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Chapter 9 and 10

HIST 2010

During the 19th century, the Am. economy transformed from small scale farming and local commerce into a capitalist marketplace entwined with world markets. This expansion was due, in large part, to develop in all of the following fields EXCEPT: Medicine (Transportation, Agriculture, Industry are right)
All of the following are examples of improved transportation, EXCEPT: Hudson River (The Wilderness Road, Conestogas, Erie Canal are right)
The Industrial Revolution in America included several model factory systems. Which of the following were primary examples of this system in the early 19th century? The Lowell System and the Fall River System
As Federal land laws were relaxed, the West was settled. What two laws in the early and mid 19th century were examples of the Congressional response to the land mania in the West? The Preemption Act and the Graduation Act
American 19th century nativism, a resentment against the incoming waves of immigrants, was best exemplified by the following organized political party: The Know-Nothing Party
Despite their earlier opposition to, or challenge to, a national bank, all of the following statesmen were instrumental in pushing through the bill for the Second Bank of the United States, EXCEPT: Andrew Jackson (John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster are right)
Henry Clay's American System consisted of promotion of the "market revolution" and rapid development of the western states and territories through the: High tariffs, higher prices for federal lands, and a strong national bank
What was the Missouri Compromise? The Senate agreed to link Maine's admission as a free state with Missouri's admission as a slave state
Andrew Jackson finally won the Presidency in 1828 due, in part, to: The increase in universal and white manhood suffrage.
Which Supreme Court Justice was responsible for authorizing several key decisions that, together, demonstrate a strong period of "judicial nationalism"? John Marshall
Marbury v. Madison (1803), Fletcher v. Peck (1810), and Martin v. Hunter's Lessee (1816) are all examples of cases which affirmed the following principle: Judicial Review
In Mcculloch v. Maryland (1819), the Supreme Court ruled that Maryland's effort to tax the national bank was unconstitutional. This ruling was significant because: It endorsed the doctrine of the federal government having implied constitutional powers.
Which of the following cases established national supremacy in regulating interstate commerce? Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
The Monroe Doctrine was largely the work of which Secretary of State? John Quincy Adams
Created by: jessicababineaux
Popular History sets




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