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Patho Test 3: 2


What is Heart Failure to maintain sufficient cardiac output to meet metabolic needs of tissues and organs; it is the end point of all serious heart disease, you die
What is the first sign of heart failure? Kidney's failing
compensated heart failure early on the compensatory mechanisms can help the body with demands
decompensated heart failure gradually the compensatory can't keep up with the needs of the body and you die
Frank-Starling Mechanism hearts ability to increase its force of contraction and stroke volume in times of need
Compensatory mechanisms Increased sympathetic nervous system activity; norepenephrine and epinephrine increase the heart rate to maintain organ perfusion
Renin- angiotensin mechanism causes the kidneys to release renin which makes Angiotensin I to angiotensin II. causes vasoconstriciton
INcreased Renin long term will do what? Overwork the heart
What does aldosterone do? holds water and sodium
Mydocardial hypertrophy a long term mechanism, cells themself enlarge not multiply, the heart has more work, the heart looses its ability to stretch and fill
causes of heart failure MI, CAD, hypertension, valvular heart disease, excessive work load
types of heart failure high or low
high OP faliure uncommon, causes annemia, treatable
low OP failure impaired pumping,
systolic failure low Op failure, impaired ejection of blood, decrease in contractility and EF, results from decrease contractility, FVE and increase pressure(excess fluid)
diaslolic failure impaired feeling of the ventricles, smaller ventricles, hypertrophy, aging, and tachecardia may also cause this.many people are between sytolic and diastole
types of congestive heart failure right or left
right sided heart failure blood from system not being able to get to lungs, blood accumulates in body, increase RA and RV pressure, peripheral edema
Left sided Heart failure Blood cannot get in to lungs, INcrease pressure in LA LV, peripheral edema at night, can't get output to system
Right sided heart failure, S/s gain of 2 or more pounds a day and 5 or more pounds a week.. liver gets large and eventually spleen will enlarge, impaired digestion due to enlargement of GI
left sided heart failure s/s causes MI, Aortic valve stenosis, rugurgitation of aorta, may occur with rapid fluid volume replacement. due to decreased reserve
Causes of right sided heart failure tricuspid or pulmonic stenosis regurg, right ventricle infarction, cardio myopathy, persistant left sided Heart failure
Chronic (cor pulmonae) right ventricular hypertrophy and right ventricle failure as the lung disease worsens (pulmonary disorder)
acute Cor Pulmonae right heart strain or overload due to pulmonary HTN
Chronic Cor pulmonae due to diseases of pulmonary tissue
S/S of heart failure depends on extent and type of heart failure, assoc diseases include, CVD, HTN, DM, CAD, dysthrymia, renal failure, pulmonary disease, can be brougt on my infection, emotional stress, uncontrolled HTN, IV fluid admin, and excessive Na intake
CONT'D heart failure s/s fluid retention and edema, due to increased cappilary pressures and a result from increased fluid volume, nocturia occurs becasue of fluid return from laying down, oliguria late s/s due to long standing
S/S of respiratory manifestations SOB, DOE,orthopenia due to all the blood return back to heart when lying down and overlaoding the lungs, PND, sudden SOB at night, cardiac asthma, cardiac dry, non productive cough, worsening when lying as a result of bronchiospasms and wheezing
Cheyne-Stokes characterized by deep breathing when CO2 is high, followed by shallow breathing when CO2 fails, puckerked lips
S/S of heart failure cont'd with fatigue and limited excercise tolerance due to decreased cardiac output, progress is activity increased during day, decrease oxygenation can lead to confusion, behav changes, memory impairment adn anxiety in elderly
Cachexia and malnutrution tissue wasting adn the congeestion makes them feel full sooner
S/S cyanosis Late sign
2 types of cyanosis Central and peripheral
Central cyanosis caused by impaired oxygenation of arterial blood, seen in lips, and mucous membranes
peripheral cyanosisq caused by decarease delivery of oxygen adn blood to tissue
how do you diagnose Cyanosis in heart failure History and physical, classification system (1-5 decreasing in severity) EKG, echo, lab tests, (electrolytes) CXR, heart cath, invasive hemodynamic monitoring: 1-4 most severe
BNP brain neutremic peptide: tells us severity and how well tx is working
TX of HEart failure Beta blockers, Lots of meds, relieve s/s to relieve quality of life, correct anemia, or thyrotoxcosis, surgically repair ventricular defects, meds to decrease afterload, exe a diuretic, improve cardiac function, limit Na and water
Cardiogenic Shock severe failure of the heart pumping, causes MI's (most common), dysrthmia's, aneurysms, valvular defects, open heart surgery, CAD, cardio myopathy, big decrease in ejection fraction
CVP central renal preload
S/S of cardiogenic shock same as heart failure, cyanosis in lips nails and skin, increase CVC and PCWP
PCWP pulomary capillary wedge pressure
Tx of cardiogenic shock vasodilators, catecholimines, intra aortic baloon pump, ventricular assist devices, heart transplant
SHOCK failure of circulatory system to supply the peripheral tissue and organs with an adequete blood supply
first type of schock Hypovolemic
Hypovolemic blood volume is not adequate to fill the vascular system
S/S of hypovolemic HTN is a late sign, thirst, tachycardia, cool and clammy skin, decrease urine output, change in mental status, decrease CVP, diff starting IV
Tx of hypovolemic trendelinburg's position, Feet up head down, Give O2, blood products, vaso active meds like dopamine
Obstructive shock mechanical obstruction of blood flow in central circulation
Causes of obstructive shock aneurysm, cardiac tamponade, pneumothorax (collapsed lung), atrial myxoma (evisceration of abdominal contents into thoracic cavity)
Distributive shock loss of vessel tone, enlargment of vascular space, displacement of blood away from the heart, in the central circulation aka: normovolemic shock
Causes of distributive shock Decrease in sympathetic vessel tone, control and vasodilators, decrease venous return and cardiac output
Types of distributive shock Neurogenic and anaphylactic, and septic
neurogenic shock head, brain or spinal cord injury, decreased sypathetic control
causes of neurogenic shock brain injury, depressents, general anethesia, hypoxmia, lack of glucose, spinal shock, skin warm and dry,
anaphalactic shock massive vasodialation, severe allergy response, pulling of blood in the perephiral, immune immediated
septic shock associtated with severe infection like a blood infection,
complication of septic shock DIC, acute respiratory distress, muli system organ failure, inflamatory response, very common
septic shock CONT'D over release of interleukins may indicate bacterial toxins, can also play a role
S/S of septic shock fever, vasodiolation, warm flushed skin, mild hyperventilation, personality of behavioral changes, hypovolemia
TX of septic shock treat causitive agent, ABT, fluid replacement and vaso pressures
ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
ARDS life threatening repiratory failure, develops 24-48 hours after trauma
ARDS unknown cause, neutophils are a key player causing fluid acculalation and aveoli collapse,
TX of ARDS O2, mechanical ventilation with PEEP(positive end expiratory pressure), keeps the aveoli from collapsing
Acute renal failure with Shock impaired renal fuction due to eschemia due to decrease cardiac OP, monitor urine output, creatinine and BUN levels
GI lesions form as a result of ischemia, bleeding is common, ulcers, give pepcid, previcid(gives acid refulx)mucousal agents, NG tube with intermitent suction
complication of shock DIC (mediated by the inflamatory mediators),
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome life threatening- conditions of organ failure ,
tX of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome support failing organs
heart failures in infants and children usually acute, chronic may be seen in chronic anemia, inflamatory heart disease and some end stage heart disease
S/S heart failure in children usually do not see edema or ascities unless CVC is extremely high, repiratory disstress is the first sign
DX of heart failure in children H&P, CXR, EKG, Echo, ABGs, lab for anemia and electrolytes imbalances, treatment is similar as adults
heart failure in elderly extremely common, most common call of disability
S/s heart failure in elderly usually masked by other dieases,noctoria is a early sign, increased larthargic and confusion, restlessness, anorexia and weight loss
DX of heart failure in elderly S/S are hard to assess
TX of heart failure in elderly restict activity but not bed rest, watch drug dosage because they are at high risk for toxcity
What do you treat Renin angiotensin with? Ace inhibitors
Heart failure is overall what? pump failure
Sympathetic nervous system increases what? PVR and afterload, which leads to no perfusion to skin, abdominal organs, and kidneys
what is myocardial hypertrophy? Enlargement of the cells not in number! puts extra work on heart and can't stretch and fill, heart gets thick
Created by: JoeNLind
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