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Ozone a form of oxygen, O 3 , with a peculiar odor suggesting that of weak chlorine, produced when an electric spark or ultraviolet light is passed through air or oxygen. It is found in the atmosphere in minute quantities, especially after a thunderstorm, is a
Troposhere the lowest layer of the atmosphere, 6 miles (10 km) high in some areas and as much as 12 miles (20 km) high in others, within which there is a steady drop in temperature with increasing altitude and within which nearly all cloud formations occur and weath
Stratosphere the region of the upper atmosphere extending upward from the tropopause to about 30 miles (50 km) above the earth, characterized by little vertical change in temperature.
Mesosphere he region between the ionosphere and the exosphere, extending from about 250–650 miles (400–1050 km) above the surface of the earth.
Thermosphere the region of the upper atmosphere in which temperature increases continuously with altitude, encompassing essentially all of the atmosphere above the mesosphere.
Conduction the transfer of heat between two parts of a stationary system, caused by a temperature difference between the parts.
Convection the vertical transport of atmospheric properties, especially upward
Radiation the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves.
Reflection the act of reflecting, as in casting back a light or heat, mirroring, or giving back or showing an image; the state of being reflected in this way.
Scattering distributed or occurring here and there at irregular intervals; scattered.
Greenhouse Effect distributed or occurring here and there at irregular intervals; scattered.
Albedo the ratio of the light reflected by a planet or satellite to that received by it.
Isotherms a line on a weather map or chart connecting points having equal temperature.
Precipitation the act of precipitating; state of being precipitated.
Latent Heat heat absorbed or radiated during a change of phase at constant temperature and pressure.
Evaporation the act or process of evaporating.
Condensation the result of being made more compact or dense.
Sublimation a purification or refinement; ennoblement.
Humidity humid condition; moistness; dampness.
Saturated soaked, impregnated, or imbued thoroughly; charged thoroughly or completely; brought to a state of saturation.
Dew Point the temperature to which air must be cooled, at a given pressure and water-vapor content, for it to reach saturation; the temperature at which dew begins to form.
Hygrometer/Psychrometer any instrument for measuring the water-vapor content of the atmosphere.
Weather front A weather front is a boundary separating two masses of air of different densities, and is the principal cause of meteorological phenomena.
Condensation nuclei any tiny suspended particle in the atmosphere, either liquid or solid, upon which condensation of water vapor begins
Cirrus a cloud of a class characterized by thin white filaments or narrow bands and a composition of ice crystals: of high altitude, about 20,000–40,000 feet (6000–12,000 meters).
Cumulus a cloud of a class characterized by dense individual elements in the form of puffs, mounds, or towers, with flat bases and tops that often resemble cauliflower: as such clouds develop vertically, they form cumulonimbus.
Stratus a cloud of a class characterized by a gray, horizontal layer with a uniform base, found at a lower altitude than altostratus, usually below 8000 feet (2400 meters).
Supersaturated to increase the concentration of (a solution) beyond saturation; saturate abnormally.
Air pressure the force exerted by air, whether compressed or unconfined, on any surface in contact with it.
Barometer Meteorology. any instrument that measures atmospheric pressure.
Pressure gradient the change in atmospheric pressure per unit of horizontal distance in the direction in which pressure changes most rapidly.
Coriolis effect the apparent deflection (Coriolis acceleration) of a body in motion with respect to the earth, as seen by an observer on the earth, attributed to a fictitious force (Coriolis force) but actually caused by the rotation of the earth and appearing as a defle
Jet stream strong, generally westerly winds concentrated in a relatively narrow and shallow stream in the upper troposphere of the earth.
Cyclone a large-scale, atmospheric wind-and-pressure system characterized by low pressure at its center and by circular wind motion, counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
Anti-cyclone a circulation of winds around a central region of high atmospheric pressure, clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
Trade winds Also, trade winds. Also called trades. any of the nearly constant easterly winds that dominate most of the tropics and subtropics throughout the world, blowing mainly from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere, and from the southeast in the Southern He
Westerlies moving, directed, or situated toward the west:
Polar easterlies The polar easterlies (also Polar Hadley cells) are the dry, cold prevailing winds that blow from the high-pressure areas of the polar highs at the north and south ...
Anemometer any instrument for measuring the speed of wind.
El Nino a warm ocean current of variable intensity that develops after late December along the coast of Ecuador and Peru and sometimes causes catastrophic weather conditions.
Air mass a body of air covering a relatively wide area, exhibiting approximately uniform properties through any horizontal section.
Stationary front a front between warm and cold air masses that is moving very slowly or not at all.
Occluded front a composite front formed when a cold front overtakes a warm front and forces it aloft.
Created by: 3050112
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