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What is constipation? Difficulty in passing stools, prolonged interval between BMs, infrequent BMs or a desire to defecate without the ability to do so partially or completely.
What are the five major etiologies and pathologies of constipation? Accumulation of heat in the Stomach and Large Intestine; qi stagnation; accumulation of yin-cold; qi or yang xu; and yin or blood xu
What is the major site of disease and the related organs in constipation? Large Intestine is the major site of disease and the related organs are Stomach, Spleen, Liver and Kidney.
What are the crucial points in diagnosing constipation? Differentiate excess from deficiency; identify the types of constipation; collect detailed info about the stools
What are the general treatment strategies in the treatment of excess-type constipation? Eliminate evil qi
What are the general treatment strategies in the treatment of deficiency-type constipation? Tonify the right qi.
What are the three patterns associated with excess-type constipation? Heat accumulating in the Stomach and Large Intestine; qi stagnation; cold accumulating in the interior
What are the s/s, treatment strategy and formula for constipation due to heat accumulating in the Stomach and Large Intestine? Dry stools, difficult/infrequent BMs, low abd pain, hunger, thirst, dark scanty urine, bitter taste, mouth sores, T:red w/dry ytc, P:rapid, slippery; Drain heat, promote movement of qi, moisten the intestine and unblock the bowels with Ma Zi Ren Wan
What are the s/s, treatment strategy and formula for constipation due to qi stagnation? Dry stool, sluggish BM, aggravated by emotional stress, belching, focal distension in the chest and hypochondrium, distending abd pain; Promote the movement of qi, eliminate stagnation and unblock the bowels with Liu Mo Tang.
Which herbs can be added to Liu Mo Tang to enhance the qi regulating action? Hou Po, Xiang Fu, Chai Hu
What are the s/s, treatment strategy and formula for constipation due to cold accumulating in the interior? Infrequent BMs, difficulty opening the bowels, bloating, distension, abd cramping and pain, cold body, large, hard abd, T:thick wtc, P:wiry,tight,slow; Warm the interior, disperse cold and unblock the bowels with Da Huang Fu Zi Tang
What are the four patterns associated with deficiency-type constipation? Qi xu; blood xu; yin xu; yang xu
What are the s/s, treatment principle and formula for constipation due to qi xu? Difficulty opening the bowels, straining, normal stools, sweating or exhaustion around BM, T:pale, P:thin, weak; Tonify the qi, moisten the intestine and open the bowels with Huang Qi Tang
What are the s/s, treatment principle and formula for constipation due to blood xu? Dry, pebble-like stool that is difficult to evacuate, constipation during menses, palpitations, dizziness, insomnia, pale face, T:pale, P:thin, choppy; Nourish the blood, moisten the intestine and free the stools with Run Chang Wan
What are the s/s, treatment principle and formula for constipation due to yin xu? Very dry, pebble-like stools, difficulty opening the bowels, infrequent BM, small stools, thin body, malar flush, night sweats, 5-palm heat, T:red,peeled, P:thin,rapid; Nourish yin, moisten the intestine and unblock the bowels with Zeng Ye Tang
What are the s/s, treatment principle and formula for constipation due to yang xu? Difficult, sluggish BM requiring great effort, abundant, clear urine, cold intolerance, cold limbs, cold abd, T:pale, moist, P:deep, slow; Warm the Kidney yang, moisten the intestine and unblock the bowels with Ji Chuan Jian
What are the ingredients in Ma Zi Ren Wan? Huo Ma Ren, Xing Ren, Bai Shao, Zhi Shi, Hou Po, Da Huang
What are the ingredients in Liu Mo Tang? Dang Shen, Mu Xiang, Zhi Ke, Da Huang
What are the ingredients in Da Huang Fu Zi Tang? Fu Zi, Da Huang, Xi Xin
What are the ingredients in Huang Qi Tang? Huang Qi, Huo Ma Ren, Chen Pi, Bai Mi (white honey), Gan Cao
What are the ingredients in Run Chang Wan? Huo Ma Ren, Tao Ren, Dang Gui, Sheng Di Huang, Zhi Ke
What are the ingredients in Zeng Ye Tang? Xuan Shen, Mai Men Dong, Sheng Di Huang
What are the ingredients in Ji Chuan Jian? Rou Cong Rong, Dang Gui, Niu Xi, Ze Xie, Zhi Ke, Sheng Ma
Created by: rswain
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