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Med Term HOSA

Caus/o burning sensation
Cephal/o head
Concuss/o shaken together
Contus/o bruise
Electr/o electrical
Encephal/o or Cerebr/o brain
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) fluid that cushions and nourishes the brain and spinal cord
Hydr/o water
Esthet/o feeling
Klept/o to steal
Mening/o meninges (brain covering)
Myel/o spinal cord
Neur/o nerve
Myelin Sheath protective covering of the neuron
Neurotransmitter a chemical substance that transmits messages between nerve cells
Psych/o mind
-algia pain
-cele hernia
-esthesia sensation/feeling
-graphy process of recording an image
-itis inflammation
-mania madness
-phobia abnormal fear
A or An- without
Par- abnormal
Carotid Ultrasonography process of using sound to take a 3D picture of the carotid arteries to determine blood flow and plaque build-up
Echoencephalography process of using sound to take a 2D picture of the brain structures
Electroencephalography process of recording electrical activity within the brain (through the use of electrodes on the scalp)
Myelography process of taking a picture of the spinal cord
Anesthesia the absence of sensation/feeling (especially pain)
General Anesthesia affects the brain and entire body
Regional Anesthesia affects the area around major nerves (larger
Local Anesthesia directly affects the surgical site
Anesthetic the medication used to induce anesthesia
Epidural Anesthesia regional anesthetic that is injected into the epidural space of the spine (Ex: child delivery)
Anesthesiologist physician who specializes in administering anesthetics before surgery
Anesthetist specialist (a RN; not a physician) in administering anesthetics
Neurologist physician who specializes in the diagnosing/treating diseases of the nervous system
Neurosurgeon physician who specializes in surgery of the nervous system
Stroke damage that occurs to the brain when blood flow is disrupted
Hemorrhagic Stroke a type of stroke that occurs from a bleed
Ischemic Stroke a type of stroke that occurs when the blood flow is blocked
Concussion the violent shaking up of the brain (that may result in a temporary loss of awareness and function)
Cerebral Contusion bruising of the brain tissue
Cerebral Hematoma a collection of blood trapped in the tissues of the brain
Syncope fainting
Lethargy lowered level of consciousness (drowsiness/apathy/reduced activity)
Coma a deep state of unconsciousness with the absence of spontaneous eye movement/speech/response to pain
Epilepsy seizure disorder (sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain)
Dementia progressive decline in mental abilities (memory/thinking/judgment)
Alzheimer’s Disease progressive deterioration of the brain structures that affect thought/memory
Parkinson’s Disease progressive loss of control over muscle movements (tremors/bradykinesia/shuffling gait)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) nerve cells deteriorate and cannot send impulses to the muscles which results in progressive muscle weakness and eventual paralysis (also called Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
Bell’s Palsy temporary paralysis of one of the 7th cranial nerves (affects one side of the face)
Guillain-Barre Syndrome inflammation of the myelin sheath of peripheral nerves that can lead to temporary paralysis (autoimmune reaction to viral infection)
Multiple Sclerosis autoimmune disorder characterized by demyelination which disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses
Sciatica inflammation of the nerve that results in pain in the thigh/leg
Trigeminal Neuralgia lightning-like pain from inflammation of one of the 5th cranial nerves (affects one side of the face)
Causalgia burning pain (usually a result of injury to a sensory nerve)
Hyperesthesia condition of excessive sensation (sensitivity to touch/pain)
Paresthesia abnormal sensation (burning/prickling)
Psychiatrist physician who specializes in diagnosing/treating chemical dependency/emotional problems/mental illness
Psychologist specialist (not a physician) who evaluates and treats emotional problems
Autism spectrum of disorders in which an individual cannot develop normal social relationships
Dyslexia learning disability in which the brain cannot process symbols (reading disorder)
Insomnia prolonged or abnormal inability to sleep
Narcolepsy disorder with sudden/uncontrollable brief episodes of falling asleep during the day
Acrophobia abnormal fear of (being on) top (high places)
Claustrophobia abnormal fear of barriers (enclosed spaces)
Panic Attack intense emotional feelings (fear/terror) with physical symptoms
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder characterized by recurrent/unwanted obsessions and compulsions (impulses to act)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms of anxiety/sleep disorders/difficulty concentrating/emotional disturbances that may develop after a traumatic event
Anxiolytic medication that relieves anxiety and reduces tension (also known as an antianxiety or tranquilizer)
Kleptomania madness to steal
Pyromania madness with (setting) fires
Trichotillomania madness related to hair (pulling)
Factitious disorder condition in which an individual acts as if he/she has a physical illness when he/she is not really sick. This may include self-inflicted symptoms
Hypochondriasis fear that one has a serious illness despite appropriate medical evaluation
Delusion a false personal belief
Hallucination sensory perception (sight/touch/sound/smell/taste) experienced without actual stimulation
Schizophrenia characterized by withdrawal from reality and disorganized thinking (with delusions and hallucinations)
Antipsychotics medication that works against the mind
AD Alzheimer's Diesease
ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
ADHA Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
CP Cerebral Palsy
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
ECG Electroencephalgraphy
EPAN Epidural anesthesia
ICP Intercranial Pressure
LOC Level of Consciousness
MS Multiple Sclerosis
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Cyst/o bladder (Function: stores urine)
Glomerul/o glomeruli (Function: filtering unit of the kidneys)
Hemat/o (Hem/o) blood
Lith/o stone or calculus
Nephr/o kidney (Function: filter waste products from the blood and control blood volume)
Olig/o scanty
Py/o pus
Pyel/o renal pelvis (Function: collects urine that is filtered from the glomeruli)
Ureter/o ureter (Function: transports urine from the kidney to the bladder)
Urethr/o urethra (Function: transports urine from the bladder to be excreted out of the body)
Ur/o or Urin/o urine (Function: liquid waste product that contains urea)
-cele hernia or protrusion
-ectasis stretching
-ectomy surgical removal
-emia blood condition
-gram record /picture
-graphy process of recording/producing a picture/record
-itis inflammation
-lysis freeing/loosening
-ostomy surgical creation of an opening
-otomy surgical incision
-pathy disease
-pexy surgical fixation
-plasty surgical repair
-ptosis droop or prolapsed
-rrhagia excessive or sudden flow (bleeding)
-rrhaphy surgical suturing
-scopy visual examination
-stenosis abnormal narrowing
-tripsy to crush
-uria urination
A- or An- without/absence
Dys- bad/difficult/painful
Hyper- excessive
Hypo- below/deficient/decreased
Poly- many
Nephrologist specialist in diseases/disorders of the kidneys
Urologist specialist in diseases/disorders of the urinary system in females and the genitourinary system in males
Cystoscopy visual examination of the bladder
Catheterization the insertion of a tube into the bladder through the urethra to remove urine
Intravenous Pyelogram picture or record of the kidney(s) and ureter(s) using IV contrast
Voiding Cystourethrography process of recording or producing a picture/record of the flow of urine from the bladder to the urethra
Diuresis increased output of urination
Enuresis involuntary urination
Incontinence inability to control the excretion of urine/feces
Urethropexy surgical fixation of the urethra (to correct stress incontinence)
Nocturia nighttime urination
Dysuria difficult/bad/painful urination
without urination Anuria
Oliguria scanty urination
Polyuria many (frequent) urination
Hematuria blood in urine
Pyuria pus in urine
Hyperproteinuria urination of excessive protein
Hypoproteinemia blood condition of decreased/deficient protein
Nephrolith kidney stone
Ureterolith ureter stone
Cystolith bladder stone
Lithotomy surgical incision (into the bladder for the removal of a) stone
Lithotripsy to crush a stone (using external shockwaves)
Nephropathy any disease of the kidneys
Nephrectasis stretching of the kidney (distention)
Nephritis inflammation of the kidney
Glomerulonephritis inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney
Nephroptosis prolapsed of a kidney
Nephropyosis abnormal condition of kidney pus (suppuration)
Kidney Failure inability of the kidneys to function/filter; may be the result of other kidney diseases
Dialysis procedure to remove waste products from the blood of a patient whose kidneys no longer function
Hemodialysis process by which waste products are directly filtered from blood
Peritoneal Dialysis process by which waste products are filtered out and drained from the peritoneal cavity
Nephrolysis freeing/loosening of a kidney (from adhesions)
Nephropexy surgical fixation of a (floating) kidney
Nephrostomy surgical creation of an opening from the kidney (to the exterior of the body)
Pyeloplasty surgical repair of the renal pelvis
Pyelotomy surgical incision into the renal pelvis (to correct a blockage)
Ureterectasis stretching (or distention) of a ureter
Ureterorrhagia excessive/sudden flow (bleeding) of the ureter
Ureterectomy surgical removal of a ureter
Ureteroplasty surgical repair of a ureter
Ureterorrhaphy surgical suturing of a ureter
Cystis inflammation of the bladder
Cystocele hernia/protrusion of the bladder (through the vaginal wall)
Cystectomy surgical removal of (all or part of) the bladder
Cystopexy surgical fixation of the bladder (to the abdominal wall)
Cystorrhaphy surgical suturing of the bladder
Urethritis inflammation of the urethra
Urethrorrhagia excessive/sudden flow (bleeding) of the urethra
Urethrostenosis abnormal narrowing of the urethra
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
cath catherization
CRF chronic renal failure
cysto cystoscopy
IVP intravenous pyelogram
PKD polycystic kidney disease
-algia pain and suffering
dys- difficult, painful or bad
-ectomy surgical removal
hyper- over, above or increased
hypo- below, under or decreased
-itis inflammation
-osis a disease or abnormal condition
-otomy a surgical incision
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhage/-rrhagia sudden abnormal or excessive flow
-rrhaphy to suture or stitch
-rrhea flow or discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-sclerosis abnormal hardening
appendic/o appendix
arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
ather/o plaque or fatty substance
gastr/o stomach
col/o colon
-graphy process of recording a picture
-malacia abnormal softening
-megaly large or enlargement
myc/o fungus
myel/o spinal cord or bone marrow
my/o muscle
-necrosis tissue death
neur/o nerve
-ologist specialist
-ology study of
-pathy disease
peri- surrounding
pre- before
post- after
py/o pus
-stenosis abnormal narrowing
angi/o blood vessel
cardi/o heart
erythr/o red
cyan/o blue
leuk/o white
melan/o black
poli/o gray
hepat/o liver
pyr/o heat, fever, fire
-dynia pain, suffering
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-gram picture or record
-ostomy creation of an artificial opening to the body surface
-scopy visual examination
ab- away from
ad- toward
eu- good, normal, well, or easy
inter- between, among
intra- within, inside
sub- under, less, below
super-/supra above, excessive
nat/o birth
Neo- new
AP Appendicitis or Appendectomy
CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
diff Dx differential diagnosis
Dx diagnosis
He Hemorrhage
Inflam Inflammation
IM Intramuscular
Path pathology
PN Post Natal
prog prognosis
Albin/o white
Alopec/o baldness
Blephar/o eye lid
Carcin/o cancerous
Contus/o bruise
Cutane/o or Derm/o or Dermat/o skin
Crypt/o hidden
Erythem/o redness/flushed
Follicul/o hair follicle
Hidr/o sweat
Kerat/o horny/hard
Melan/o black/dark
Myc/o fungus
Onych/o nail
Pedicul/o lice
Rhytid/o wrinkle
Scler/o (-sclerosis) abnormal hardening
Seb/o sebum/wax/oil
Xer/o dry
-ectomy surgical removal
-ichthy dry or scaly
-oma tumor
-osis abnormal condition
-phagia eating/swallowing
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhea abnormal flow/discharge
An- without
Hyper- excessive
Dermatologist physician who specializes in diagnosing/treating disorders of the skin
Cosmetic Surgeon physician who specializes in the surgical restoration/reconstruction of body structures (plastic surgeon)
Miliaria inflammation caused by trapped sweat (heat/prickly rash)
Comedo buildup of sebum in a hair follicle (blackhead/open or a whitehead/closed)
Seborrhea abnormal flow of sebum (overproduction)
Diaphoresis sweating
Anhidrosis abnormal condition lacking/without sweat
Hyperhidrosis abnormal condition of excessive sweat
Sleep Hyperhidrosis night sweats
Folliculitis inflammation of the follicle
Alopecia partial of complete lack of hair
Hirsutism abnormal hairiness (in women)
Onychcryptosis abnormal condition of hidden nail (ingrown toenail)
Onychomycosis abnormal condition of nail fungus
Onychophagia condition of nail eating (nail biting)
Albinism genetic condition characterized by the absence/deficiency of pigmentation
Chloasma mask of pregnancy
Melanosis abnormal condition of black (pigmentation on different parts of the body)
Vitiligo loss of pigment in areas of the skin resulting in milk-white patches
Contusion bruise
Purpura skin hemorrhage
Petechiae small pinpoint hemorrhages
Lesion pathologic tissue change due to disease or injury
Crust scab
Macule discolored flat spot that is less than 1cm in diameter (freckles or flat moles)
Papule small/solid raised skin lesion less than 0.5mm in diameter with no visible fluid (pimple)
Wheal red raised area of skin
Abscess closed pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection
Cyst closed pouch containing air/fluid/semi-fluid
Pustule small elevation of skin containing pus (pimple)
Vesicle small blister (contains a watery fluid)
Bulla large blister (contains watery fluid)
Laceration torn or jagged wound
Puncture deep hole made by a sharp object
Ulcer open lesion of the skin or mucous membrane resulting in tissue loss around the edges
Port-wine stain flat/dark red birthmark (require laser treatment)
Strawberry hemangioma soft/raised/purplish birthmark made by a mass of superficial blood and blood vessels (resolve by age 5)
Dermatitis inflammation of the skin
Pruritis itching
Dermatosis general term for any skin conditions not associated with inflammation
Erythema redness of the skin (sunburn
Ichthyosis hereditary disorders of dry/thickened/scaly skin (slowed skin shedding or over production of skin cells)
Lupus Erythematosus autoimmune disorder with a red-scaly rash on the face and upper trunk (also attacks other body tissues)
Psoriasis red papules covered with silvery scales that occur in flare-ups
Scleroderma autoimmune disorder in which the tissues become thick and hardened
Urticaria itchy wheals (hives) caused by an allergic reaction
Xeroderma dry skin
Pediculosis lice infestation
Scabies infestation with an itch mite that causes blisters from the burrowed eggs
Impetigo bacterial skin infection characterized by pustules (contagious)
Tinea fungal skin infection affecting different body areas (athlete’s foot; jock itch)
Cellulitis infection within the connective tissue
Gangrene tissue death caused by a loss of circulation with a following bacterial infection
Necrotizing fasciitis flesh-eating bacteria
Callus thickened skin on the hands/feet caused by repeat rubbing
Cicatrix normal scar
Keloid abnormally raised or thickened scar
Keratosis abnormal condition of hard (overgrowth/thickening of the skin)
Nevi moles (small dark growths from pigmented cells in the skin)
Skin Tags small flesh colored growths that hang from the body (benign and enlarge with age)
Actinic Keratosis precancerous skin lesion (red scaly patch) that occurs on sun damaged skin
Squamous Cell Carcinoma cancerous skin lesion derived from the shedding cells (started as AK)
Malignant Melanoma skin cancer derived from cells capable of forming melanin
Biopsy removal of a small piece of living tissue for examination
Debridement scraping of debris/dead tissue from a wound to promote healing
Incision and Drainage incision into a lesion (ex: abscess) and then draining the fluid
Mohs Surgery technique used to treat skin cancer in which individual layers of cancerous tissue are removed one at a time
Blepharoplasty surgical repair of the eye lid(s) (eye lift)
Botox injections to temporarily block nerve signals to the injected site
Dermatoplasty surgical repair of the skin (skin graft)
Electrolysis use of electric current to destroy a hair follicle
Liposuction removal of fat from beneath the skin with the aid of suction
Rhytidectomy surgical removal of wrinkles (face lift)
BCCA basal cell carcinoma
caut cauterization
debm debridement
Ez eczema
LE lupus erythematosus
MM malignant melanoma
NF narcotizing fasciitis
Ps psoriasis
SCC squamous cell carcinoma
Abdomin/o abdominal
Adip/o fat
Aden/o gland
Anter/o front or before
Caud/o tail or lower part of the body
Carcin/o cancerous
Cephal/o head
Chondr/o cartilage
Cyt/o cell
Dem/o population
Dors/o back of the body
Gen/o producing
Hist/o tissue
Home/o constant
Idi/o peculiar to the individual
Ili/o hip bone
Lumb/o lower back
Path/o (-pathy) disease
Pelv/o pelvis
Physi/o nature or physical
Poster/o back or toward the back
Ventr/o belly side of the body
-crine to secrete
-oma tumor
-plasia formation
-plasm formative material
-stasis control
-trophy development
A- without
Ana- excessive
En-/ Endo- within
Epi- above
Eti/o cause
Exo- out of
Pan- entire
Genetic Disorders pathologic conditions caused by absent or defective genes
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) condition in which the lungs and pancreas are clogged with abnormally thick mucus
Down Syndrome condition that is associated with characteristic facial appearance/learning disabilities/physical abnormalities such as heart valve disease
Hemophilia (hemo) bleeding disorder
Huntington’s Disease condition characterized by nerve degeneration
Muscular Dystrophy condition characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles that control movement
Phenylketonuria (PKU) condition characterized by a missing essential digestive enzyme that can lead to severe mental retardation if left undectected/untreated
Tay-Sachs Disease fatal condition in which harmful quantities of fatty substance build up in tissues and nerve cells in the brain
Aplasia the defective development or congenital absence of an organ/tissue
Hypoplasia incomplete development of an organ/tissue
Anaplasia change in the structure of cells and their orientation to each other
Dysplasia abnormal development of tissues/cells
Hyperplasia abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement in a tissue
Hypertrophy general increase in the bulk of a body part/organ due to an increase in size of cells in the tissues
Indirect contact spread of disease through contact with contaminated surface/object
Bloodborne spread of disease through contact with blood or body fluids containing blood
Airborne spread of disease through contact with respiratory droplets (cough/sneeze)
Food-borne and water-borne spread of disease by eating/drinking contaminated food/water that has not been properly treated/prepared
Endemic ongoing presence of a disease within a population (Ex: the common cold)
Epidemic sudden/widespread outbreak of a disease within a specific population group or area (Ex: measles)
Pandemic outbreak of disease occurring over a large geographic area or worldwide (Ex: AIDS)
Functional disease symptoms for which no physiological/anatomical cause can be identified (Ex: irritable bowel syndrome)
Iatrogenic illness unfavorable response to medical treatment (Ex: side effects from medication)
Idiopathic disease illness without known cause (Ex: Crohn’s disease)
Infectious disease caused by living pathogenic organisms (Ex: flu)
Nosocomial Infection infection acquired in a hospital or clinical setting
Organic Disease caused by detectable physical changes in the body (Ex: Diabetes)
Congenital Disorder abnormal condition that exists at the time of birth
Exocrine secrete substances into ducts that lead into organs or out of the body (Ex: sweat gland)
Endocrine produce hormones that a secreted into the bloodstream to be transported to other organs
Epidemi/o among people
-ology study of
-ologist specialist
-sclerosis abnormal hardening
Dys- bad, difficult, painful
-itis inflammation
Umbilic/o umbilicus (belly button)
A anterior
Abd abdomen
anat anatomy
CD communicable disease
CH chromosome
cyt cytology or cytoplasm
D dorsal
epid epidemic
hemo hemophilia
Histo histology
P physiology or posterior
umb umbilical
ventr ventral
Midsagittal Plane divides body along the midline into right and left
Frontal Plane divides body into anterior and posterior
Transverse Plane divides body into superior and inferior
Histologist specialist in the structure and composition of tissues
Pathologist specialist in the analysis of tissue samples to establish a diagnosis
Cytologyst specialist in the study of cells
Geneticist specialist in genetics
CF Cystic Fibrosis
PKU Phenylketonuria
Ankyl/o crooked, stiff, bent
Arthr/o joint
Burs/o bursa (sac of fluid near the joint)
Chondr/o cartilage
Cost/o rib
Crani/o skull
Hem/o blood
Kyph/o hump
Lamin/o lamina (part of bone that surrounds the spinal canal; where the spinal cord passes)
Lord/o swayback curve/bent backward
Myel/o bone marrow or spinal cord
Oste/o bone
Pod/o foot
Por/o pore (small opening)
Scoli/o curved
Spondyl/o vertebrae (backbone)
Synovi/o; Synov/o synovial membrane (membrane that lubricates the joints)
-listhesis slipping
-lysis loosening / setting free (therapeutic) or breaking down/destruction (diseased condition)
-penia deficiency
-poietic forming
Prosthesis substitute for a disease/missing body part
Orthotic mechanical appliance designed to control/correct/compensate for impaired limb function
Bone Marrow Transplant used to treat certain types of cancers (leukemia
Allogenic BMT uses healthy bone marrow from a compatible donor
Autologous BMT the patient receives his own marrow cells that have been previously harvested
Hallux valgus abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe (bunion)
Luxation total dislocation of a bone from its joint
Subluxation partial displacement of a bone from its joint
Rheumatoid Arthritis joint inflammation caused by the body’s immune system attacking its own joint tissues
Ankylosing Spondylitis stiffening of the vertebrae with inflammation (another form of Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Osteoarthritis bone/joint inflammation caused by “wear-and-tear” of cartilage at the joints
Spondylosis “wear-and-tear” of the cartilage of the vertebrae
Lumbago pain in the lumbar region of the spine (may be caused by anything)
Spondylolisthesis vertebra slipping forward on the spinal column
Spina Bifida congenital defect where the spinal canal fails to close around the spinal cord
Kyphosis abnormal increase of the outward curvature of the spine (humpback)
Lordosis abnormal increase of the forward curvature (swayback)
Scoliosis abnormal lateral curvature of the spine (sideways)
Compression fracture collapse of a vertebra due to trauma or weakened state (osteoporosis)
Comminuted fracture bone is splintered/crushed into pieces
Greenstick fracture bone is bent/partially broken (usually in children)
Open fracture bone is broken out to the surface of the skin
Spiral fracture bone is broken by a twisting motion (usually in sports injuries)
Stress fracture small crack in the bone from overuse or chronic/excessive impact
Arthrodesis surgical fixation (fusion) of a joint (to stiffen the joint due to severe deformities)
Percutaneous Vetebroplasty surgical repair of the vertebrae where bone cement is injected to stabilize compression fractures
Arthrolysis surgical loosening of a (stiffened) joint
Arthroplasty surgical repair of a joint (may also be an artificial joint replacement)
Bursectomy surgical removal of bursa
Chondroplasty surgical repair of (damaged) cartilage
Synovectomy surgical removal of synovial membrane from a joint
Laminectomy surgical removal of lamina
Craniotomy surgical incision into the skull to gain access to the brain
Craniectomy surgical removal of a portion of the skull to relieve pressure from swelling of the brain
Cranioplasty surgical repair of the skull
Osteoclasis surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity
Ostectomy surgical removal of bone
Osteoplasty surgical repair of bone/bones
Osteorrhaphy surgical suturing (wiring together) of bones
Osteotomy surgical incision or sectioning of bone
External fixation fracture treatment where pins are placed in bone/soft tissues so an external appliance can hold the bone in place during healing
Internal fixation fracture treatment where pins or a plate directly hold the bone/broken pieces in place (this is not usually removed after healing)
Bursitis inflammation of a bursa
Chondromalacia abnormal softening of cartilage
Chondroma benign tumor in cartilage
Costochondritis inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the sternum
Hemarthrosis abnormal condition of blood within a joint
Synovitis inflammation of the synovial membrane
Craniostenosis abnormal narrowing of the skull (a malformation of the premature closure of the skull)
Ostealgia bone pain
Osteitis inflammation of bone
Osteomalacia abnormal softening of bones in adults (caused by Vitamin D deficiency)
Osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone and bone marrow
Osteonecrosis death of bone tissue (due to insufficient blood supply)
Myeloma cancer found in bone marrow
Osteochondroma benign bony projection covered with cartilage
Osteoporosis abnormal condition of porous bone (loss of bone density)
Osteopenia bone deficiency (thinner than average bone that is a risk factor for osteoporosis)
Chiropractor specializes in spinal manipulation to treat various disorders
Orthopedic surgeon specializes in diseases/disorders involving the bones
Osteopath uses traditional forms of medical treatment in addition to spinal manipulation
Podiatrist specializes in disorders of the foot
Hemopoietic pertaining to the formation of blood (from bone marrow)
Arthrosclerosis abnormal hardening of a joint
Ankylosis stiff; abnormal condition (loss of joint mobility)
Hemopoietic pertaining to the formation of blood (from bone marrow)
Myeloma tumor found in bone marrow
Osteochondroma benign tumor of bone and cartilage (cartilage-capped bony growth)
BMT Bone Marrow Transplant
BDT Bone Density Testing
CR Closed Reduction
Fx Fracture
OA Osteoarthritis
OP Osteoporosis
TMJ Temporomandibular Joint
THA Total Hip Ahtroplasty
TJA Total Joint Arhtroplasty
TKA Total Knee Arthroplasty
-algia/-dynia pain
-cele hernia/swelling
-lysis destruction/breakdown/loosening/setting free
-clonus violent action
-desis surgical fixation or to bind/tie together
-ectomy surgical removal
-ia condition
-ion action/process/state/condition
-itis inflammation
-malacia abnormal softening
-otomy surgical incision
-paresis partial or incomplete paralysis
A- without
Ab- away
Ad- toward
Brady- slow
Ex- away from
Dys- bad/difficult/painful/abnormal
Hemi- half
Hyper- excessive
Hypo- deficient
Poly- many
-penia deficiency
-plasty surgical repair
-plegia paralysis
-rrhaphy surgical suturing
-rrhexis rupture
Cardi/o heart
Duct/o to lead or carry
Electr/o electricity or electric
Fasci/o fascia
Fibr/o fibrous tissue
Flex/o bend
Kines/o movement
Sarc/o flesh
Tax/o coordination/order
Tens/o stretch out/extend/strain
Muscul/o or My/o or Myos/o muscle
Quadr/o or Quadr/i four
Ten/o or Tend/o or Tendin/o tendon
Exercise Physiologist specialist who promotes physical fitness
Neurologist specialist in diseases related to nerves (diagnoses/treats the causes of paralysis and similar muscular disorders related to loss of nerve function)
Physiatrist specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation (restoring function)
Rheumatologist specialist in diseases characterized by inflammation
Sports Medicine Physician doctor who treats sports-related injuries of bones/joints/muscles
Fasciitis inflammation of the fascia
Fibromyalgia Syndrome fibrous tissue muscle pain (widespread pain)
Tenodynia pain of a tendon
Tendinitis inflammation of a tendon
Atrophy lack of development (wearing away from muscle)
Muscular Dystrophy bad/abnormal development of muscles (genetic progressive weakness and degeneration of muscles that control movement)
Myalgia muscle pain
Myocele muscle hernia
Myolysis muscle destruction or breakdown
Myomalacia abnormal softening of muscle
Myorrhexis rupture (or tearing) of a muscle
Polymyositis inflammation of many muscles
Sarcopenia deficiency of flesh (loss of muscle mass/strength/function)
Atonic lacking (normal) muscle tone
Dystonia condition of abnormal (muscle) tone
Hypertonia condition of excessive (muscle) tone
Hypotonia condition of deficient (muscle) tone
Myotonia muscle tone condition (of slow relaxation after a contraction)
Ataxia condition without coordination
Dystaxia condition of abnormal coordination (mild ataxia)
Contracture permanent tightening of muscle tissues
Bradykinesia condition of slowness in (muscle) movement
Dyskinesia condition of abnormal (involuntary muscle) movement
Hyperkinesia condition of excessive (muscle) movement
Hypokinesia condition of decreased/deficient (muscle) movement
Nocturnal Myoclonus (sudden and involuntary) violent action of muscle at night (jerking of the limbs prior to falling asleep)
Singultus myoclonus of the diaphragm (hiccup)
Myoparesis partial paralysis of muscle
Hemiparesis partial paralysis of half (of the body)
Hemiplegia paralysis of half (of the body)
Paraplegia paralysis of both legs of the lower part of the body
Quadriplegia paralysis of (all) four (extremities)
Electromyography process of producing a record of muscular electricity (measures strength of contractions)
Electromyogram a record of muscular electricity
Electroneuromyography process of producing a record of neuromuscular electricity (measures nerve impulse)
Fasciotomy surgical incision into fascia (to relieve tension/pressure)
Fascioplasty surgical repair of fascia
Tenodesis binding together a tendon (to a bone)
Tenolysis to set free a tendon (from adhesions)
Tenectomy surgical removal of part of a tendon
Tenoplasty surgical repair of a tendon
Tenorrhaphy surgical suturing of a tendon
Tenotomy surgical incision into a tendon (to correct a deformity caused by abnormal shortening of a muscle)
Myectomy surgical removal of part of a muscle
Myoplasty surgical repair of a muscle
Myotomy surgical incision into a muscle
Ergonomics pertaining to human factors that affect the design/operation of tools and the work environment
Adhesion band of fibrous tissue that holds structures together abnormally
Myofascial Release specialized tissue manipulation to relieve pain (from fibromyalgia)
CTS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
EMG Electromyogram
FMS Fibromyalgia Syndrome
hemi hemiplegia
IC Intermittent Claudication
IS Impingement Syndrome
MG Myasthenia Gravis
MD Muscular Dystrophy
PM polymyositis
quad quadriplegia or quadriplegic
RSD Repetitive Stress Disorder
Angi/o or Vascul/o blood vessel
Arteri/o artery
Ather/o fatty plaque or substance
Cardi/o or Card/o heart
Cyt/o or -cyte cell
Electr/o electric
Embol/o something inserted
Erythr/o red
Hem/o or Hemat/o blood
Leuk/o white
My/o muscle
Phleb/o vein
Thromb/o clot
Valvul/o valve
-crasia mixture or blending
-ectomy surgical removal
-emia blood condition
-gram picture or record
-graphy process of recording
-itis inflammation
-lytic to destroy
-megaly or mega- or megal/o abnormal enlargement
-ologist specialist
-oma tumor
-pathy disease
-penia deficiency
-plastic pertaining to formation
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhaphy surgical suturing
-sclerosis abnormal hardening
-stasis control
-stenosis abnormal narrowing
Brady- slow
Endo- within
Epi- above/upon
Dys- abnormal, bad, difficult, painful
Hyper- excessive
Peri- surrounding
Tachy- rapid
Erythrocytes Red (blood) cell- carry oxygen
Leukocytes White (blood) cell- fight infection
Thrombocytes Clotting cell (Platelet)- clot blood
Cardiomegaly Abnormal enlargement of the heart
Carditis Inflammation of the heart
Pericarditis Inflammation of the surrounding heart layer
Myocarditis Inflammation of the muscle heart layer
Myocarditis Inflammation of the muscle heart layer
Endocarditis Inflammation of the inner heart layer
Valvulitis Inflammation of a (heart) valve
Angiitis or Vasculitis Inflammation of a blood vessel
Angiostenosis Abnormal narrowing of a blood vessel
Hemangioma Benign tumor of blood and blood vessels
Phlebitis Inflammation of the veins
Atherosclerosis Abnormal hardening (of the arteries caused by) fatty plaques
Arteriosclerosis Abnormal hardening of the arteries
Arteriostenosis Abnormal narrowing of the arteries
Blood Dyscrasia Abnormal mixture (of blood)
Thrombocytopenia Deficiency of clotting cells (platelets)
Leukopenia Deficiency of white (blood cells)
Myelodysplastic Syndrome Bad, difficult formation of bone marrow (Also called pre-leukemia
Leukemia Blood condition of white (blood cells)/(A type of cancer that affects the white blood cells)
Bradycardia (Abnormally) slow heart(beat)
Tachycardia (Abnormally) rapid heart(beat
Hypotension deficient/low blood pressure
Hypertension excessive/high blood pressure
Electrocardiography The process of recording the electrical activity of the heart
Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) The record of electrical activity of the heart
Angiography The process of recording or taking a picture of blood vessels
Phlebography or Venography The process of recording or taking a picture of the veins
Valvuloplasty Surgical repair (or replacement) of a valve (of the heart)
Aneurysmectomy Surgical removal of an aneurysm
Aneurysmorrhaphy Surgical suturing of an aneurysm
Atherectomy Surgical removal of a fatty plaque (from an artery)
Angioplasty Surgical repair of a blood vessel
Cardiologist specialist in diagnosing/treating diseases of the heart
Hematologist specialist in diagnosing/treating diseases/disorders of the blood
Vascular Surgeon physician who specializes in the surgical treatment of disorders of the blood vessels
Hemoglobin Iron-containing protein of red blood cells
Angina episode of severe chest pain due to inadequate blood flow to the myocardium
Myocardial Infarction episode where there is a total blockage of blood flow to the myocardium
Thrombus blood clot attached to the wall of a blood vessel (stationary)
Thrombotic Occlusion the blockage of a blood vessel by a thrombus
Embolus foreign object (blood clot/air/tissue/fat/tumor) that circulates in the blood vessels (traveling)
Embolism the blockage of a blood vessel by an embolus
Septicemia blood condition caused by the spread of pathogens and their toxins in the blood (blood poisoning)
Aplastic Anemia blood condition characterized by the absence of all formed blood elements caused by the hemopoeitic failure of bone marrow
Hemolytic Anemia blood condition characterized by the premature destruction/breakdown of red blood cells by the spleen
Megaloblastic Anemia blood condition characterized by larger than normal (yet still immature) red blood cells; usually from a deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12
Pernicious Anemia blood condition characterized by the lack of the protein that helps the body absorb Vitamin B12
Sickle Cell Anemia genetic blood condition characterized by abnormal hemoglobin that causes the red blood cells to form a crescent shape
Cardiac Arrest when the heart abruptly stops or develops an abnormal rhythm that prevents it from pumping blood
Atrial Fibrillation (A-fib) rapid/irregular/uncontrolled heartbeat originating from the atria
Atrial Tachycardia rapid heartbeats originating from the atria
Ventricular Fibrillation (V-fib) rapid/irregular/uncontrolled heartbeat originating from the ventricles
Ventricular Tachycardia rapid heartbeats originating from the ventricles
Coronary Thrombosis abnormal condition of having a blood clot blocking a coronary artery
Arrhythmia abnormality or loss of normal rhythm in the heartbeat
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses potentially life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias
Defibrillation shock that stops fibrillation, allowing the heart to reestablish a normal rhythm
Atheroma tumor (actually a deposit) of a fatty plaque
Orthostatic Hypotension low blood pressure upon standing
any disease of the heart muscle Cardiomyopathy
A-Fib atrial fibrillation
chol cholesterol
CAD coronary artery disease
EKG or ECG electrocardiogram
MI myocardial infarction
PAD peripheral artery disease
PVD peripheral vascular disease
V-fiv ventricular vibrillation
Allergist specialist in allergic reactions
Antigen any substance that the body sees as being foreign
Allergen any substance that produces an allergic reaction
Allergy overreaction by the body to a particular antigen
Antihistamines type of medication that works against histamine
Anaphylaxis a severe response to an allergen
Immunologist specialist in the immune system
Autoimmune Disorder condition in which the immune system produces antibodies against its own tissues
Immunodeficiency Disorder condition in which the immune response in compromised
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus; bloodborne infection in which the virus damages/kills cells of the immune system
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; most advanced/fatal stage of HIV
Immunotherapy treatment of the immune system (involves stimulating the immune response)
Immunosuppressant type of medication that prevents/reduces the body’s normal immune response
Oncologist specialist in the prevention/causes/ treatments of tumors and cancer
Tumor abnormal mass of tissue with uncontrolled cell multiplication
Neoplasm new or strange formation (tumor)
Benign not life-threatening
Malginant potentially life-threatening
Myoma tumor of muscle
Myosarcoma tumor of muscle flesh
Angiogenesis blood vessel creation (process by which a tumor supports its own growth by creating its own blood supply)
Cancer class of diseases with uncontrolled cell multiplication and the ability of these cells to invade other tissues
Metastasize process by which cancer spreads
Metastasis change beyond control (new cancer site that results from the spreading process)
Carcinoma cancerous tumor (that occurs in the cells that line the internal/external surfaces of the body/organs/glands)
Adenocarcinoma cancerous tumor from a gland
Sarcoma tumor of flesh (that occurs in connective tissue like bone/fat/muscle/ vessels)
Osteosarcoma tumor of bone flesh
Chondrosarcoma tumor of cartilage flesh
Angiosarcoma tumor of blood vessel flesh
Lymphangiosarcoma tumor of lymph vessel flesh
Lymphoma tumor of lymph (or any lymph tissue)
Leukemia blood condition of white (blood cancer that usually affects the white blood cells)
Chemotherapy drug of chemical treatment (that kills fast growing cells)
Antiangiogenesis against blood vessel creation (type of medication that disrupts the blood supply to a tumor)
Antineoplastic pertaining to being against the new or strange formation (type of medication that blocks the growth of malignant cells)
Cytotoxic pertaining to cell poisoning (type of medication that kills to damages cells)
Brachytherapy treatment that is a short (distance; administered internally with implanted devices)
Teletherapy treatment that is a far (distance; administered externally using 3D computer imaging machines)
Lymphadenitis inflammation of a lymph node
Lymphadenopathy any disease of a lymph node
Lymphangioma benign tumor of a lymph vessel
Splenomegaly abnormal enlargement of the spleen
Splenorrhagia excessive bleeding of the spleen
Lymphedema swelling of the lymph (node)
Lymphangiography process of taking a picture of a lymph vesel
Anti- against
Brachy- short
Meta- change beyond
Aden/o gland
Angi/o blood vessel
Carcin/o cancer
Chem/o drug or chemical
Chondr/o cartilage
Cyt/o or –cyte cell
Immun/o protected or safe (the immune system)
Lymphaden/o lymph node
Lymphangi/o lymph vessel
Lymph/o lymph
Lymphocyt/o white blood cell
My/o muscle
Neo- new or strange
Onc/o tumor
Oste/o bone
Phag/o eat or swallow
Sarc/o flesh
Splen/o spleen
Tele- far
-edema swelling
-genesis creation or reproduction
-itis inflammation
-lytic to reduce or destroy
-megaly abnormal enlargement
-ologist specialist
-oma tumor
-plasm formation
-plastic pertaining to formation
-rrhagia abnormal excessive fluid discharge (usually blood)
-stasis control
-therapy treatment
-toxic or tox/o poison
T-Lymphocytes produced in the Thymus; phagocytes (cells that eat)
B-Lymphocytes antibodies (immunoglobulins)
-emia blood condition
Ab Antiobody
Ag antigen
CA Carcinoma
HL Hodgkin's Lymphoma
IG immunoglobulin
LE lymphedema
MET Metastasis
met metastasize
NHL non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Anthrac/o coal or coal dust
Asbest/o asbestos
Atel/o incomplete or imperfect
Bronch/o bronchi
Capn/o carbon dioxide
Coni/o dust
Cyan/o blue
Hem/o blood
Laryng/o larynx
Ot/o ear
Ox/i oxygen
Pharyng/o pharynx
Phon/o voice or sound
Pneum/o or Pneumon/o lung
Pulmon/o lung
Py/o pus
Rhin/o nose
Sept/o septum
Sinus/o sinus
Spir/o to breathe
Thorac/o and –thorax chest
Trache/o trachea
Turbercul/o little knot
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-ectasis stretching
-ectomy surgical removal
-emia abnormal blood condition
-ia abnormal condition
-itis inflammation
-meter means to measure
-ologist specialist
-osis abnormal condition
-otomy surgical incision
-ostomy surgical creation of an opening
-plasty surgical repair
-plegia paralysis
-pnea breathing
-ptysis spitting
-rrhagia excessive bleeding
-rrhea abnormal flow or discharge
-scopy visual examination
-spasm involuntary contraction
A or An- without
Brady- abnormally slow
Dys- bad/difficult/painful/abnormal
Hyper- excessive
Hypo- deficient/decreased
Tachy- abnormally rapid
Otorhinolaryngologist specialist in the ear/nose/throat
Pulmonologist specialist in the lungs
Sinusitis inflammation of the sinuses
Rhinitis inflammation of the nose (due to allergies)
Rhinorrhea abnormal discharge of the nose (runny nose)
Pharyngitis inflammation of the pharynx
Laryngitis inflammation of the larynx
Laryngoplegia paralysis of the larynx
Laryngospasm contraction (tightening) of the larynx
Aphonia abnormal condition without voice
Dysphonia abnormal condition of a bad voice
Bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi
Bronchorrhea abnormal discharge (of mucus) from the bronchi
Asthma chronic allergic disease characterized by episodes of breathing difficulty/coughing/wheezing
Bronchospasm contraction (tightening) of the bronchi
Pneumonia Abnormal condition of the lung (serious lung infection and/or inflammation)
Aspiration Pneumonia type of pneumonia that occurs when a foreign substance is inhaled into the lungs
Hemoptysis spitting (up) blood
Pneumothorax “lung chest” (a condition where an accumulation of air or gas in the chest causes the lung to collapse)
Hemothorax “blood chest” (a condition in which there is blood in the chest cavity)
Pyothorax “pus chest” (a condition in which there is pus in the chest cavity)
Atelectasis incomplete stretching (of the lung due to shallow breathing)
Anthracosis Abnormal condition of coal or coal dust (in the lungs; also called black lung disease)
Asbestosis Abnormal condition of asbestos (in the lungs)
Pneumoconiosis Abnormal condition of lung dust (lung tissues become fibrous after prolonged exposure)
Tuberculosis Abnormal condition of knots (in the lungs; caused by the an infectious disease that mainly affects individuals who also have an immunodeficiency disorder)
Cystic Fibrosis genetic disorder in which the lungs and pancreas are clogged with mucus
Eupnea good or normal breathing
Apnea without (spontaneous) breathing
Bradypnea (abnormally) slow breathing
Tachypnea (abnormally) rapid breathing
Dyspnea bad or difficult breathing
Hyperpnea excessive breathing (faster and deeper)
Hypopnea decreased breathing (slower and shallower)
Hypercapnia abnormal condition of excessive carbon dioxide
Anoxia abnormal condition without oxygen
Cyanosis abnormal condition of blue (from lack of oxygen)
Hypoxia abnormal condition of decreased oxygen (in the tissues)
Hypoxemia abnormal blood condition of decreased oxygen
Bronchoscopy visual examination of the bronchi
Laryngoscopy visual examination of the larynx
Oximeter means to measure oxygen
Spirometer means to measure breathing (air volume)
Septoplasty surgical repair of the septum
Pharyngoplasty surgical repair of the pharynx
Tracheotomy surgical incision into the trachea
Tracheostomy surgical creation of an opening into the trachea
Laryngectomy surgical removal of the larynx
Laryngoplasty surgical repair of the larynx
Pneumonectomy surgical removal of the lung
Thoracentesis surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest
Br Bronchitis
bronch bronchoscopy
CSB Cheyne-Stokes breathing
CF Cystic Fibrosis
diph diphtheria
PCP Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
Pno pneumothorax
PPV Positive Pressure Ventilation
SAS Sleep Apnea Syndrome
URI Upper Respiratory Infection
Aer/o air
An/o anus
Cholangi/o bile duct or vessel
Chole/o bile or gall
Cholecyst/o gallbladder
Col/o or Colon/o colon
Duoden/o duodenum
Enter/o small intestine
Esophag/o esophagus
Gastr/o stomach
Gingiv/o gums
Hemat/o blood
Hepat/o liver
Ile/o illeum
Myc/o fungus
Odont/o teeth
Orth/o straight/normal/correct
Palat/o palate
Proct/o rectum
Pyr/o fire/fever
Stomat/o mouth or oral cavity
Xer/o dry
-algia pain
-ectomy surgical removal
-itis inflammation
-graphy process of recording or producing a picture
-lithiasis presence of stones
-ologist specialist
-osis abnormal condition
-ostomy surgical creation of an opening
-pepsia digestion
-phagia swallowing condition
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhagia excessive/sudden flow (usually of blood)
-rrhaphy surgical suturing
-rrhea flow/discharge
-scopy visual examination
Dys- bad/difficult/painful/abnormal
Hyper- excessive
Peri- surrounding
Bariatrics branch of medicine concerned with the prevention and control of obesity/weightloss
Dentist specialist in diagnosing/treating disorders of teeth and tissues of the oral cavity
Gastroenterologist specialist in diagnosing/treating disorders of the stomach and intestines
Orthodonist specialist in the correct alignment of teeth and related facial structures
Periodontist specialist in the prevention/treatment of the tissues surrounding the teeth (gums)
Proctologist specialist in diagnosing/treating disorders of the colon/rectum/anus
Anorexia nervosa eating disorder of voluntary starvation and excessive excercise related to false perception of body appearance
Bulemia nervosa eating disorder characterized by frequent episodes of binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting
Obesity excessive accumulation of fat in the body
Morbid Obesity the condition of weighing 2-3 times more than the ideal body weight
Aerophagia (excessive) air swallowing (while eating or drinking that is a common cause of gas in the stomach)
Dyspepsia bad/difficult/painful digestion; (indigestion)
Emesis vomiting
Eructation the act of belching/burping
Hematemesis vomiting of blood
Hyperemesis excessive vomiting (that can lead to dehydration)
Regurgitation the return of swallowed food into the mouth
Stomatomycosis abnormal condition of mouth fungus (any disease related to fungus in the mouth)
Stomatorrhagia excessive/sudden flow (of blood) from the mouth
Xerostomia condition pertaining to dry mouth
Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate a birth defect in which the lip and/or palate fail to close during fetal development
Gingivitis inflammation of the gums
Dysphagia difficult swallowing
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) acid reflux
Pyrosis abnormal condition of fire/burning (heartburn)
Gastritis inflammation of the stomach
Gastroenteritis inflammation of the stomach and small intestines
Gastrorrhea abnormal flow/discharge (of secretions/mucus) from the stomach
Diverticulosis abnormal condition of diverticula (small pouches/sacs in the lining of the intestine)
Diverticulitis inflammation of the diverticula
Enteritis inflammation of the small intestines
Ulcerative Colitis chronic (unknown) condition of repeat inflammation/irritation and ulcers in the colon that follow a continuous pattern
Crohn’s Disease chronic autoimmune disorder of the digestive tract (most often occurs in the colon) and occur in sporadic patches
Volvulus the twisting of the intestine on itself
Intussusception the telescoping of the intestine in itself
Anal fissure groove/crack-like sore in the skin of the anus
Melena passage of black and foul smelling stools (usually indicates a bleed from the upper GI tract)
Hepatitis inflammation of the liver
Jaundice yellow discoloration of the skin caused by an excess of bilirubin in the blood
Cirrhosis progressive deterioration of the liver caused by excessive alcohol use or hepatitis
Cholangitis inflammation of the bile duct or vessel
Cholecystalgia pain in the gallbladder
Cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
Cholelithiasis presence of gallstones
Cholangiography process of recording or taking a picture of the bile duct
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy visual examination of the esophagus/stomach/duodenum
Colonoscopy visual examination of the colon
Sigmoidoscopy visual examination of the sigmoid (colon)
Anoscopy visual examination of anus
Antiemetic (medication that works) against emesis
surgical removal of the (diseased) gums Gingivectomy
Palatoplasty surgical repair of the palate (cleft lip and palate)
Stomatoplasty surgical repair of the mouth
Gastrectomy surgical removal (of all or part) of the stomach
Gastrostomy Tube surgical creation of an opening into the stomach (feeding tube from the abdomen into the stomach)
Colectomy surgical removal (of all or part) of the colon
Diverticulectomy surgical removal of diverticula
Gastroduodenostomy surgical creation of an opening (between the) stomach (and) duodenum
Ileostomy surgical creation of an opening from the ileum (to outside the abdomen)
Colostomy surgical creation of an opening from the colon (to outside the abdomen)
Proctectomy surgical removal of the rectum
Proctopexy surgical fixation of a (prolapsed) rectum
Proctoplasty surgical repair of the rectum
Hepatectomy surgical removal (of all or part) of the liver
Hepatorrhaphy surgical suturing of the liver
Choledocholithotomy surgical incision into the common bile duct (to remove) stones
Cholecystectomy surgical removal of the gall bladder
Choledoct/o common bile duct
Lith/o stones
-pexy surgical fixation
bili bilirubin
chole cholescystectomy
CIR cirrhosis
COL colonoscopy
CRC Colorectal carcinoma
EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy
EV esophageal varices
GE gastroentreritis
ICS ileocecal sphincter
IH inguinal hernia
IO intestinal obstruction
jaund jaundice
MO morbid obesity
PU pepetic ulcers
TMD temporomandibular disorders
TPN total parenteral nutrition
UC ulcerative colitis
Angi/o blood vessel
Ankyl/o bent/crooked/stiff
Arthr/o joint
Capn/o carbon dioxide
Cardi/o heart
Cholangi/o bile duct (vessel)
Chole/o gall (bile)
Cholecyst/o gallbladder
Chondr/o cartilage
Cost/o rib
Crani/o skull
Cyt/o cell
Embol/o something inserted/foreign
Erythr/o red
Hem/o blood
Hist/o tissue
Kinesi/o movement
Kyph/o hump
Leuk/o white
Lord/o bent backward
Mening/o brain/spinal coverings (meninges)
My/o muscle
Myel/o spinal cord or bone marrow
Onc/o tumor
Oste/o bone
Ox/I oxygen
Path/o disease
Phleb/o vein
Por/o pore
Pyel/o renal pelvis
Quadr/I four
Sarc/o flesh
Scoli/o curved
Splen/o spleen
Spondyl/o vertebrae/backbone
Synovi/o or synov/o synovial membranes
Thromb/o clot
Tox/o poison
Ur/o urine
Ureter/o ureter
Urethr/o urethra
Ven/o vein
-algia pain
-cele hernia/protrusion
-cyte cell
-desis surgical fusion/fixation
-ectomy surgical removal
-edema swelling
-emia blood condition
-ia condition
-ic or –tic pertaining to
-itis inflammation
-lithiasis presence of stones
-lysis surgical loosening/breaking or destruction
-malacia abnormal softening
-ologist specialist
-ology study of
-osis abnormal condition
-paresis partial paralysis or weakness
-penia deficieny
-plegia paralysis
-ptysis spitting
-thorax chest
-tripsy to crush
-um noun ending
Brady- slow
Hemi- half
Hyper- excessive
Hypo- deficient or decreased
Inter- between
Intra- within
Tachy- fast
Anesthetic medication used to induce anesthesia
Anesthetist RN who can administer anesthetic agents
Angina chest pain associated with narrowed coronary arteries
Arrhythmia heart beat without a rhythm
Cardiac arrest cessation of the heart beat
Diagnosis the identification of a disease
Embolism blockage of a blood vessel from a circulating substance
Embolus any substance (fat
Fissure crack or groove-like sore
Fistula abnormal passage
Paraplegia paralysis of the lower half of the body
Prognosis the prediction of the probable course or outcome of a disease
Supination turning the hand so the palm is facing up
Suppuration formation or discharge of pus
Thrombotic occlusion blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot attached to the wall
Thrombus blood clot attached to the wall of a blood vessel
Triage screening patients based on priority of medical need
Trauma any bodily injury from an accident/disaster
Pathology study of disease
Arthrodesis surgical fusion of a joint
Arthrolysis surgical loosening (setting free) of a (stiff) joint
Osteitis inflammation of bone
Osteomalacia abnormal softening of bone
Osteoporosis abnormal condition of bone pores
Hemiparesis slight paralysis (weakness) of half (of the body)
Hemiplegia paralysis of half (of the body)
Myoparesis slight paralysis (weakness) of muscle
Quadriplegia paralysis of four (limbs)
Erythrocyte red (blood) cell
Thrombocytopenia deficiency of clotting cell
Leukemia blood condition of white
Leukocyte white (blood) cell
Leukopenia deficiency of white (blood cells)
Bradycardia condition of slow heart
Tachycardia condition of fast heart
Hemoptysis spitting (up) blood
Hemothorax “blood chest”
Hypercapnia condition of excessive carbon dioxide
Hypoxemia blood condition of decreased oxygen
Hypoxia condition of decreased oxygen
Cholangitis inflammation of a bile duct/vessel
Cholecystalgia pain in the gallbladder
Cholecystectomy surgical removal of the gallbladder
Cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
Cholelithiasis presence of gallstones
Meningitis inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord
Meningocele hernia/protrusion of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord
Myelitis inflammation of bone marrow or spinal cord
-algia pain and suffering
dys- difficult, painful or bad
-ectomy surgical removal
hyper- over, above or increased
hypo- below, under or decreased
-itis inflammation
-osis a disease or abnormal condition
-otomy a surgical incision
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhage/-rrhagia sudden abnormal or excessive flow
-rrhaphy to suture or stitch
-rrhexis rupture
-sclerosis abnormal hardening
arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
gastr/o stomach
-malacia abnormal softening
-megaly large or enlargement
myel/o spinal cord or bone marrow
my/o muscle
-necrosis tissue death
neur/o nerve
-ology study of
-pathy disease
-stenosis abnormal narrowing
-ostomy creation of an artificial opening to the body surface
diff Dx differential diagnosis
Inflam Inflammation
Aden/o gland
Anter/o front or before
Caud/o tail or lower part of the body
Carcin/o cancerous
Cephal/o head
Chondr/o cartilage
Hist/o tissue
Path/o (-pathy) disease
Poster/o back or toward the back
Ventr/o belly side of the body
-oma tumor
-plasia formation
A- without
Ana- excessive
Epi- above
Genetic Disorders pathologic conditions caused by absent or defective genes
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) condition in which the lungs and pancreas are clogged with abnormally thick mucus
Hemophilia (hemo) bleeding disorder
Huntington’s Disease condition characterized by nerve degeneration
Muscular Dystrophy (MD) condition characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles that control movement
Phenylketonuria (PKU) condition characterized by a missing essential digestive enzyme that can lead to severe mental retardation if left undectected/untreated
Tay-Sachs Disease fatal condition in which harmful quantities of fatty substance build up in tissues and nerve cells in the brain
Aplasia the defective development or congenital absence of an organ/tissue
Hypoplasia incomplete development of an organ/tissue
Anaplasia change in the structure of cells and their orientation to each other
Dysplasia abnormal development of tissues/cells
Hyperplasia abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement in a tissue
Hypertrophy general increase in the bulk of a body part/organ due to an increase in size of cells in the tissues
Endemic ongoing presence of a disease within a population (Ex: the common cold)
Epidemic sudden/widespread outbreak of a disease within a specific population group or area (Ex: measles)
Pandemic outbreak of disease occurring over a large geographic area or worldwide (Ex: AIDS)
Functional disease symptoms for which no physiological/anatomical cause can be identified (Ex: irritable bowel syndrome)
Iatrogenic illness unfavorable response to medical treatment (Ex: side effects from medication)
Idiopathic disease illness without known cause (Ex: Crohn’s disease)
Infectious disease caused by living pathogenic organisms (Ex: flu)
Nosocomial Infection infection acquired in a hospital or clinical setting
Organic Disirder caused by detectable physical changes in the body (Ex: Diabetes)
Congenital Disorder abnormal condition that exists at the time of birth
-ologist specialist
Umbilic/o umbilicus (belly button)
CD communicable disease
P physiology or posterior
Midsagittal Plane divides body along the midline into right and left
Frontal Plane divides body into anterior and posterior
Transverse Plane divides body into superior and inferior
Histologist specialist in the structure and composition of tissues
Pathologist specialist in the analysis of tissue samples to establish a diagnosis
CF Cystic Fibrosis
PKU Phenylketonuria
Ankyl/o crooked, stiff, bent
Burs/o bursa (sac of fluid near the joint)
Cost/o rib
Kyph/o hump
Lord/o swayback curve/bent backward
Oste/o bone
Por/o pore (small opening)
Scoli/o curved
Spondyl/o vertebrae (backbone)
Synovi/o; Synov/o synovial membrane (membrane that lubricates the joints)
-lysis loosening / setting free (therapeutic) or breaking down/destruction (diseased condition)
Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) used to treat certain types of cancers (leukemia
Allogenic BMT uses healthy bone marrow from a compatible donor
Autologous BMT the patient receives his own marrow cells that have been previously harvested
Hallux valgus abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe (bunion)
Luxation total dislocation of a bone from its joint
Subluxation partial displacement of a bone from its joint
Rheumatoid Arthritis joint inflammation caused by the body’s immune system attacking its own joint tissues
Osteoarthritis (OA) bone/joint inflammation caused by “wear-and-tear” of cartilage at the joints
Spondylosis “wear-and-tear” of the cartilage of the vertebrae
Lumbago pain in the lumbar region of the spine (may be caused by anything)
Spina Bifida congenital defect where the spinal canal fails to close around the spinal cord
Kyphosis abnormal increase of the outward curvature of the spine (humpback)
Lordosis abnormal increase of the forward curvature (swayback)
Scoliosis abnormal lateral curvature of the spine (sideways)
Comminuted fracture (Fx) bone is splintered/crushed into pieces
Greenstick fracture (Fx) bone is bent/partially broken (usually in children)
Open fracture (Fx) bone is broken out to the surface of the skin
Spiral fracture (Fx) bone is broken by a twisting motion (usually in sports injuries)
Stress fracture (Fx) small crack in the bone from overuse or chronic/excessive impact
Arthrodesis surgical fixation (fusion) of a joint (to stiffen the joint due to severe deformities)
Arthrolysis surgical loosening of a (stiffened) joint
Arthroplasty surgical repair of a joint (may also be an artificial joint replacement)
Bursectomy surgical removal of bursa
Chondroplasty surgical repair of (damaged) cartilage
Synovectomy surgical removal of synovial membrane from a joint
Ostectomy surgical removal of bone
Osteoplasty surgical repair of bone/bones
Osteorrhaphy surgical suturing (wiring together) of bones
Osteotomy surgical incision or sectioning of bone
Bursitis inflammation of a bursa
Chondromalacia abnormal softening of cartilage
Chondroma benign tumor in cartilage
Costochondritis inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the sternum
Synovitis inflammation of the synovial membrane
Ostealgia bone pain
Osteitis inflammation of bone
Osteomalacia abnormal softening of bones in adults (caused by Vitamin D deficiency)
Osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone and bone marrow
Osteonecrosis death of bone tissue (due to insufficient blood supply)
Myeloma cancer found in bone marrow
Osteochondroma benign bony projection covered with cartilage
Osteoporosis (OP) abnormal condition of porous bone (loss of bone density)
Chiropractor specializes in spinal manipulation to treat various disorders
Orthopedic surgeon specializes in diseases/disorders involving the bones
Osteopath uses traditional forms of medical treatment in addition to spinal manipulation
Arthrosclerosis abnormal hardening of a joint
Ankylosis stiff; abnormal condition (loss of joint mobility)
Myeloma tumor found in bone marrow
Osteochondroma benign tumor of bone and cartilage (cartilage-capped bony growth)
BMT Bone Marrow Transplant
Fx Fracture
OA Osteoarthritis
OP Osteoporosis
Brady- slow
Tachy- fast
-cele hernia
-desis bind/tie together; surgical suturing
-emia blood condition
-ia condition
-ic pertaining to
-al pertaining to
CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
prog prognosis
A anterior
ADL Activities of Daily Living
RT Related To
caudal towards the lower part of the body
cephalic towards the head
anterior situated in the front (opposite of posterior)
posterior situated in the back (opposite of anterior)
dorsal refers to the back of the organ or body
ventral refers to the front, or belly side, of the organ or body
cranial cavity surrounds and protects the brain
spinal cavity surrounds and protects the spinal cord
thoracic cavity surrounds and protects the heart and lungs
abdominal cavity contains primarily the major organs of digestion
pelvic cavity contains primarily the organs of teh reproductive and excretory systems
rt & lt hypochondriac region on right and left side of body and covered by the ribs
rt & lt lumbar region located on the left and right sides near teh inward curve of the spine. The part between ribs and pelvis.
rt & lt iliac region right and left sides over the hip bones
epigastric region above the stomach
umbilical center; middle of the stomach (belly button)
hypogastric region below the stomach
sign objective evidence of a disease
symptom patient reported (subjective) evidence of diease
laceration torn/jagged wound
lesion change of the tissues due to disease or injury
palpation examination technique in which the examiner's hands are used to feel the texture, size and location of certain body parts
palpitation pounding or racing of the heart
diagnosis (Dx) the identification of disease
prognosis (prog) the prediction or probable course/outcome of a disease
infection invasion of the body by pathogens
inflammation (inflam) localized response to an injury or destruction of tissues
chronic illness illness that has a long duration and rarely cured
acute illness illness that has a quick onset and/or lasts for a short duration
remission temporary/partial or complete disappearance of the symptoms of disease without achieving a cure
-algia pain and suffering
dys- difficult, painful or bad
-ectomy surgical removal
hyper- over, above or increased
hypo- below, under or decreased
-itis inflammation
-osis a disease or abnormal condition
-otomy a surgical incision
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhage/-rrhagia sudden abnormal or excessive flow
-rrhaphy to suture or stitch
-rrhexis rupture
-sclerosis abnormal hardening
arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
gastr/o stomach
-malacia abnormal softening
-megaly large or enlargement
myel/o spinal cord or bone marrow
my/o muscle
-necrosis tissue death
neur/o nerve
-ology study of
-pathy disease
-stenosis abnormal narrowing
-ostomy creation of an artificial opening to the body surface
diff Dx differential diagnosis
Inflam Inflammation
Aden/o gland
Carcin/o cancerous
Chondr/o cartilage
-oma tumor
A- or An- without
Genetic Disorders pathologic conditions caused by absent or defective genes
Endemic ongoing presence of a disease within a population (Ex: the common cold)
Epidemic sudden/widespread outbreak of a disease within a specific population group or area (Ex: measles)
Pandemic outbreak of disease occurring over a large geographic area or worldwide (Ex: AIDS)
Functional disease symptoms for which no physiological/anatomical cause can be identified (Ex: irritable bowel syndrome)
Iatrogenic illness unfavorable response to medical treatment (Ex: side effects from medication)
Idiopathic disease illness without known cause (Ex: Crohn’s disease)
Infectious disease caused by living pathogenic organisms (Ex: flu)
Nosocomial Infection infection acquired in a hospital or clinical setting
Organic Disirder caused by detectable physical changes in the body (Ex: Diabetes)
Congenital Disorder abnormal condition that exists at the time of birth
-ologist specialist
CD communicable disease
P physiology or posterior
CF Cystic Fibrosis
PKU Phenylketonuria
Cost/o rib
Kyph/o hump
Lord/o swayback curve/bent backward
Oste/o bone
Spondyl/o vertebrae (backbone)
-lysis loosening / setting free (therapeutic) or breaking down/destruction (diseased condition)
Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) used to treat certain types of cancers (leukemia
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) joint inflammation caused by the body’s immune system attacking its own joint tissues
Osteoarthritis (OA) bone/joint inflammation caused by “wear-and-tear” of cartilage at the joints
Kyphosis abnormal increase of the outward curvature of the spine (humpback)
Lordosis abnormal increase of the forward curvature (swayback)
Scoliosis abnormal lateral curvature of the spine (sideways)
Comminuted fracture (Fx) bone is splintered/crushed into pieces
Greenstick fracture (Fx) bone is bent/partially broken (usually in children)
Open fracture (Fx) bone is broken out to the surface of the skin
Spiral fracture (Fx) bone is broken by a twisting motion (usually in sports injuries)
Stress fracture (Fx) small crack in the bone from overuse or chronic/excessive impact
BMT Bone Marrow Transplant
Fx Fracture
OA Osteoarthritis
Brady- slow
Tachy- fast
-cele hernia
-desis bind/tie together; surgical suturing
-emia blood condition
-ia condition
-ic pertaining to
CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
prog prognosis
A anterior
ADL Activities of Daily Living
RT Related To
sign objective evidence of a disease
symptom patient reported (subjective) evidence of diease
diagnosis (Dx) the identification of disease
prognosis (prog) the prediction or probable course/outcome of a disease
infection invasion of the body by pathogens
inflammation (inflam) localized response to an injury or destruction of tissues
remission temporary/partial or complete disappearance of the symptoms of disease without achieving a cure
Angi/o or Vascul/o blood vessel
Ather/o fatty plaque or substance
Cardi/o or Card/o heart
Cyt/o or -cyte cell
Erythr/o red
Hem/o or Hemat/o blood
Leuk/o white
Phleb/o vein
Thromb/o clot
-gram picture or record
-graphy process of recording
-lytic to destroy
-penia deficiency
Endo- within
Epi- above/upon
Peri- surrounding
Erythrocytes Red (blood) cell- carry oxygen
Leukocytes White (blood) cell- fight infection
Thrombocytes Clotting cell (Platelet)- clot blood
Angina episode of severe chest pain due to inadequate blood flow to the myocardium
Myocardial Infarction (MI) episode where there is a total blockage of blood flow to the myocardium
Thrombus blood clot attached to the wall of a blood vessel (stationary)
Embolus foreign object (blood clot/air/tissue/fat/tumor) that circulates in the blood vessels (traveling)
Cardiac Arrest when the heart abruptly stops or develops an abnormal rhythm that prevents it from pumping blood
Atrial Fibrillation (A-fib) rapid/irregular/uncontrolled heartbeat originating from the atria
Ventricular Fibrillation (V-fib) rapid/irregular/uncontrolled heartbeat originating from the ventricles
Arrhythmia abnormality or loss of normal rhythm in the heartbeat
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses potentially life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias
Defibrillation shock that stops fibrillation, allowing the heart to reestablish a normal rhythm
A-Fib atrial fibrillation
chol cholesterol
CAD coronary artery disease
EKG or ECG electrocardiogram
MI myocardial infarction
V-fib ventricular vibrillation
Allergist specialist in allergic reactions
Antigen any substance that the body sees as being foreign
Allergen any substance that produces an allergic reaction
Allergy overreaction by the body to a particular antigen
Anaphylaxis a severe response to an allergen
Immunologist specialist in the immune system
Autoimmune Disorder condition in which the immune system produces antibodies against its own tissues
Immunodeficiency Disorder condition in which the immune response in compromised
Immunotherapy treatment of the immune system (involves stimulating the immune response)
Immunosuppressant type of medication that prevents/reduces the body’s normal immune response
Oncologist specialist in the prevention/causes/ treatments of tumors and cancer
Tumor abnormal mass of tissue with uncontrolled cell multiplication
Benign not life-threatening
Malginant potentially life-threatening
Cancer class of diseases with uncontrolled cell multiplication and the ability of these cells to invade other tissues
Metastasize process by which cancer spreads
Metastasis change beyond control (new cancer site that results from the spreading process)
Anti- against
Lymphaden/o lymph node
Lymphangi/o lymph vessel
Lymph/o lymph
Lymphocyt/o white blood cell
Sarc/o flesh
-genesis creation or reproduction
Tox/o or -toxic poison
T-Lymphocytes produced in the Thymus; phagocytes (cells that eat)
B-Lymphocytes antibodies (immunoglobulins)
Crani/o skull
Dors/o back of body
Kines/o movement
Laryng/o throat
Ot/o ear
Poster/o behind, toward the back
Rhin/o nose
Ten/Tendin/o tendon
Ton/o tone, tension, stretching
in front, belly side of body
-clasis break down
-paresis partial or incomplete paralysis
-plegia full paralysis
-Hemi- half
aneurysm localized weak spot or balloon-like enlargement of an arterial wall
hypertension high blood pressure
hypotension low blood pressure
abd abdomen
ant anterior
D dorsal
FMS fibromyalgia syndrome
hemi hemiplegia
MD Muscular Dystrophy
MS Multiple Sclerosis
quad quadraplegic
ventr ventral
Asbest/o asbestos (insulation particles)
Aer/o air
Angi/o blood vessel
Anthrac/o coal dust
Atel/o incomplete
Bronch/o bronchus
Capn/o carbon dioxide
Carcin/o cancer
Caus/o burning
Chem/o chemical
Col/o colon (large intestine)
Coni/o dust
Cyan/o blue
Cyst/o bladder
Cyt/o cell
Duoden/o duodenum (1st section of the small intestine)
Electr/o electric
Encephal/o brain
Enter/o small intestines
Gastr/o stomach
Hem/o or Hemat/o blood
Ile/o ileum (2nd section of the small intestines)
Immun/o protected/safe
Klept/o to steal
Laryng/o larynx (voicebox)
Leuk/o white
Lith/o or –lith stone
Lymphaden/o lymph node (gland)
Lymphangi/o lymph vessel
Lymphocyt/o lymph cell
My/o muscle
Myc/o fungus
Nephr/o kidney
Olig/o scanty
Ot/o ear
Ox/i oxygen
Palat/o palate
Pneum/o or Pneumon/o lung
Phag/o eat/swallow
Pharyng/o pharynx
Phon/o voice
Proct/o rectum
Pulmon/o lung
Py/o pus
Pyel/o renal pelvis
Pyr/o fire/burning
Rhin/o nose
Sarc/o flesh
Spir/o to breathe
Stomat/o or –stomia mouth
Thromb/o clot
Trache/o trachea (windpipe)
Trichotill/o hair pulling
Ur/o or –uria urine/urination
Ureter/o ureter (tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder)
Urethr/o urethra (tube that carries urine from the bladder to be excreted out of the body)
Xer/o dry
-algia pain
-cele hernia/protrusion
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-cyte cell
-ectasis stretching
-edema swelling
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood condition
-esthesia sensation/feeling
-genesis creation
-gram picture or record
-graphy process of producing a picture/record
-ia condition
-itis inflammation
-lithiasis presence of stones
-mania madness
-meter means to measure
-ologist or –iatrist specialist
-oma tumor
-osis abnormal condition
-ostomy surgical creation of an artificial opening
-otomy surgical incision
-pepsia digestion
-phagia swallowing
-plasm formative material
-plastic pertaining to formation
-plasty surgical repair
-pnea breathing
-poetic formation
-ptosis prolapse/drooping/sagging
-pytsis spitting
-rrhagia bleeding
-rrhea abnormal flow or discharge
-scopy visual examination
-stasis control
-therapy treatment
-thorax chest
-toxic pertaining to poison
-tripsy to crush
A- without/absence
Anti- against
Brachy- short
Brady- slow
Dys- bad/difficult/painful
Hyper- excessive/increased
Hypo- deficient/decreased
Neo- new or strange
Tachy- fast
Tele- far
Aspiration Pneumonia type of pneumonia that occurs when a foreign substance is inhaled into the lungs
Asthma chronic allergic disease characterized by episodes of bronchospasms and wheezing
Cystic Fibrosis genetic disorder in which there is an accumulation of mucus in the lungs and digestive tract
Bariatrics branch of medicine concerned with the prevention and treatment of obesity
Bulemia eating disorder characterized by binge eating and self-induced vomiting
Anorexia eating disorder characterized by starvation and excessive exercise
Obesity accumulation of excessive fat in the body
Eructation the act of burping/belching
Regurgitation the return of swallow contents into the esophagus/mouth
Crohn’s Disease chronic autoimmune disease with inflammation/irritation in the deep layers of the large intestines (sporadic; cobblestone appearance)
Ulcerative Colitis chronic disease with inflammation/irritation in the surface layers of the large intestines; continuous)
Diverticulitis inflammation of the small pouches (within the small intestines)
Volvulus twisting of the intestines on itself
Intussusception telescoping of the intestines on itself
Melena black and tarry stools containing digested blood
Enuresis involuntary urination
Diuresis increased output of urination
Incontinence involuntary excretion of urine/feces
Catheterization procedure in which a tube is inserted into the urethra to remove urine from the bladder
Ultrasonography process of producing a 3D picture using soundwaves
Echoencephalography process of producing a 2D picture of the brain using soundwaves
Anesthesiologist physician qualified to administer anesthetic agents
Anesthetist RN qualified to administer anesthetic agents
Local Anesthetic medication to induce anesthesia in a specific area
Regional Anesthetic medication to induce anesthesia in a large area
General Anesthetic medication to induce anesthesia that affects the entire brain and body
Antipsychotic medication that works against psychotic disorders
Anxiolytic medication that works against anxiety (sedative
Anesthetic medication to induce anesthesia
Hemorrhagic Stroke disruption of brain flow caused by a bleed
Ischemic Stroke disruption of brain flow caused by a blockage
Syncope fainting
Lethargy lowered level of consciousness (drowsiness/apathy/reduced activity)
Coma deep state of unconsciousness without spontaneous eye movement/response to pain
Concussion violent shaking (jarring) of the brain
Contusion bruising of brain tissue
Hematoma a collection of blood trapped in the tissues of the brain
Dementia general decline in mental abilities
Alzheimer’s Disease progressive deterioration of the brain structures that affect thought/memory
Parkinson’s Disease progressive loss of control over muscle movements (tremors/bradykinesia/shuffling gait)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis progressive deterioration of muscle related to the loss of nerve function
Multiple Sclerosis autoimmune disease caused by the deterioration or demyelination of the myelin sheath of nerves
Guillain-Barre Syndrome autoimmune illness that causes a temporary paralysis related to the inflammation of the myelin sheath of nerves
Trigeminal Neuralgia temporary lightning-like pain that occurs suddenly to one side of the face
Bell’s Palsy temporary paralysis on one side of the face
Psychologist specialist of the mind
physician specialist of the min who CAN prescribe medications Psychiatrist
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder characterized by recurrent/unwanted obsessions and compulsions (impulses to act)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms of anxiety/sleep disorders/difficulty concentrating/emotional disturbances that may develop after a traumatic event
Panic Attack intense emotional feelings (fear/terror) with physical symptoms
Hypochondriasis fear that one has a serious illness despite appropriate medical evaluation
Factitious Disorder condition in which an individual acts as if he/she has a physical illness when he/she is not really sick. This may include self-inflicted symptoms
Schizophrenia characterized by withdrawal from reality and disorganized thinking (with delusions and hallucinations)
Chol/e bile, gall
Bulla large blister (contains watery fluid)
Cicatrix normal scar
Keloid abnormally raised or thickened scar
Onychcryptosis abnormal condition of hidden nail (ingrown toenail)
Onychomycosis abnormal condition of nail fungus
Onychophagia condition of nail eating (nail biting)
Melanosis abnormal condition of black (pigmentation on different parts of the body)
Vitiligo loss of pigment in areas of the skin resulting in milk-white patches (destruction of melanocytes)
Macule discolored flat spot that is less than 1cm in diameter (freckles or flat moles)
Pustule small elevation of skin containing pus (pimple)
Vesicle small blister (contains a watery fluid)
Lupus Erythematosus autoimmune disorder with a red-scaly rash on the face and upper trunk (also attacks other body tissues)
Scleroderma autoimmune disorder in which the tissues become thick and hardened
Nevi Moles
Psoriasis autoimmune disease where there are flare-ups with silvery plaques
Created by: vorachekt
Popular Medical sets




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