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ozone form of oxygen, found in atmosphere, in the upper atmosphere it absorbs UV rays
troposphere lowest level atmosphere, site of all the weather
stratosphere layer of atmosphere above the troposphere
mesosphere layer of atmosphere between the ionosphere and exosphere
thermosphere layer of atmosphere above the mesosphere
conduction transfer of heat between 2 stationary items
convection vertical transport of atmospheric properties
radiation process where energy is emitted as particles or waves
reflection casting back light or heat, giving back or showing an image
scattering process when particles in waves or beams are deflected or diffused
greenhouse effect atmospheric heating
albedo ratio for earth's surface or atmosphere
isotherms line on a graph that connects points having equal temperatures
precipitation falling products of condensation
latent heat heat absorbed or radiated during a change of phase at constant temperature and pressure
evaporation matter passed off in vapor
condensation process by which atmospheric water vapor liquefies
sublimation purification or refinement
humidity moistness in the air, dampness
saturated holding as much moisture as it can hold
dew point temperature to which the air must be cooled for it to reach saturation
hygrometer/psychrometer tool to measure water vapor in the air
weather front boundary separating two masses of air of different densities
condensation nuclei small particles the size of a droplet of cloud on which water vapor condenses
cirrus a cloud characterized by thin white filaments or narrow bands and a composition of ice crystals
cumulus a cloud characterized by dense individual elements
stratus a cloud characterized by a gray horizontal layer
supersaturated increase the concentration beyond saturation
air pressure force exerted by air on any surface in contact with it
barometer instrument that measures atmospheric pressure
pressure gradient change in atmospheric pressure
coriolis effect effect where mass moving in a rotation experiences a force acting perpendicular to the direction of motion
jet stream narrow belt of high altitude winds
cyclone large scale atmospheric wind a pressure system
anti-cyclone circulation of winds around a central region of high atmospheric pressure
trade winds any of the nearly constant easterly winds
westerlies winds that blow from the west
polar easterlies dry cold prevailing winds that blow from the high pressure areas of the poles
anemometer instrument measuring the speed of wind
el nino warm ocean current of variable intensity that develops after late December
air mass body of air covering a relatively wide area
sationary front front between warm and cold air masses that moves very slowly
occluded front composite front formed when a cold front overtakes a warm front
storm surge abnormal rise in the level of the sea along a coast
Created by: 3083291
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