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ALWTW Chapters 11-18

A Long Walk to Water, Chapters 11-18

bewildering confusing
destruction the act or process of destroying something or of being destroyed
aid organization An organization to tries to help people, especially people who live in poor or war-torn countries
relief agency An organization that tries to help people who are in urgent need, perhaps because of a war or a famine
remote Far from towns or other places where people live
clinic A place, often in a hospital, where medical treatment is given to people who do not need to stay in the hospital
contaminated Water, food, etc. that has had a harmful substance added to it
orphaned without parents
isolated alone; far away from other places
refugee Someone who has been forced to leave his or her country, especially during a war, or for political or religious reasons
aid worker Someone who comes to help others in need
abruptly suddenly
braced hold onto something to stay steady; to prepare for something difficult
frigid very cold
scythed cut with a long, curved blade
grudgingly unwillingly
emaciated very thin from not getting enough to eat
mingle  mix
despair hopelessness; feeling that nothing will get better
skittered to move lightly and quickly
stampede When a group suddenly starts running together in the same direction because they are frightened or excited
earnestly seriously and honestly
plague  to cause pain, suffering, or trouble to someone for a long period of time
peril danger
Created by: cfranck
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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