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Seizures & Symptoms

Classification of seizures and symptoms

Classification: Partial Type: Simple Partial Symptoms: Olfactory, auditory, and visual hallucinations; intense emotions; twitching of arms, legs, and face.
Classification: Partial Type: Complex partial (psychomotor) Symptoms: aura (preceding); brief period of confusion or sleepiness afterward with no memory of seizure (postictal confusion); fumbling with or attempting to remove clothing; no response to verbal commands.
Classification: Generalized Type: Absence (petit mal) Symptoms: Lasting a few seconds; seen most often in children (child stares into space, does not respond to verbal stimulation, may have fluttering eyelids or jerking); misdiagnosed often (especially in children) as ADD or daydreaming
Classification: Generalized Type: Atonic (drop attacks) Symptoms: falling or stumbling for no reason;, lasting a few seconds
Classification: Generalized Type: Tonic-clonic (grand mal) aura (preceding); intense muscle contraction (tonic phase) followed by alternating contraction and relaxation of muscles (clonic phase)
Classification: Special syndromes Type: Febrile seizure Symptoms: tonic-clonic activity lasting 1-2 minutes, rapid return to consciousness, occurs in children usually between 3 months and 5 years of age
Classification: Special syndromes Type: Myoclonic seizure Symptoms: large jerking movements of a major muscle group, such as an arm; falling from a sitting position or dropping what is held.
Classification: Special syndromes Type: Status epilepticus Symptoms: considered a medical emergency; continuous seizure activity, which can lead to coma or death
Classification: Generalized Type: Tonic-clonic (grand mal) Symptoms: crying at the beginning as air leaves lungs; loss of bowel/bladder control; shallow breathing with periods of apnea; usually lasting 1 to 2 minutes; disorientation and deep sleep after seizure (postictal state)
Popular Pharmacology sets




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