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Lit terms 4 Antigone

literary terms for Antigone

Alliteration repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.
Allusion reference to a different story or myth in the story being read
Anaphora repitition of a word of phrase at the beginning of a clause or phrase.
Apostrophe direct address to an inanimate object or a dead or absent person who cannot respond.
Assonance repetition of vowel sounds within nonrhyming words.
Asyndeton lack of conjunctions to connect a series of words, phrases or clauses. (opposite of polysyndeton)
Catharsis ritual purification of pollution
Chiasmus words/phrases that are the reversed order of the first words or phrase.
Connotation attitude or feeling associated with a word, in contrast to the word's denotation, which is its literal, or dictionary meaning. It may be negative, neutral or positive.
Consonance repetition of consonant sounds near end of words
Didactic a type of literature that teaches a lesson
Epithet set of adjectives that are hypinated in front of a noun.
Euphenism using mild/ gentle phrase instead of a blunt, painful or embarassing one to put something viewed as too negative/ graphic into a positive light.
Dramatic irony when the audience knows more than one or more characters on stage about what is happening
Situational irony when the outcome of a work is unexpected, or events turn out to be the opposite from what one had expected
Verbal irony a person says or writes one thing and means another, or uses words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning.
Litotes understatement
Motif conspicious recurring element such as an incident, a lit. device/ object, which appears frequently in a work of literature.
Paradox an idea that doesn't make sense at first, but upon reflection becomes clear
Phillipic speech that blames, accuses or insults a person or his ideas.
Onomatopoeia use of words whose sounds echo their meanings.
Oxymoron 2 opposite words next to each other that contradict each other
Polysyndeton repeated use of conjunctions between words in a list (opposite of asyndeton)
Consonance repetition of consonant sounds near end of words
Synechdoche part to a whole substition
Symbolism an object that represents something else
visual imagery What something looks like
auditory imagery what something sounds like
kinesthetic imagery evokes a sense of movement or body position
olfactory imagery what something smells like
gustatory imagery what something tastes like
Created by: deleted user
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