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Medsur drug list

Humulin N®[vial] Onset:1-2h Peak:6-12h Duration:18-24h DM, dosage acc to pt's requirements
Humulin R®[vial] Onset:30min Peak 2-4h Duration:6-8h DM,dosage acc to pt's requirements
Mixtard 30 HM® [vial] Onset:0.5h Peak: 2-8h Duration: approx 24h DM, once-BD(ie twice daily) by SC inj, taken on empty stomach (30min b4 meals)
Protaphane HMI®[vial] Onset:1.5h Peak:4-12h Duration:~24h DM, once-BD by SC inj
Humalog®[vial] Onset:0-15min Peak:1h Duration:3.5-4.5h DM, individualized dosage, taken w/ food (admin w/in 15min b4 or immediately after meals)
Humulin 70/30®[vial] DM,Human insulin isophane 70%, human insulin 30%, dosage acc to pt's requirements, SC or IM inj
Amoxicillin Amoxil, Abt, 1.Penicillins
Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid Augmentin, Abt,1.Penicillins, 1.2g,(irritative to skin) Reconstitution fluid:20ml WFI, 0.9%NS Hartmann's sol, IV bolus over 3-4 min, admin w/in 20 min of reconstitution
Ampicillin Penbritin/Pentrexyl, Abt,1.Penicillins
Ampicillin + Sulbactam Unasyn,Abt, 1.Penicillins
Benzathine Penicillin Penadur LA/Bicillin L-A,Abt,1.Penicillins
Benzylpenicillin Crystapen/Penicillin G, Abt, 1.Penicillins
Cloxacillin Orbenin/Prostaphlin-A,Abt, 1.Penicillins
Flucloxacillin Floxapen,Abt, 1.Penicillins
Phenoxymethylpenocillin Penicillin V,Abt, 1.Penicillins
Piperacillin Pan-piperacillin,Abt, 1.Penicillins
Piperacillin+Tazobactam Tazocin, Abt, 1.Penicillins
Actrapid HM®[vial] Onset:0.5h Peak:1-3h Duration:8h DM, TDS or more times daily(when used alone) by SC, IM or IV inj, taken on an empty stomach (0 min b4 meals)
Ticarcillin+Clavulanic acid Timentin, Abt, 1.Penicillins
Cefazolin Cefamezin, Abt, 2.Cephalosporins,1st gen
Cephalexin Keflex/Ospexin,Abt, 2.Cephalosporins,1st gen
Cephradine Velosef, Abt, 2.Cephalosporins,1st gen
Cefaclor Ceclor,Abt, 2.Cephalosporins,2nd gen
Cefuroxime Zinacef/Zinnat,Abt, 2.Cephalosporins,2nd gen
Cefoperazone Cefobid,Abt, 2.Cephalosporins,3rd gen
Cefoperazone+Sulbactam Sulperazone,Abt, 2.Cephalosporins,3rd gen; IM 3.5mL 0.5%Lignocaine∥IV 4mL, NSD5,IV bolus over a min of 3min
Cefotaxime Claforan,Abt, 2.Cephalosporins,3rd gen;1g, IM:4mL H2O x inj∥IV:4mL H2O x inj, bolus over 3-4 min
Ceftazidime Fortum,Abt, 2.Cephalosporins,3rd gen, 500mg/ 2g
Ceftibuten Cedax,Abt, 2.Cephalosporins,3rd gen
Ceftriaxone Rocephin,Abt, 2.Cephalosporins,3rd gen
Cefepime Maxipime,Abt, 2.Cephalosporins, 4th gen
Aztreonam Azactam,Abt,3.Other beta-lactams,monobactam
Imipenem+Cilastatin Tienam,Abt,3.Other beta-lactams,Carbapenems
Meropenem Meronem,Abt,3.Other beta-lactams,Carbapenems
Doxycycline Vibramycin/Doxy-100,Abt,4.Tetracyclines
Minocycline Minocin,Abt,4.Tetracyclines
Tetracycline Achromycin,Abt,4.Tetracyclines
Amikacin Amikin,Abt,5.Aminoglycosides
Gentamicin Garamycin/Septopal,Abt,5.Aminoglycosides
Kanamycin Kannasyn,Abt,5.Aminoglycosides
Neomycin Neoate,Abt,5.Aminoglycosides
Tobramycin Nebcin,Abt,5.Aminoglycosides
Azithromycin Zithromax,Abt,6.Macrolides
Clarithromycin Klacid,Abt,6.Macrolides
Erythromycin Erythrocin/Stiemycin,Abt,6.Macrolides
Roxithromycin Rulid,Abt,6.Macrolides
Ciprofloxacin Ciproxin/Ciloxan,Abt,7.Fluoroquinolones
Levofloxacin Cravit,Abt,7.Fluoroquinolones
Moxifloxacin Avelox,Abt,7.Fluoroquinolones
Nalidixic acid Wintomylon,Abt,7.Fluoroquinolones
Norfloxacin Lexinor,Abt,7.Fluoroquinolones
Ofloxacin Tarivid,Abt,7.Fluoroquinolones
Teicoplanin Targocid,Abt,8.Glycopeptides
Vancomycin Vancocin,Abt,8.Glycopeptides
Clindamycin Dalacin C,Abt,9.Others
Cotrimoxazole Septrin,Abt,9.Others
Fusidic acid Fucidin
Lincomycin Lincocin,Abt,9.Others
Linezolid Zyvax,Abt,9.Others
Metronidazole Flagyl,Abt,9.Others
Nitrogluramtoin Furandantin,Abt,9.Others
Trimethoprim Manatrim,Abt,9.Others
Atropine sulphate inj IV,inf fluid:D5 NS, admin undiluted by rapid inh. Slow iv inj may →paradoxical bradycardia
Aminophylline inj IV,inf fluid:D5 NS, direct iv push may→cardiac arrhythmias & hypotension; slow iv over ≥ 20min; should NOT >25mg/min; too irritant for IM admin
Amphoterin B inj (Fungizone) IV,inf fluid:D5 only, reconstitute w/ H2O & further dilute w/ D5to a [100mcg/mL], infuse w/in 6h; incompatible w/NS; use of dilutent w/ bacteriostatic agent (e.g. benzyl alcohol) may cause precipitation
Calcium Gluconate inj IV,inf fluid:D5 NS, do NOT give SC or IM ∵may cause tissue irritation & necrosis. Rapid IV inj at max rate 50mg/min. For IV infusion, dilute to [50mg/ml] & infuse over 1h. Incompatible w/ bicarbonates, phosphates or sulphates.
Calcium Chloride inj
IV,inf fluid:D5 NS, Slow IV inj or IV infusion at a rate not >0.7-1.4mEq/min. Too rapid admin may cause perivascular leakage and serious cardiac effects. IM or SC inj may cause serious necrosis or sloughing.
Cyclosporin inj(Sandimmun) IV,inf fluid:D5 NS, Dilute w/D5 or NS to a[50mg]in 20-100mL & give over 2-6h; not to be used w/PVC equip. Contains polyxyethylated castor oil; may cause anaphylactoid reactions.
Diazepam inj(Valium) IV,inf fluid:D5 NS, IV may be a high risk of venous thrombophlebitis which is min by using Diazemuls.
Diclofenac inj(Volteren) IV,inf fluid:D5 NS, Max IM inj of 2 days only. Do NOT give IV bolus. IV infu must be dilated w/NS or D5 buffered w/ sodium bicarbonate prepimmediately prior to use. Infusion sol should NOT be stored.
Digoxin inj(Lanoxin) IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,avoid rapid IV as it may cause vasoconstriction & subsequent hypotensions/or↓ed coronary flow.IM is NOT recommended∵local irritation, pain & tissue damaged
Dobutamine inj IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,potent drug, must be diluted to ≥50mL sol,ie 5mg/mL,prior to use. Incompatible w/ bicarbonate.
Dopamine inj IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,potent drug, must be diluted b4 us. Renal shutdown may occur at doses>50mcg/kg/min, ↓inf rate. Incompatible w/ bicarbonate. Contains sodium metabisulfate, may cause anaphylactic symptoms.
Frusemide inj
IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,slow IV over 1-2 min, NOT to exceed 4mg/min. If IM is admin,2nd dose should NOT be admin sooner than 2h after the previous dose.
Insulin soluble inj(Actrapid HM) IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,Adsorbed to some extent by plastic of infusion set;ensure insulin is NOT inj into "dead space" of inj port of the infusion bag
Isoprenaline inj IV,inf fluid:D5only,IV bolus:dilute 1mL(0.2mg)to 10mL NS or D5;IV infusion:dilute 5 to 10mL(1-2mg)in 500mL D5
Isosorbide dinitrate inj (Isoket) IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,Conc sol,NEVER be inj directly as a bolus. Adsorbed to some extent by PVC infusion containers;use glass or polyethylene containers or give via a syringe pump.
Ketamine inj (Ketalar) IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,IV admin over 60s;>rapid admin may result in transient resp depression or apnoea
Soluvit inj IV,inf fluid:D5only,Dilute b4 IV infusion as component of parenteral nutrition or parenteral sol. When given in glucose sol, protect fm light.
Nitroglycerin inj (Nitrocine) IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,Dilute b4 IV infusion. Incompatible w/PVC & severe losses may occur. Can be infused undiluted slowly using syringe pump w/ a glass or rigid plastic syringe.
Noradrenaline inj (Levophed) IV,inf fluid:D5only, Potent drug, dilute w/D5 or NaCl & glucose b4 use. Admin in NS alone is not recommended. Give through a central line. Avoid extravasation ∵ tissue necrosis & sloughing may occur. Incompatible w/ bicarbonate.
Nutriflex 48/150 IV,no inf fluid,Cetral line only
Paraldehyde inj By deep IM, no more than 5mL per inj site. Use promptly after opening∵ it decomposes on storage.∵Paraldehyde dissolves plastic, plastic syringe can only be used for immediate admin. Do NOT admin SC ∵ irritation. IV NOT recommended also.
Phenytoin inj (Dilantin) IV, NO inf fluid, IV not to >50 mg/min. Highly incompatible to many drugs & sol Addition to IV infusion is NOT recommended ∵lack of solubility & resultant precipitation. Avoid IM use ∵erratic absorption, pain on admin.
Phytomenadione Vit K1 inj (Konakion) IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,Reports of anaphylactoid reactions. Admin by slow IV (at least 30s), iff necessary, inj into lower chamber of IV set during infusion of D5 or NS. Not for IM inj.
Phytomenadione Vit K1 inj (Konakion Paediatric MM) IV,NO IV inf fluid,Parenteral use in premature infants weighed <2.5kg ↑es risk of kernicterus. May be admin by mouth, IM or IV inj.
Potassium Chloride inj IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,Must be diluted prior to use; conc must NOT >40mmol/L & inf slowly over 2-3h. Mix thoroughly to avoid "layering". Use ready-preped sol when possible.
Potassium Phosphate inj IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,Must be diluted b4 use & inf slowly to avoid phosphate intoxication. Do NOT inf w/ Ca or Mg containing IV fluid.
Thiamine inj IV, NO inf fluid, IM or slow IV. Anaphylactic reaction can occur esp after repeated admin.
Trace elements sol (Addamel) IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,Must be diluted b4 use & inf as component of parenteral nutrition or sol. Addition to other drugs should be avoided ∵risk of incompatibilities.
Vancomycin inj IV,inf fluid:D5 NS,Must be diluted to con ≤5mg/mL, inf over at least 60min & at a rate NOT >10mg/min. Risk of anaphyactoid reaction.
Created by: hycocoma
Popular Pharmacology sets




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