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CM 1.02 Vocabulary

Accountability Willingness to take credit and blame for actions.
Affirmation to say that something is true in a confident way
Authoritarian expecting or requiring people to obey rules or laws
Body Language movements or positions of the body that express a person's thoughts or feelings
Business Letter a formal letter following the business letter template
Cultural Sensitivity being aware that cultural differences exist and have an effect on values, learning, and behavior.
Democratic relating to the idea that all people should be treated equally
Digital etiquette or netiquette as it is sometimes called, is a basic set of rules you should follow in order to make the internet better for others, and better for you.
Diversity Variety; the positive result of people in different racial, ethic, and cultural backgrounds working together.
Ethics The principles of conduct that govern a group or society.
Etiquette the rules indicating the proper and polite way to behave
Extinction the process of eliminating or reducing a conditioned response by not reinforcing it
Fairness treating people in a way that does not favor some over others
Harassment to annoy or bother (someone) in a constant or repeated way
Laissez-faire operate with very little interference from authority.
Memorandum a usually brief written message or report from one person or department in a company or organization to another
Nonverbal Communication communication without the use of words.
Optimism a feeling or belief that good things will happen in the future
Pessimism a feeling or belief that bad things will happen in the future
Plagiarism the act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person
Professionalism the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well
Punctuality arriving or doing something at the expected or planned time
Self-discipline (control) Training of oneself; correction or regulation of oneself for improvement.
Sexual orientation the inclination of an individual with respect to heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual behavior
Social networking the creation and maintenance of personal and business relationships especially online
Tact the ability to do or say things without offending or upsetting other people
Team A group of people who work together to set goals, make decisions, solve problems, and put ideas into action.
Verbal Communication expressed in words
Created by: EddieS
Popular Business sets




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