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Renal Exam

Kidneys are _____ inches long and weigh ____ ounces each 5 inches, 5-6 oz
Nephron can function until ___% gone 75
Each kidney has 1 million ________ Nephron
Separate necessary from unnecessary fluid Nephron
Selective filtration of blood. Problem with this leads to proteinuria Glomerulus
Normal daily urine output is 800-2000 mL/day
Selective blood filtration in the glomerulus occurs at a rate of _____ ml/min 125
Reabsorption of 80% of e-lytes and water occurs here. Secretion of H+ and creatinine Proximal tube
Reabsorption of Na, Cl, and H2O occurs here Loop of Henle
Renal failure anemia occurs d/t decrease in Protein
What can be given to pt with RF anemia? Epogen/Procrit
What is normal sp gravity? 1.010-1.025
What is normal urine osmolality? 200-800
Bun to creatinine ration 10:1
Diagnostic test that determines size, shape, and position of kidneys. Simple xray. Can also detect kidney stones KUB
Test that shows fluid accumulation, masses, organ size, malformations. US
Test visualizes the bladder. Contrast given. Xrays taken. Cystogram
Tests given with contrast medium. Check BUN, creat, and allergies. IV needed. Looks inside and outside. Estimates RF. IVP
Cath thru ureters. Contrast given. Collecting system visualized. Retrograde Pyelography
Looking at blood flow with this test Renal angiography
What assessments/interventions for kidney biopsy? Monitor for bleeding. 4-12h bedrest. BP for hypotension, I/O, s/s infection
Created by: mreedy
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