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Astr. Mineral Test

Astronomy Mineral Lab Practical Study guide vocabulary

Tectonic System Fission in the core
Fission Large atoms break down into small atoms deep down energy of tectonic. Large mass and atoms to small mass and atoms.
Hydrolic System External forces of water started by the suns energy.
Fusion Small atoms which make large helium atoms
Faces Faces are naturally occuring flat side of a crystal that has six faces
Facets A man made and man cut flat surface
Cubic System There are six faces all at 90 degree angles
Native Minerals Minerals that exist as elements made up of one type of atom and one type of mineral
Hackly Fracture No reason just fractured like a clamshell
Conchoidal Fracture A clamshell like break
Luster How a surface reflects light
Habit and Structure The shape or form a mineral takes in a rock
Oolitic The form hematite takes in a rock
Streak The color of a mineral in its powdered form
Inherent Coloration The color is always the same
Effervescence It releases gas bubbles
Tenacity The way a mineral breaks or becomes deformed under stress
Brittle Shatters under stress
Malleable Hammered into a thin sheet
Flexible Will bend but not regain original shape
Elastic Will bend and regain shape as it pops back
Flourescence Certain minerals glow with unexpected colors under UV lights
Double Refraction Image is doubled
Mohr' Scale The scale on which the hardness of minerals is tested
Metallic and Nonmetallic They are lusters which is how a surface reflects light
Pisolitic A rock with a texture with tiny spherical masses in it
Created by: Arielle Gelb
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