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Vocab for English

circum around
annus year
corpulent obese
incarcerate to imprison
dominus lord, master
dens tooth
benefactor one who gives
abscond to steal away
gravity severity
habito to live
ager, agri field, farm
bipartisan two parties represented
guatuity a tip
genesis beginning
fraternize to be friendly with
fortitude inner strength
exculpate free from guilt
e, ex out from
hospitable welcoming
infinite endless
finis end
fallacy a lie
equus horse
exodus mass departer
exhume to dig out of the earth
humus Earth
humiliate to lower oneself
habitat natural environment
belligerent war like
canine dog like
horrendous dreadful
brevis short
atlus tall, high
alias other name/false name
biblo book
amicable friendly
imbibe to drink/to take in
bellum war
aviary bird cage
armaments weapons
aqua water
ante before
beneficiary one who receives
bis twice
ambulatory able to walk
domicile house/home
condescend to talk down to
corpus body
contraband illegal items
condolences expression of sympathy
circumuent to go around
deify to raise to the level of a god
domineering controlling
diction word choice
culpable guilty
cognizant aware of
de down, from
contra against
extraneous not needed
credence belief in
intercede mediate
lingua language
lavatory rooms with sinks and toilets
intra within, inside
infra below
intervene interfere
colloquialism regional speech
iniquity sin
luminary a light
inter between, among
ignis fire
ignoramus a dolt
incendo to burn
ingenious clever
liberate to free
lumen light
latus side
laudable praiseworthy
liber free
lunar moon
interim meantime
magnamious generosity of spirit
innocous harmless
novice beginner
mandatory required
commiserate to share sympathy with
non not
annihilate destroy completely
malign to speak ill of someone
dementia progressive deterioration of the mind
minutiae minor detail
mens mind
nocturnal at night
malefactor criminal
nauta sailor
nihil, nil nothing
enumerate to list
munio to defend
malice desire to cause pain
mandate authoritative command
novus new
Created by: kuhtza
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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