete defeat and disorderly retreat
tundra rolling treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America
indisputable too certain to be disputed; beyond doubt
indulgent humoring; yielding; lenient; showing indulgence
arable fit for growing crops; Ex. arable land
imprudent lacking caution; not prudent; injudicious
impel drive or force onward; drive to take action; urge to action
Created by: akhalidi
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