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Cranial Nerve 8

WVSOM -- Medical Neuroscience -- Cranial Nerve VIII

What are the 3 parts of the ear? external, middle and inner ear
What is the function of the external ear? collection of sound
What are the external ear? external auditory meatus and pina
What is the function of the middle ear? amplification
What makes up the middle ear? tympanic cavity, air-filled space, malleus, tensory typmanim, incus, stapes, oval window
What innervates the tensor tympani m? CN V
What is the function of the tensor tympani m? dampens noise made by chewing
What innervates the stapes m? CN VII
What is the stapes m used for? used with yawning and speaking
What is the function of the inner ear? transduction
What are the parts of the inner ear? bony labryinth and membranous labyrinth
Where is perilymph found? bony labryinth
Where is endolymph found? membranous labryinth
What makes up the cochlea? scala vestibule, scala media, scala tympani
What is contained in the scala media? endolymph, organ of corti, auditory receptor apparatus
what does the strai vascularis do? found on lateral wall of scala media. it forms endolymph
Where does teh organ of corti lie? on basilar membrane
What maes up the cochlea? endolymph, choclea, saccule, utricle, semicircular cannals
Describe sound transudction from sound vibration to action potentials in CN VIII sound waves cause a displacement of tymp. membrane. displacements are transferred to teh oval window by ossicles. Footplate of stapes displaces cochlea. Displacement of cochlea causes a wave down bsilar membrane. hair movment then opens ion channels.
Where do low frequency peak? chochlear apex
Where does high frequency peak? CHOCHLEAR BASE
What does hair movment do? open ion channels causing hairs to depolarize releasing glutamate
What is intensity of sounds based on? displacement of basilar membrane
Describe the central auditory pathway hair cells > spiral ganglion > cochlear nucleus > superior olive/nucleus of trapezoid body > inferior colliculus > medial geniculate body > temporal lobe
What is the mechanism for sound localization signals from the cochlear nucleus go to the bilateral superior olive as well as nucleus of trapezoid body. the NoT will inhibit the contralateral superior olive causing the signal to be delayed so that the sound can be localized
Created by: tjamrose
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