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Semester Test Review

6th Grade Reading

alliteration the repetition of an initial consonant sound in three or more words of a phrase, sentence, or line of poetry.
analyze to study in detail in order to learn the essential meaning.
autobiography a story of a person's own life, or part of it; written by that person.
biography a story of a person's life, or part of it; written or told by a different person
cause and effect action or event that makes something else happen, the action or events and its consequences
character persons or animals appearing in the story
character motive the reason a character thinks, does, or says what he/she does
character traits are parts of a character's personality.
chronological order arranged in order according to time of occurrence
cinquain a five-line stanza with an ababb rhyme scheme; an unrhymed poem of 22 syllables with five lines of 2,4,6,8,2 syllables respectively
climax the high point of interest or suspense in a literary work
compare/contrast alike/different
conflict problem that must be solved or met to get to the end of the story
contrast to tell the differences
diamante a seven line poem, shaped like a diamond that uses a specific order of words and contrasting nouns on first and last lines
drama a genre or class of literature that is written in dialogue form with stage directions
draw a conclusion to make a decision based on information.
effect the result of an action or event.
entertain to amuse, please, interest, or relax the reader.
expository text a reading or writing selection which explains, defines and interprets.
external conflict a situation in which a character is in conflict with something outside of himself, such as with another person or the forces of nature.
fable a simple story that teaches a lesson.
fact thing known to be true or to have really happened; a statement that can be proven
falling action after the climax, is the part of the story where the author unravels and tells how all the conflicts will end
fiction a made-up story of imaginary events and characters, not real; also a genre.
figurative language writing or speech not meant to be taken literally
folktale stories composed orally and then passed from person to person by word of mouth.
free verse a style of poetry that has no fixed pattern or rhyme.
functional text performs an important function in real life situations
generalization condensing the details into a general idea or statement; a summary
genre a category of literature.
goal the intention of the characters, what a character is working toward
graphic organizer a method for visually organizing a complex body of information; includes charts, graphs, outlines, clusters, tree diagrams, and Venn diagrams
historical fiction combines historical fact with fiction.
hyperbole an obvious and deliberate exaggeration ("He died a thousand deaths.")
idiom an expression that does not mean what it lliterally says ("to have the upper hand" has nothing to do with the hands)
image using a vivid description of figurative language to create mental pictures.
imagery the use of words to create images or pictures
implicit point of view occurs when the narrator directly states his attitude.
infer going beyond the written details and seeing more meaning then the passage actually states
inference a conclusion derived by reasoning from facts, evidence, or past experiences
inform to supply with knowledge, facts or information.
internal conflict having a problem with one's self or mind, (difficult decisions, unable to decide or follow through)
main idea the gist of a passage; central thought.
mystery tightly woven plots have elements of suspense, danger, or intrigue; plots are fast-paced and frequently involve foreshadow or flashback
myth stories that are seen as true in the represented society; plots are usually associated with theology or ritual; accounts frequently explain natural phenomena (Greek, Roman, Norse mythology)
narrative text a reading or writing selection which tells a story
nonfiction information is factual and may be presented by detailed descriptions or examples; organization follows a logical pattern and may include textual aids
novel a long fictional story whose length is normally somewhere between one hundred and five hundred book pages
onomatopoeia the formation or use of words that suggest by their sounds the object or idea being named (bow wow, bang, buzz, crackle, clatter, hiss, zoom)
opinion something which cannot be proved; what someone believes
outline includes the main points of a subject, usually listed by headings and subheadings
paraphrase a summary that tells in the simplest form what happens
patterned poetry poetry defined by its shape
personification giving human thoughts, feelings, and characteristics to animals or objects such as nature
persuade to change someone's mind or point of view.
plagiarism stealing someone's published words; the use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and using them in your own work
plot the series of events or happenings the main character uses to accomplish something
poetry poems usually written in lines or stanzas; often follow some kind of rhythmic or rhyming set of rules
point of view the vantage point from which an author presents the actions and characters in the story
predict to guess what might happen based on current information or previous experience
prior knowledge the knowledge the reader brings to the story; knowledge from personal experience
problem/solution a problem is identified and solved within the text of fiction and nonfiction
resolution solution of the problem
rhyme word with the same last sound (bat/cat, chair/stair)
rising action refers to all of the conflicts in a story that work together to build suspense
sequential order events happening in order of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
setting the time and the place of action in the story
short story a brief work of fiction, having a simple plot and setting
subgenre a type or class that is below a genre; categories of a genre (fables, biography, sports, mystery, adventure, myths)
summarize or summary a brief statement giving the main points
supporting detail a small piece of information which verifies or adds to the main points of a written selection
symbolism use of one thing to suggest something else, specifically the use of symbols to represent ideas in concrete ways; the implied meaning of a literary work
theme the main subject or idea presented in a story or a book.
characterization the way the author gives the main persons or objects their personality, appearance, actions, thoughts, and personal traits
legend stories of amazing heroes of the past presented as true but probably over stretching the actions
tall tale a story about an impossible or exaggerated happening related in a realistic, matter-of-fact, and often humorous way (Paul Bunyan)
almanac a book of various lists of facts and statistics
Created by: Lnino6
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