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Stack #208642


harry harass, annoy, torment (by repeated attacks); raid
prologue introduction (to a poem or play)
piebald of different colors; mottled; spotted in different colors (esp. in black and white); Ex. piebald horse; CF. pie+bald
polemical(polemic) aggressive in verbal attack; disputatious (rather than simply expressing opinions)
maroon leave helpless on a deserted island or coast; ADJ. red brown
talon claw of bird
pander cater to (the low desires of others)
archives public records; place where public records are kept
impious irreverent
discompose disturb the composure of; confuse
residue remainder; balance
febrile feverish
ebb (of the tide) recede; lessen; diminish; N. OP. flow: rise of tide
frenetic(phrenetic) frenzied; frantic
bacchanalian drunken
tantalize tease; excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach; torture with disappointment; CF. Tantalus: Greek mythological figure
diminution lessening; reduction in size; V. diminish
solicitous anxious; worried; concerned; eager; Ex. solicitous to do something; N. solicitude
contiguous adjacent to; touching upon
refrain abstain from; resist; forbear; N: chorus
dissolution disintegration; reduction to a liquid form; looseness in morals; sensual indulgence; debauchery; ADJ. dissolute: lacking in moral restraint; leading an immoral life
elusive evasive; not frank; baffling; hard to grasp, catch, or understand; V. elude: escape from; escape the understanding or grasp of; Ex. elude the hunter; Ex. His name eludes me.
aegis shield; protection; defense
feline of a member of the cat family; N.
downcast disheartened; dejected; sad; directed downward
diatribe bitter scolding or denunciation; invective; abuse
license official or legal permission; latitude of action or speech; excessive freedom that causes harm or damage; V.
didactic (of speech or writing) intended to teach a moral lesson; teaching; instructional; N. didacticism
infiltrate pass into or through; penetrate or enter (an organization) sneakily; Ex. infiltrate the troops into enemy territory; CF. infiltrator
assumption something taken for granted; the taking over or taking possession of; Ex. her assumption of power; V. assume
encomiastic praising; eulogistic; N. encomium: very high praise; eulogy
behemoth huge creature; something of monstrous size or power
penology study of prison management and criminal rehabilitation
meticulous excessively careful (with great attention to detail); painstaking; scrupulous
embrace hug; clasp with the arms; adopt or espouse; accept readily; encircle; include; Ex. embrace the cause/socialism; Ex. all-embracing; CF. brace; CF. bracelet
luminary celebrity (in a specific field); dignitary; object that gives light (as a celestial body)
parry ward off a blow; deflect; Ex. He parried the unwelcome question very skillfully; N. CF. ž·ŽÂŽÙŽÂ °³³äÀÌ ŸÆŽÔ
desiccate dry up
dominant exercising the most influence; high and easily seen; stronger than the other part of a system; not recessive
poseur person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant, etc., to impress others; person who poses; CF. pose
oblique indirect; slanting (deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line); Ex. oblique reference
reverie daydream; abstracted musing
corporeal bodily (rather than spiritual); of a bodily form; material; tangible
thresh beat (cereal plants) with a machine or flail to separate the grains from the straw
indemnify make secure against damage or loss; compensate for damage or loss; CF. make uninjured
scavenge hunt through discarded materials for usable items or food; search, especially for food; N. scavenger: one who scavenges; animal that feeds on refuse and carrion
pulse rhythmical throbbing of arteries; brief sudden change in a normally constant quantity; V: pulsate
egress exit; opening for going out; act of going out; OP. ingress
gradation series of gradual stages; degree in such a progression
incredulity tendency to disbelief
manifold many in number or kind; numerous; varied
renegade deserter; traitor; ADJ.
haughtiness pride; arrogance; ADJ. haughty
graduate arrange into categories or grades; divide into marked intervals (for use in measurement); Ex. graduated ruler
amok(amuck) in a state of rage; Ex. run amok
verve enthusiasm (as in artistic performance or composition); liveliness; vigor
maelstrom violent whirlpool; violent or tublent situation; CF. stream
centrifuge machine that separates substances by whirling them
homogeneous of the same kind; uniform in composition throughout
edict decree (especially one issued by a sovereign); official command
margin border; room; allowance beyond what is needed; Ex. margin of safety
vernal pertaining to spring
skulk move furtively and secretly; Ex. He skulked through the less fashionable sections of the city.
drip fall or let fall in drops; shed drops; N: action or sound of falling in drops; liquid that falls in drops
rebuttal refutation; response with contrary evidence; V. rebut: refute; disprove
predetermine determine in advance; predestine; settle or decide beforehand; influence markedly
paraphrase restate a passage in one's own words while retaining thought of author; N: restatement of a text in other words
stoic stoical; impassive; unmoved by joy or grief; N. CF. stoicism
clap strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound; come together suddenly with a sharp sound; put or send promptly; Ex. clap the thief in jail; N: clapping; loud or explosive sound; CF. applause
wanderlust strong longing to travel
pliable flexible; easily influenced; yielding; adaptable
pedagogue teacher; CF. child leader
protagonist leader or noticeable supporter of an idea; chief character in a play or story
unmitigated (of something bad) not moderated; unrelieved or immoderate; without qualification; absolute; Ex. unmitigated disaster
obelisk tall column tapering(becoming gradually narrower toward the end) and ending in a pyramid
blowhard talkative boaster; braggart
interpolate insert between
anarchy absence of governing body; state of disorder
felon person convicted of a grave crime; CF. felony: serious crime
braggadocio boasting
curator superintendent; manager (in charge of a museum or a library)
nimble quick in movement; agile; quick in understanding; Ex. nimble climber/mind
perdition damnation; complete ruin; hell
cajole persuade by praise or false promise; coax; wheedle
run-down (of a place) dilapidated; in a bad condition; (of a person) weak or exhausted
swindler cheater
nip snip off; stop something's growth or development; bite; make numb with cold; Ex. nip the plan; Ex. A guard dog nipped the postman; Ex. fingers nipped by the extreme chill
parvenu upstart; newly rich person
impolitic not wise; not expedient; not politic
remunerative (of work) compensating; rewarding; profitable; well-paid; V. remunerate: reward; pay (someone) for work or trouble
epic long heroic poem, novel, or similar work of art (celebrating the feats of a hero); ADJ: (of stories or events) resembling an epic; grand
disparity difference; condition of inequality; OP. parity
dispel scatter; drive away; cause to vanish
brand trademark; mark burned on the hide of an animal; mark burned into the flesh of criminals; mark of disgrace; V: mark with a brand; give a lasting bad name; stigmatize; Ex. The press branded him a liar.
increment increase
accost approach and speak first to a person
scad a great quantity; Ex. scads of clothes
abstinence restraint from pleasant things, esp. eating or drinking; CF. abstention: act of abstaining from vote
slough (of a snake) shed or cast off (dead outer skin); N: outer layer that is shed
execute put into effect; carry out; kill as a lawful punishment; N. execution
parochial narrow in scope or outlook; provincial; related to parishes
affidavit written statement made under oath (for use as proof in a court of law)
chaplain clergyman attached to a chapel
entourage group of attendants; retinue; CF. surround
induct place formally in office; install; admit as a member; initiate; N. induction: inducting; process of deriving general principles from particular facts
remote distant in manner; aloof
doldrums blues; listlessness(lack of spirit or energy); slack(inactive) period; period of stagnation; ocean area near the equator where ships cannot move because there is no wind; Ex. in the doldrums
dulcet sweet sounding; pleasing to the ear; melodious
dyslexia word blindness; learning disorder marked by impairment of the ability to read
malleable (of a metal) capable of being shaped by pounding(beating); pliable; (of someone) impressionable(easily influenced); easily controlled; tractable
eventual happening at last as a result; Ex. eventual victory
imponderable weightless; that cannot undergo precise evaluation; CF. pound
pervert corrupt; turn from right to wrong; misuse; Ex. perverted sexual desire/scientific knowledge; N: person whose sexual behavior is not natural
climactic relating to the highest point; N. climax; CF. climatic
superficial of the surface; not deep; shallow; not thorough; trivial; Ex. superficial analysis/knowledge
argot slang; speech spoken by only a small group of people
genus division of animals or plants, below a family and above a species
withdrawn introverted; retiring; remote
pore study industriously; ponder; scrutinize; Ex. pore over the book; N.
empathy ability to identify with another's feelings, ideas, etc.; identification with and understanding of another's feelings; V. empathize; CF. sympathy
demise death
hyperbole exaggeration; overstatement; ADJ. hyperbolic: of hyperbole; of a hyperbola
yoke join together; unite; N: crossbar used to joining two draft animals
lament grieve; express sorrow; N. lamentation
totem animal, plant, or natural object serving as a symbol of a clan or family; representation of this; Ex. totem pole
autopsy examination of a dead body; postmortem; V.
venturesome (of a person) bold; adventurous; daring; (of an action) risky
indefatigable tireless; untiring; showing no sign of getting tired
insensible unconscious; unresponsive; insensitive; unaware; imperceptible; Ex. insensible of his danger/to pain; Ex. insensible change; CF. not the opposite of sensible
squabble minor quarrel; bickering; V: engage in a minor quarrel; Ex. squabbling children
volatile changeable; of a quickly changing nature (as of temper); mercurial; tending to violence; evaporating rapidly; Ex. volatile character/situation in the street
ewe female sheep
covetous avaricious; desirous of (someone else's possessions); V. covet: desire eagerly (someone else's possessions)
meek submissive; patient and long-suffering
impetuous violent; hasty; rash; impulsive; without careful thought; Ex. impetuous decision
sundry miscellaneous; various; several; N. sundries: small miscellaneous items
scurry move hastily; hurry; move briskly
ineffectual not effective; not having a desired effect; weak
potent powerful; convincing; persuasive; greatly influential
barrage barrier laid down by artillery fire; overwhelming profusion; large number of questions or statements; Ex. a barrage of criticism
anchor secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place; N. anchorage
graphic pertaining to the art of delineating; vividly described
cunning clever in deceiving; sly; N: cleverness in deceiving; deceit
subjugate conquer; bring under control
turgid swollen; distended (as from liquid)
scabbard case for a sword blade; sheath
reactionary strongly opposed to social or political change; opposing progress; politically ultraconservative; N. OP. radical
illimitable infinite; limitless
undulating moving with a wavelike motion; V. undulate; CF. und: wave
pass_off present falsely; represent falsely to be
interloper intruder; one who interferes
concord harmony; accord
wade walk through a substance, such as water, that impedes movement
delusion false belief; hallucination; deluding; Ex. delusions of grandeur; Ex. under the delusion that
sublime causing deep feelings of wonder, joy, respect, etc.; exalted; noble and uplifting; utter
convoke call together; Ex. convoke Parliament; N. convocation
effective effectual; producing a strong response; striking; in operation; in effect; Ex. effective speech/photograph
hortatory encouraging; exhortive; marked by exhortation; CF. exhort
squalor condition of being squalid; filth; degradation; dirty neglected state; ADJ. squalid: dirty; sordid; morally repulsive; Ex. squalid story
bivouac temporary encampment; camp without tents; V.
anguish acute pain; extreme suffering
severity harshness; intensity; sternness; austerity; ADJ. severe: harsh; strict; extremely violent or intense
omnivorous eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything
smear spread or cover with a sticky substance; N: mark made by smearing
edifice building (of imposing size)
hydrophobia fear of water; rabies
grouch bad-tempered complaint; person who keeps complaining; V: complain; grumble
tedium boredom; weariness; ADJ. tedious
carcinogenic causing cancer; N. carcinogen
adage wise saying; proverb
obsidian black volcanic rock
pulpit raised platform used in preaching (in a church)
luxuriate take pleasure in great comfort
skim read or glance through quickly; touch lightly in passing; brush; remove from the surface of a liquid
belligerent quarrelsome
vise vice; tool for holding work in place; clamping device
dissipate squander; waste foolishly; scatter
cascade small waterfall
tart sharp to the taste; acid-tasting; caustic; sarcastic; Ex. tart apple/reply
miscreant wretch; wrongdoer; villain; Ex. kindness to the miscreant; CF. believe
doggerel poor verse
atheistic denying the existence of God; N. atheism
uninhibited having no inhibitions; free in behavior and feelings
frolicsome prankish; gay; playful; merry; frisky
inexorable relentless; unyielding; implacable; not capable of being changed by entreaty or efforts; Ex. inexorable price rises
surge powerful movement of or like a wave; V.
surrogate substitute; person or thing used in place of another; Ex. surrogate mother; ADJ.
hue_and_cry outcry; loud cry or clamor; strong protest; Ex. hue and cry against the new rule
pachyderm thick-skinned animal
emetic substance causing vomiting; ADJ.
ironic expressing irony; occurring in an unexpected and contrary manner
discrete separate; unconnected
problematic causing a problem; open to doubt; doubtful; unsettled; questionable; Ex. Whether the arena will ever be completed is problematic.
purgatory place of spiritual expiation; temporary state or place in which the souls must expiate their sins
insalubrious unwholesome; not healthful; Ex. insalubrious place
meddlesome interfering; V. meddle: interfere
cadet student at a military school
spruce neat and trim in appearance; smart; Ex. Be spruce for your job interview; V.
jumble mix in a confused way
grimace facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc; V.
humble of low rank or position; modest; having a low opinion of oneself and a high opinion of others; unassuming; not proud; V. humiliate: make humble; cause to feel ashamed or to lose the respect of others
lurid wild; sensational; graphic; gruesome; horrible; Ex. lurid details of the murder
application diligent attention; diligence; V. apply oneself
psychosis mental disorder; ADJ. N. psychotic
hoary white with age
vacillate waver (in opinion); fluctuate; sway to and fro; N. vacillation
sturdy strong and firm (in the body)
emblazon ornament richly (a shield or flag); N. emblazonment
optometrist one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects
impetus moving force; momentum; force of a moving body; incentive; stimulus; impulse
optional not compulsory; left to one's choice; N. option: act of choosing; choice; freedom or power to choose; something available as a choice; Ex. have no option; Ex. two options
nadir lowest point; point on the celestial sphere diametrically opposite the zenith
low moo; make the sound of a cow
pastiche imitation of another's style in musical composition or in writing; work of art openly imitating the works of other artists
selective careful in choosing; having an effect only on certain things; not general; Ex. eclectic weed killer
eddy swirling current of water, air, etc.; V.
languid lacking energy or vitality; weary; sluggish; listless
vestige trace; remains; Ex. vestiges of some ancient religion
partisan one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party (with dislike of any others); N: strong supporter of a party; guerrilla
implicit understood but not stated; implied; unquestioning and complete; Ex. implicit trust
thesis opinion put forward and supported by reasoned arguments
symbiosis interdependent relationship (between groups, species) often mutually beneficial; ADJ. symbiotic; CF. together + life
sneak move, give, or take in a quiet, stealthy way; N: one who sneaks; ADJ. sneaky
minutiae petty or trivial details; CF. minutia
pass\'e old-fashioned; past the prime
dissent disagree
centigrade denoting a widely used temperature scale (basically same as Celsius)
whit small amount; smallest speck; Ex. not a whit of
arroyo gully; narrow channel formed by rainwater
splice join together end to end to make one continuous length; fasten together; unite; Ex. splice two strips of tape; N.
makeshift temporary expedient or substitute (in the case of urgent need); Ex. makeshift shelter
monochromatic having only one color
irate angry; CF. ire: anger; wrath
imposture assuming a false identity; masquerade; CF. impostor
flux flowing; series of changes; fluctuation; Ex. in a state of flux
bulwark strong wall built for defense; earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends
harping tiresome dwelling on a subject; V. harp: dwell on(think or speak a lot about) tediously
profane violate; desecrate (something holy); treat unworthily; be profane for; ADJ: secular; nonreligious; irreverent for holy things
mincing affectedly dainty(delicate); V. mince: cut (esp. meat) into very small pieces; walk with exaggerated primness; walk in an unnatural way, taking little short steps; Ex. The actor minced across the stage; CF. mincemeat; CF. mincer
partial incomplete; favoring one side over another; having a liking for something
sedentary requiring sitting; done while sitting; not moving from one place to another; settled; Ex. sedentary job/population
tan convert (hide) into leather; make brown by exposure to the sun
equipoise balance; balancing force; equilibrium
recuperate recover; return to health; regain; Ex. recuperate losses
fiat command; arbitrary order; Ex. presidential fiat; CF. let it be done
crave desire; want intensely
putrid decayed and foul-smelling; foul; rotten; decayed; N. putridity
puissant powerful; strong; potent; N. puissance: power
vendor seller
infirmity weakness
shoot new growth from a plant
arcade a covered passageway usually lined with shops
propriety fitness; quality of being proper; correct conduct; conformity to prevailing customs and usages; CF. proprietor, proprietary
medium element that is a creature's natural environment; nutrient setting in which microorganisms are cultivated; appropriate occupation or means of expression; channel of communication; compromise; middle position between extremes;
deploy spread out (troops) in an extended though shallow battle line; distribute (persons or forces) systematically or strategically
rectify set right; correct; CF. rect-: right
jabber chatter rapidly or unintelligibly
petrify turn to stone; cause to become stonelike; stun or paralyze
condone overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse
strut pompous walk; V: walk in a self-important manner
collaborate work together; cooperate treasonably with the enemy
rationalize make rational; devise false reasons for (one's behavior); offer an excuse; give a plausible reason for an action in place of a true, less admirable ones; N. rationalization
sensitization process of being made sensitive or acutely responsive to an external agent or substance; V. sensitize: make or become sensitive
underlying lying below; fundamental
bureaucracy overregulated administrative system marked by red tape; ADJ. bureaucratic
martinet strict disciplinarian; person who demands total obedience to rules and orders; CF. Jean Martinet
remediable reparable
urchin mischievous child (usually a boy); CF. urchin: hedgehog; CF. porcupine: pig with spikes ?; CF. sea urchin
squash crush; quash; suppress
impassioned (of speech) filled with passion; fervent
perpetuate make perpetual; make something last for a long time; preserve from extinction; N. perpetuity
anthropomorphic having human form or characteristics
nondescript undistinctive; ordinary; ordinary-looking; Ex. nondescript fellow in a crowd
prognosticate predict (according to present indications)
agog highly excited; intensely curious
apparent evident; easily seen or understood; appearing as such; Ex. apparent improvement
bogus counterfeit; not authentic; intentionally false; Ex. bogus interview
miserly stingy; mean
vanguard forerunners; foremost position of an army; advance forces; foremost position in a trend or movement; CF. rearguard
mitigate appease; moderate; make or become less in force or intensity
objective not influenced by emotions; fair; N: goal; aim
acoustics science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in
savant scholar; learned person; CF. savoir: know
fraught filled (with something unpleasant); full; Ex. fraught with danger and difficulties; CF. freight
nonsense speech or writing with no meaning; foolish behavior or language; Ex. make (a) nonsense of: spoil; cause to fail
penance self-imposed punishment for sin; Ex. do penance for one's sins; CF. penitent
cede yield (title or territory) to (esp. after losing a war); surrender formally; N. cession
unanimity complete agreement; ADJ. unanimous
reprimand reprove severely; rebuke; N.
expertise specialized knowledge (in a particular field); expert skill
amicable peaceful; politely friendly; not quarrelsome; Ex. amicable settlement
glitter shine brightly with flashing points of light; Ex. glittering diamond ring; N: sparkling light; attractiveness; glamor; Ex. glitter of the sun on the waves
dilatory delaying; tending to delay
inept unsuited; inappropriate; lacking skill; incompetent; CF. inapt: (of statements or ideas) inappropriate
gorge stuff oneself (with food); glut; CF. gorgeous: dazzlingly beautiful
vent small opening; outlet (as of fumes or a gas); Ex. He gave vent to his anger by kicking the chair.
skimp provide or use scantily; live very economically; Ex. skimp on necessities; ADJ. skimpy: inadequate in amount; scanty; stingy; niggardly
yeoman man or farmer owning small estate; middle-class farmer
construe explain; interpret; Ex. construe her silence as meaning that she agreed; CF. misconstrue
implement put into effect; enforce; carry out; supply with tools; Ex. implement the plan/suggestion; N: tool or instrument
audit examination of accounts of a business; official examination; V.
seedy run-down; decrepit; disreputable; having many seeds; Ex. seedy downtown hotel
juggernaut irresistible crushing force; overwhelming advancing force that crushes everything in its path
vertebrate having a backbone or spinal column; N: group of animals having a segmented spinal column
epitaph inscription in memory of a dead person (as on a tombstone)
mire entangle; stick in swampy ground; stick or sink in mire; N: bog; deep mud; Ex. sucked deeper into the mire
revoke cancel; retract; CF. irrevocable
peruse read through with care; N. perusal
indignation anger at an injustice; Ex. righteous indignation; ADJ. indignant
niggle spend too much time on minor points (esp. when finding fault); find fault; Ex. niggle over details; ADJ. niggling
slag glassy residue from smelting metal; dross; waste matter
asunder into parts; apart; V. sunder
sleazy shabby and dirty; flimsy; insubstantial; Ex. sleazy back-street hotel/fabric
hallucination delusion; false idea; false perception of objects with a compelling sense of their reality; objects so perceived; V. hallucinate; ADJ. hallucinatory
impervious impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed; incapable of being affected (in one's opinions); Ex. impervious to water/criticism
jaunt trip; short journey
solemnity seriousness; gravity
thermal pertaining to heat; producing heat; warm; Ex. thermal bath; N: rising current of warm air
scotch stamp out(put an end to); thwart; hinder; Ex. scotch the rumor; CF. cut; CF. È°µ¿À» ÁÙÀÌŽÂ ÀǹÌ
cameo shell or jewel carved in relief; star's special appearance in a minor role in a film
unwieldy awkward (to carry or move); cumbersome; unmanageable
stygian unpleasantly dark; gloomy; hellish; deathly; CF. Styx: the chief river in the subterranean land of the dead
touchy oversensitive; easily offended; irasible; delicate; needing delicate handling; Ex. touchy situation
skinflint miser; stingy person
insurgent rebellious; N.
replica copy
suckle give or take milk at the breast or udder
frolic play and jump about happily; frisk; Ex. frolicking young lambs
expatriate exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land; V: exile; banish; leave one's country
maladroit clumsy; not skillful; awkward; bungling
lumen unit of light energy (one candle's worth)
sever separate; cut off (a part) from a whole; break up (a relationship); N. severance; CF. severance pay: extra pay given an employee upon leaving a position
diurnal daily; occurring during the daytime
predator predatory animal or bird; predatory person; creature that seizes and devours another animal; person who robs or exploits others; ADJ. predatory: living by preying on other organisms; plundering; N. predation
motility ability to move spontaneously; ADJ. motile: moving spontaneously
litotes understatement for emphasis; Ex. ``not bad(=pretty good)''
renown fame; ADJ. renowned
blues state of depression or melancholy; style of slow, mournful music (evolved from southern Black American songs)
concomitant that which accompanies; Ex. Deafnes is a frequent concommitant of old age; ADJ: existing or happening together with something else
conceit vanity or self-love; too high opinion of one's own value; extravagant metaphor (in poetry)
decelerate slow down
indigent poor; destitute
shrewd clever; astute
incredulous withholding belief; skeptical; showing disbelief
tremor trembling; slight quiver (as of the earth or from nervous agitation)
concur agree; coincide; happen at the same time
smelt melt (ore) for separating and removing the metal; melt or blend ores changing their chemical composition
hap chance; luck
deducible derived by reasoning; V. deduce: infer; derive by reasoning
demolition destruction; V. demolish
aphorism pithy maxim or saying; ADJ. aphoristic
motto brief statement used to express a principle
confluence flowing together; the place where two rivers flow together; crowd; gathering together
bludgeon club; heavy-headed weapon; V.
vile despicable; unpleasant; disgusting; Ex. vile slander
glare shine intensely and blindingly; stare fixedly and angrily; N.
convert one who has adopted a different religion or opinion; V: change into another form; (persuade to) adopt a particular religion or belief
chisel swindle or cheat; N: wedgelike tool for cutting
avocation secondary or minor occupation
finery beautiful clothes for a special occasion
lush (of a plant or grass) growing very well
marrow soft fatty tissue that fills most bone cavities and is the source of blood cells
vulgar of the common people; deficient in refinement; not refined; coarse; Ex. vulgar display of wealth; N. vulgarism: vulgarity; crudely indecent word; CF. vulgarian: vulgar person; boor; lout
emolument salary; payment for an office; compensation
abysmal bottomless
cavalcade procession of riders or horse-drawn carriages; parade; CF. cavalry
idiosyncrasy individual trait usually odd in nature; behavioral peculiarity; eccentricity; attitude, behavior, or opinion peculiar to a person; anything highly individual or eccentric; ADJ. idiosyncratic
constitution constituting; system of laws; composition of something; physical makeup or structure of a person; Ex. men with strong constitutions
enterprising full of initiative; showing enterprise
invulnerable incapable of injury; impossible to damage or injure
prime period of ideal or peak condition; earliest or beginning stage; Ex. in the prime of life; Ex. prime of the year(spring); ADJ: first in importance or rank; first; V: make ready; prepare
corollary natural consequence (which naturally follows from something else)
brocade rich, figured(patterned) fabric
laceration torn ragged wound; V. lacerate: tear (the skin as with broken glass); wound
pretentious ostentatious; showy; pompous; making unjustified claims; overambitious; Ex. pretentious films that claim to be art
pharisee Pharisee: member of an ancient Jewish group that emphasized strict observance of the Mosaic law (considering themselves very holy); hypocritical self-righteous person
chore daily domestic task (such as cleaning, cooking, and shopping); unpleasant task
ethnic relating to races
cognate having a common origin; related linguistically; allied by blood; similar or akin in nature; Ex. cognate languages; N.
stagnant (of water) not flowing (often bad-smelling); motionless; stale; not developing; inactive; dull; Ex. stagnant industrial output
hide skin of an animal
consternation great shock; dismay
torrid (of weather) hot or scorching; passionate; Ex. torrid love affairs
delirium mental disorder marked by confusion; uncontrolled excitement; ADJ. delirious
wastrel waster; profligate
overthrow topple; N.
smattering slight knowledge; small scattered number or amount; Ex. smattering of German
throng crowd (of people or things); V.
document provide written evidence (for a claim); record with documents; N.
mongrel plant or animal (esp. a dog) of mixed breed; ADJ.
dazzle make blind with a sudden intense light; amaze; fill with wonder
vouch give a personal guarantee; Ex. I can vouch for his integrity; N. voucher
lopsided heavier or larger on one side than the other; Ex. lopsided way of walking
indigenous native; Ex. plant indigenous to the New World
rivet metal pin used for fastening metal plates together; V: fasten with a rivet; engross
overture musical introduction to a long musical piece; first offer or proposal (to begin talks in the hope of reaching an agreement); Ex. overtures for peace
solecism nonstandard grammatical construction; construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically; violation of social etiquette
jaunty cheerful and pleased with life; lighthearted; animated; easy and carefree; dapper in appearance; Ex. jaunty person/hat
practical based on experience; of or acquired through practice (rather than theory); useful; Ex. practical man
factotum handyman; person who does all kinds of work; CF. do everything
parable short simple story teaching a moral
voluble fluent; talkative; glib; N. volubility
castrate remove the sex organs (of a male animal or person)
malevolent wishing evil; exhibiting ill will; N. malevolence
camaraderie good-fellowship; CF. comrade
implore beg
nettle irritate; annoy; vex; ADJ. nettlesome
blackball vote against (an applicant); ostracize; N: negative vote
ecosystem ecological community together with its environment
discredit defame; disgrace; destroy confidence in; disbelieve; N. CF. discreditable: causing discredit; shameful
bilious suffering from indigestion; sick from having too much bile; irritable; easily irritated
rococo ornate; highly decorated; N. CF. 18th century
disapprobation disapproval; condemnation
shear remove (fleece or hair) by cutting; remove the hair or fleece from; cut with or as if with shears; N: shears; pair of scissors
verbiage pompous array of words; too many unnecessary words; wordiness
invincible unconquerable
truncate cut the top off; shorten
allay calm; pacify
disdain treat with scorn or contempt
surmount overcome
shoddy made of inferior material; sham; not genuine; inferior; dishonest; Ex. shoddy goods/trick
phlegmatic calm and unexcitable; not easily disturbed; CF. phlegm: sticky mucus produced in the respiratory tract
topography physical features of a region (such as the shape and height); CF. topo-: place
nurse suckle; take care of (as a nurse); bear in mind; Ex. nursing mother; Ex. nurse a hope/grudge against someone
fractious unruly; peevish; cranky; bad-tempered; Ex. fractious horse
negligence neglect; failure to take reasonable care; ADJ. negligent: neglectful; lax; not taking enough care
trappings outward decorations; ornaments (as an outward sign of rank)
amoral nonmoral; having no understanding of right and wrong
ascendancy controlling influence; position of controlling influence; CF. in the ascendant
swelter (of a person) suffer from oppressive heat; be oppressed by heat
exploit make use of, sometimes unjustly; N. exploitation
slap hit quickly with the flat part of the hand; N. CF. smack
magnitude greatness (in size or extent); extent
slander defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements; V. ADJ. slanderous
insomnia wakefulness; inability to sleep
florescence condition or period of flowering
plenary (of power) complete; full; fully attended by all qualified members; Ex. plenary power
portend foretell; presage; be a sign or warning of; N. portent: sign; omen; forewarning
vaunted boasted; bragged; highly publicized; V. vaunt: boast; brag
pernicious very harmful; deadly; very destructive; Ex. pernicious effect/anemia
philanthropist lover of mankind; doer of good; N. philanthropy
amplify increase in size or effect; expand; broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make stronger; Ex. amplify one's remarks with a graph
perforate pierce; put a hole through
latent present but not yet noticeable or active; dormant; hidden; N. latency; CF. potential
blemish mar; spoil the beauty or perfection of; N: flaw or defect (that spoils perfection); Ex. blemishes in the crystal; CF. unblemished
gibe mock; make jeering remarks; N: jeering remarks
inebriate make drunk; intoxicate; N. intoxicated person
tertiary third in order or rank
wry (esp. of an expression of the face) twisted; with a humorous twist (expressing displeasure)
dowdy untidy (of a woman or clothes); slovenly; dressed in an unattractive way; shabby; CF. unattractive woman
aphasia loss of speech due to injury or illness
coax persuade by flattery
jeopardize endanger; imperil; put at risk; N. jeopardy: danger
congeal freeze; coagulate
recite repeat aloud (something learned); describe; Ex. recite his complaints; N. recitation
covenant binding agreement between two groups or people; compact; V: enter into a covenant; promise
primordial existing at the beginning (of time); rudimentary
dynamo generator for producing electricity; energetic person
migratory wandering; V. migrate: move from one region and settle in another; move periodically from one region to another
promote advance in rank; advance; help to flourish; advocate; help actively in forming; publicize or popularize; Ex. Milk promotes health; Ex. promote a match/bill; Ex. promote a new product
clavicle collarbone
legato (of music) played smoothly
modicum limited quantity; small amount; Ex. He does not have a modicum of sense; CF. moderate
tacit understood (without actually being expressed); not put into words; Ex. tacit agreement
nicety precision; accuracy; minute distinction or difference; Ex. to a nicety: exactly; precisely; Ex. distinguish between niceties
mishap unfortunate accident
impiety irreverence; lack of respect for God or piety
amass collect (gradually, in a very large amount)
obfuscate confuse; muddle; cause confusion; make needlessly complex; make so confused as to be difficult to understand
sentient capable of sensation and conscious; aware; sensitive; Ex. sentient creature; N. sentience
grisly ghastly; horrifying; Ex. grisly remains of the bodies
vibrant full of vigor or energy; vibrating
atrocity brutal deed; ADJ. atrocious
sanctimonious displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness; N. sanctimony: hypocritical piety
underscore underline; emphasize
groove long narrow channel made in a surface to guide the movement of something; Ex. groove of the record
incur bring upon oneself
addle make or become confused; muddle; drive crazy; become rotten (egg)
haggle argue about prices (in an attempt to bargain)
pious devout; religious; N. piety
lewd lustful
imbroglio complicated situation (as in a play); painful or complex misunderstanding (as in a play); entanglement; confused mass (as of papers); V. embroil
stentorian (of the voice) extremely loud; CF. Stentor: a loud herald in the Iliad
overwhelm (of water) cover completely; defeat completely by much greater force; Ex. overwhelmed by grief
hypochondriac person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause about illness; ADJ. CF. hypochondria: neurosis that one is or is becoming ill; CF. abdomen
Created by: akhalidi
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