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SAT Vocabulary

abstemious moderate in drinking and eating
acquiesce to comply
acrimonious great bitterness
admonish to earnestly caution
adroit/deft/dexterous skillful
aesthetic an appreciation of what is beautiful or attractive
affable/amiable/genial/gregarious agreeable, friendly
aloof detached, reserved
amalgam a mixture, combination of different elements
ambiguous unclear, not definitive
ambivalent having mixed feelings
anachronism not in the proper time period
analogy a similarity or likeliness
anguish agonizing mental or physical pain
anomaly/atypical a deviation from the norm
antecedent/forerunner a preceding event
antipathy/animosity strong dislike
antithesis/antipodal something that is the direct opposite of another thing
archaic out of date
ascetic a person who leads a life of self-denial
audacious very bold; daring
auspicious very favorable
automation a person who acts in a mechanical manner, a mindless follower
autonomous independent
Bane a source of harm
belie to give a false impression
benefactor a person who gives gifts
beneficiary a person who receives benefits
Boon a timely benefit
boorish/uncouth vulgar, crude
bowdlerize to remove or delete objectionable parts of a book
bucolic/rustic/pastoral charmingly rurally
bungler a clumsy or inept person
callous insensitive
capricious/mercurial fickle, constant shifting mood
charlatan a fake, a fraud, a cheat
chimerical a fantastic scheme, unchecked imagination
circuitous circular and therefore indirect
circumscribe to narrowly restrict, to limit action, to draw a line around
circumspect/prudent cautious, careful
circumvent to avoid by artful maneuvering
clairvoyant a person who uses intuition to see into the future
clandestine/surreptitious secretive, not aboveboard, covert
confounded/perplexed/mystified puzzled, confused
conjecture/supposition an inference
convoluted twisted, intricate
copious abundant, a great amount
Covet to strongly desire, to crave
cryptic mysterious, having a hidden message
Curtail to cut short or reduce
Dearth/paucity scarcity or shortage
debunk to put down by exposing false claims
decry to express strong disapproval
deleterious harmful, injurious
demagogue a speaker who appeals to emotion, fear, or prejudices
demise the final ending of something, the downfall
denounce to speak against
deride to put down with contemptuous jeering
despondent/forlorn feeling downcast, dejected
devoid completely lacking in something
diatribe/tirade a bitter denunciation
diffident lacking self-confidence
digress to depart from a subject
dilettante an amateur or dabbler
diminutive very small
dirge a funeral hymn, mournful music
dismissive to reject, disregard
disparage belittle, slight
disparity an inequality, an imbalance
dispel to drive away, scatter
dissembler/prevaricator a liar, deciever
draconian very strict laws and rules
eccentric an odd, unconventional person
elusive out of reach, difficult to catch
enigmatic/inscrutable mysterious; baffling
enumerate to list; to tick off
equanimity calmness, composure
erroneous filled with error, wrongs
evocation an imaginative recreation
exemplary outstanding
exhort to strongly encourage
exorbitant unreasonably expensive
expunge/exercise/expurgate delete, remove
extricate to get out of a difficult situation
fiasco/debacle a complete failure
fleeting/ephemeral very brief, short lived
fortitude strength of mind
fortuitous an accidental but fortunate occurance
galvanize to electrify, stir into action
gerrymander to divide a district so as to give one side an advantage
halcyon idyllically calm and tranquil
haughty proud or arrogant
hedonist seeker of pleasure
hypothetical based on assumption, supposed
iconoclast someone who attacks cherished ideas and institutions
impasse failure to reach an agreement
impeccable faultless, perfect
impecunious poor, penniless, not affluent
impetus a stimulus or encouragement
implacable not capable of being pleased
incoherent lacking organization or lock
incontrovertible indisputable, beyond doubt
indifferent/apathetic lack of interest or concern
indigenous/endemic native to an area
indignant outrage at something that is unjust
indulgent overly tolerant
inexorable relentless, unstoppable
innocuous harmless
innovator a person who introduces something new
innuendo an indirect reference to something else
insurmountable not being capable of overcoming
intemperate lacking restraint, excessive
intrepid/undaunted fearless, courageous
irreverent lacking proper respect, disrespectful
itinerant mobile, not sedentary
jovial/jocular good-humored, cheerful
juggernaut an irresistable force
laconic succinct, terse, very brief, concise
laud/extol/Tout/acclaim praise, applause
magnanimous generous and forgiving
Martinet a strict disciplinarian
maudin excessively sentimental
Maverick an independent person
mellifluous smooth and sweet flowing
mentor a teacher, a guide
misanthrope a person who hates humankind
mitigate/mollify/assuage/alleviate to ease, relieve, lessen
momentous of great importance
morose/despondant very depressed
nadir to lowest point
naïve/credulous unspohisticated
nebulous vague, lacking a fully developed form
nefarious extremely wicked, vile
neophyte/novice/greenhorn a beginner
nonchalant casual indifference
nostalgia a sentimental longing for the past
obsolete no longer in use
ominous threatening and menacing
oracle a person who is a source of wise counsel and prophetic advice
ostracize to deliberately exclude from a group
painstaking/meticulous/exacting highly detailed
panache/verve dash and flamboyance
pandemic widespread epidemic
pandemonium a wild uproar, tumult
paradox a seeming contradiciton that expresses a truth
partisan a person with biased beliefs
penchant/predilection a preference for something; inclination
placid/serene very calm, quiet
plausible believable
poignant touching; heartrending
polarize/divisive to break into opposite factions
pompous pretentious, filled with self-importance
pragmatic practical, sensible
prattle to babble incessantly
presumptuous overbearing; incessantly bold
prodigious enormous, massive
prodigy a young genius
prognosticator a person who makes predictions based upon data
proponent/advocate a champion of a cause
prototype an original model
provocative provokes controversy
prudent careful, cautious
pundit a professional commentator
quioxic foolishly impractical
racontuer a person who excels in anecdote
reaffirm to assert again
rebuff to repel or drive back, to reject
recalcitrant/obdurate very stubborn, defiant
recluse a person who leads a solitary secluded life
redundant doing or saying something again and again
rejuvenate to make young again
relinquish to give something back
renegade a disloyal person
renovate to make new again
reproach/censure to scold, rebuke
reprobate a morally unprincipled person
repudiate/recant/renounce to take back, disavow
resiliant to bounce back
resurgent to rise again, surge back
reticent to hold back one's thoughts and feelings
rhetorican an eloquent writer or speaker
sarcastic/sardonic derisive mocking comments
serendipity an accidental but fortunate discovery
skeptic a doubter
sophistry a deliberately misleading argument
Spartan/austere plain, simple
stoic a person who is impassive and emotionless
superficial shallow, lacking depth
sycophant/obsequious a person who behaves in a servile manner, a toady
tenacious showing great determination
thwart/stymie to stop; frustrate
trite/hackneyed/pedestrian/platitudinous/banal commonplace
ubiquitous/prevanent everywhere, widespread, prevalent
unconventional/unorthodox not ordinary or typical
viable/feasible possible
vicarious/ravenous huge appetite, cannot be satisfied, insatiable
wry dry humor
zealot a very enthusiastic person
futile doomed to failure
Created by: josiedibrell
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