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Chapter 8 Vocabulary

Special Senses

Anosmias an olfactory disorder; loss of chemical senses (taste & smell)
Auricle the visible part of the ear that resides outside of the head
Bitter Receptors stimulated by alkaloids; found in the back of the tongue
Blind Spot (Optic Disc) site where optic nerve leaves the eyeball; light from an object focuses on optic disc and disappears from view
Cataract partial or complete loss of transparency of the crystalline lens of the eye
Cerumen earwax
Chemoreceptors receptors sensitive to various chemicals in solution
Choroid the pigmented nutritive layer of the eye
Conjunctivitis inflammation of the thin mucous membrane lining the eyelids and anterior surface of eyeball
Cornea the transparent anterior portion of the eyeball
Deafness hearing loss
Glaucoma an abnormal increase of the pressure within the eye
Gustatory Cells chemoreceptors (taste cell); occupy the central portion of the bud
Iris the pigmented, involuntary muscle that acts as the diaphragm of the eye
Lens the elastic, doubly convex structure in the eye that focuses the light entering the eye on the retina
Mechanoreceptors receptors sensitive to mechanical pressures such as touch, sound, or contractions
Meniere's Syndrome serious pathology of the inner ear; progressive deafness; causes ringing sound in ear, vertigo, and nausea
Olfactory Auras olfactory hallucinations; mimicry of sense of smell
Ophthalmia Neonatorum form of conjunctivitis contracted by new borns during delivery
Otitis Media inflammation of the middle ear; eardrum bulges and often becomes inflamed; can result from a sore throat
Pinkeye infectious form of conjunctivitis; caused by bacteria or viruses
Presbycusis type of sensorineural deafness that occurs with old age caused by the deterioration of the spiral organ of Corti leads to loss of ability to hear high tones and speech sounds
Pupil an opening in the center of the iris through which light enters the eye
Salty Receptors stimulated by metal ions (inorganic salts); found on the tip of the togue
Sclera the firm white fibrous outer layer of the eyeball; protects and maintains eyeball shape
Sour Receptors stimulated by acids; found half wayback on the tounge
Strabismus lazy eye; weakness of the external eye muscles
Sweet Receptors stimulated by many substances; found in the front area of the tongue
Tympanic Membrane the eardrum
Umami elicited by glutamate which causes the taste of bee; discovered by the Japenese
Vertigo sensation of spinning
Created by: Cway
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