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The geographer world

Social Studies

The world in spacial terms Location is important because it gives you a sense of awareness in where you live.
Places Location and characteristics.
Region United places by 1 or more common characteristic.
Physical Systems Shape of the Earths surface.
Human Systems How people have shaped our world.
Enviroment and society How actions have affected the enviroment.
Uses of Geography Using geography to understand things.
Absolute location the precise point where a place is located on Earth.
Distortion A change in shape, size, or position of a place when it is shown on a map.
Relative Location Where a place is located in relation to another place.
Basin A bowl shaped depression, or hollow, in the Earth's surface.
Bay Part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline; generally smaller than a gulf.
Canyon A deep and narrow valley with steep walls.
Delta A triangle shaped deposit of sand and sediment that occure where a river flows into an ocean.
Gulf A large inlet of the sea that cuts into land; generally larger and more deeply intended than a bay.
Island A land area smaller than a continent, that is surrounded by water.
Isthumus A narrow strip of land that connects two larger land masses.
Lake A sizeable inland body of water.
Mountain Range A series of connected mountains.
Peninsula A long, narrow stretch of land that is surrounded by water on 3 sides.
Plain An area of level land, usually at a low elevation and often covered with grasses.
Plateau A raised area of land such as a hill or mountain, with a flat top.
River A large natural stream of water that runs through the land.
Strait A narrow stretch of water that runs through the land.
Tributary A stream or river that flows into a larger stream or river.
Volcano A mountain created as a liquid rock or ash errupts from inside the earth.
Physical Features The names, locations, and shapes of landforms and bodies of water.
Climate Zones Earth's climate zones.
Vegetation Zones Where plants will grow by dividing the world into these zones.
Population density Population density or how crowded it is.
Economic Activity Land use which is how people use their land to meet their needs.
Latitude >>>>>
Longtitude ^^^
Created by: 1963019452
Popular Geography sets




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