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Bible Trivia


What did God create on the first day? (hint Genesis 1:3-5) Light and darkness (day and night)
What did God create on the second day? (hint Genesis 1:6-8) The sky
What did God create on the third day? (hint Genesis 1:9-13) Land, the sea, trees, and other plant life
What did God create on the fourth day? (hint Genesis 1:14-19) Sun, moon, and stars
What did God create on the fifth day? (hint Genesis 1:20-23) Sea creatures and birds
What did God create on the sixth day? (hint Genesis 1:24-31) Every kind of animal and Human
What did God create on the seventh day? (hint Genesis 2:2) Trick question! He did not create anything on the seventh He rested.
What did God form Man from and what gave him life? (hint Genesis 2:7) The dust of the ground. God breathed the breath of life into man's nostrils giving him life.
What did God place in the middle of the Garden? (hint Genesis 2:9) In the middle of the garden He placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
What warning did God give Adam that would result in his death if he disobeyed? (hint Genesis 2:15-17) God said if you eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you are sure to die.
How was woman created? (hint Genesis 2:19-23) God created woman from causing man to fall asleep and taking from man a rib (or side). Then from that rib He created woman
What character questions what God says and was known as the shrewdest of all that God made? (hint Genesis 3:1) The serpent
Who was the first to eat of the forbidden fruit and why? (hint Genesis 3:6) The woman saw it looked delicious and she wanted the knowledge it would give her.
What was the first thing Adam and Eve noticed after they ate of the forbidden fruit? What do they do about it? (hint Genesis 3:6-7) That they were naked. They sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.
Where did Adam and Eve hide after they ate of the forbidden fruit and heard God coming? (hint Genesis 3:8) They hid themselves among the trees of the garden.
When looking for Adam and Eve after they ate the forbidden fruit, who does God call out for first? (hint Genesis 3:9) God called out to Adam first
What was Adams reason for hiding from God after he ate from the forbidden fruit? (hint Genesis 3:10) He was afraid because he was naked.
Why does Adam call his wife Eve? (hint Genesis 3:20) Because she was the mother of all living people.
What was Adams punishment for eating of the forbidden fruit? (hint Genesis 3:17) The ground was cursed
What was Eves punishment for eating of the forbidden fruit? (hint Genesis 3:16) Pain in child birth
What were the names of Adam and Eves first two sons? (hint Genesis 4:1-2) Cain and Abel
What was Abel's job? (hint Genesis 4:2) Abel was a keeper of the sheep
What was Cain's Job? (hint Genesis 4:2) Cain was a tiller of the ground.
Who said “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” (hint Genesis 4:9) Cain
What did Cain do in his anger after God didn't respect his offering? (hint Genesis 4:8) Killed his brother Abel
What was the name of Adam and Eve's third son mentioned in Genesis? (hint Genesis 4:25) Seth
Created by: 605205732
Popular Religion sets




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