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Disorders, Conditions, Diseases

Disease an abnormal condition of the body or mind that causes dysfunction or discomfort.
Disorder a functional abnormality or disturbance
Condition a state of being in health, a disease, such as a heart condition.
Acne Vulgaris Common skin disease that affects 85-100% of people at some time during their lives. Characterized by non-inflammatory pustules or comedomes and by inflammatory pustules. Affects areas with the densest population of sebaceous follicles.
Psoriasis Appear anywhere on body but it is most commonly found on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back. Skin usually becomes red and inflamed and may form white scaly patones. Disease of the immune system.
Eczema Most commonly causes dry, reddened skin that itches or burns, although the appearance of eczema varies from person to person and varies according to the specific type. Intense itching.
Contact Dermatitis Means inflammation of the skin. The skin becomes extremely itchy and inflamed causing redness, swelling, cracking, weeping, crusting, and scaling. Dry skin is a very common complain and an underlying cause of some of typical rash symptoms.
Tinea Pedis Common skin infection of the foot caused by fungus. When feet or other areas of the body stay moist, warm, and irritated, this fungus can thrive and infect the upper layer of skin caused by ringworm fungus.
Urticavia Hives-re, itchy, raised areas of skin that appear in varying shapes and sizes. Few millimeters to several inches. Can occur anywhere on the body.
Rosacea Common benign skin disorder that affects many people world wide. Main symptoms include red or pink patches, visible broken blood vessels, small red bumps, red cysts, and pink or irritated eyes. Looks like they are blushing.
Vitiligo A pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes in the skin are destroyed. As a result, white patches appear on the skin in different parts of the body. Similar patches appear on mucous membranes and the retina. The hair sometimes grows white.
Impetigo Can spread from one person to another. Causes one or more sores on the skin that are often covered by a thick dry honey colored crust. Don't hurt but tender and sometimes itchy. Any skin area can be affected. Most common during summer and 2-6 year olds.
Boils Also called skin abscess is a localized infection deep in the skin.
Carbuncles Skin abscess, a collection of pus that forms inside the body. Antibiotics are often not very helpful. Main treatment: lancing.
Ringworm Not caused by a worm. Characterized by round lesions. Actually result of fungal infection.
Warts Local growths in the skin that are caused by human papilloma virus. Often just affect one part of body.
Keloid A scar that doesn't know when to stop. When the cells keep on reproducing the result is an overgrown scar. Looks shiny and is often domeshaped. Feels hard and thick and is always raised above the surrounding skin.
MRSA-Staph Infection Stands for methicillin resistant staphloccocus aurenus bacteria. Organism is known for causing skin infections, in addition to many other types of infections. Also found to be more prevalent in hospital settings and is highly contagious.
Gangrene May result when blood flow to a tissue is lost or not adequate to keep tissue alive. Wet and dry. Numbness, discoloration and mummifications - swelling, pain, pus, bad smell, black appearance. Treatment depends upon type.
Harlequin Type Icthyosis Most severe form, characterized y a thickening of the keratin layer in fetal human skin. Skin contains massive, diamond shape scales, and tends to have a reddish color. The scaly keratin limits childs movement because skin is cracked
Sclerdoerma An auto immune disease of the connective tissue. They occur when they body's tissues are attacked by its own immune system. Characterized by the formation of scar tissue in the skin and organs. Leads to thickness and firmness of involved areas.
Alopecia Areata A hair loss condition which usually affects the scalp-can affect other areas. Hair loss tends to be rather rapid and often involves one side of head than other. Affects males and females.
Basic Cell Carcinoma Most often appears on sun exposed areas such as the face, scalp, ears, chest, back and legs. Most common appearance is that of a small dome shaped bump that has a pearly white color. Blood vessels may be seen on the surface.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma A firm, red nodule on your face, lower lip, ears, neck, hands or arms. A flat lesiom with a scaly crust. A new ulceration or raised area on a pre existing scar or ulcer. An ulcer or flat, white patch inside your mouth. A red, raised patch in gentials.
Melanoma A highly malignant type of skin cancer that arises in melanocytes, the cells that produce pigment. Usually begins in a mole.
How to Site a cancer Diameter, Border, Color, Asymmetrical
Created by: jae.moore124
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